Monday, January 25, 2010

Reflections of Laughter and Ab Development

It is a beautiful Monday afternoon. This morning I was able to run a few errands close to home and also get a workout in at church. Actually did a little on the elliptical trainer and then walked the track the rest of the time. Roy has BSF tonight so I have a free evening ahead. I am looking forward to Bible study beginning tomorrow night. Beth is teaching on David. I love studying his life. Since September in Community Bible Study we have been studying the divided kingdom which began after Solomon's reign. So with David, this will bring this whole portion of the Old Testament into a clearer picture and I will have better understanding of it all.

It will be a year on January 29 since I retired. It has been an interesting and challenging year. Although, the stress level was much lower. God brought me through an interesting study of the storms in the Bible this past year. There has been time to contemplate. There has been the wonderful experience of quiet and being still. OK, who am I kidding, there were a lot less deadlines and lots more mornings to ease into. A lot less people to keep happy and little pressure to keep watch over the sensitive and easily peeved ones who used to fill my days. And days without set plans that developed into some of the more meaningful moments of my life. Lots of lunches out with friends, Bible study with Peggy, Mimi's with Lisa P and the most glorious afternoon naps that one can have. I wish I could tell you that I rediscovered my love of cooking, but maybe that is out there FAAARRRR on the horizon. Buddy seems to really like having me around more. Of course that is what life here at home is all about, Roy and I keeping Buddy happy. Think I might do a separate post on this subject...not Buddy's happiness...the last year. My eyes are having a good day and they aren't worn out and being non-cooperative this afternoon. So while the going is good, I'm doing the writing.

Just had a great abs workout. Well, it was from laughter. Yep, me and Lisa P on the phone. Had a great laughter workout before Sunday School with my table 9 friends. Actually, Roy and I had lunch with a friend yesterday and we had lots of laughter then too. With all this laughter I should have some 6 pack abs going. Well, maybe it will be more like two pack abs. OK, maybe it will be; I'll be able to see my abs.

1 comment:

Marty H said...

A friend's husband say why have six pack abs when you can have the whole keg! I always enjoy your posts. Glad you got out of work before the rigid folk drove you totally crazy.