Thursday, December 6, 2012

Depth of the Day

I got a glimpse into the future this future if my appearance is unattended in the nursing home, but to be culturally relevant, it is now called an assisted living facility.  Truth be told I was feeling kind of good about myself last night as I washed my face and applied my latest purchase of moisturizer that is going to make my whole appearance seem brand new.  How many times has the ad been on TV and the side bar of Facebook that says; 57 year old woman looks 27.  So last night when I noticed a breakout of two pimples, oops I'm an old lady...I mean blemishes I thought I had reached that young look.  It is not fair to have blemishes and wrinkles.  This morning as I began to apply eye makeup I noticed this long eyebrow hair that must have grown overnight that I could practically wrap around my head.  It is almost black where my eyebrows have my natural mousy brown look that would match my hair if I didn't highlight it.  Then on my cheek, facial cheek, there was another one of those wild black hair things.  Of course I got to repairing all the extra brow and facial hair pretty darn fast and that's when it hit me.  When I get old and can't see my reflection in the mirror are my eyebrows going to spout out like a new forest?   I kind of remember my grandmother on my father's side getting that wild hair look, and not in that good wild hair term of doing something fun and crazy.  She just forgot about the fun and dabbled in the crazy her in later years.  The future came today and dang it, I still have the two blemishes that are bugging the crud out of me. 

My friend CourtneyS and I have a contest every year.  We want to be the first one to hear Merry Christmas Darling and call and sing it to the other one.  One of my finest comedic moments came with Courtneys, who has a fabulous voice, at the church staff Christmas party which also happened to be a talent show.  CourtneyS made this sappy introduction and began singing my generations gift to Christmas music, Merry Christmas Darling.  Pre-planned I got up on the stage and attempted to sing it with her.  It was quite fun to do and quite funny.  She sounded so much like Karen Carpenter that I almost didn't come through with my part and would have left her up there singing that 1970 standard.  I have also written many times about our love of In the Bleak Mid Winter...snow on snow, that is how we would answer the phone when we called one another at the office.  She worked at the church as well.  Peggy and I have used In the Bleak Mid Winter many times, rewrote the words once and of course introducing Christmas Carols we'd say now let's sing a really fun and upbeat song...In the bleak mid winter long, long ago....  We actually sang that song in our teaching time at Bible study today.  It was all we could do not to laugh not because of the group leading it, just the history the song has for us personally.  I don't think I have ever sang that song in a worship type setting.  The choir sang it once and only the really musical people appreciated its tonality and the musicality.  It's right up there with Shepherd's Pipe Carol.  The altos get cheated in that song.

I have been performing both the husbandly and wifely duties this week.  Guess I need to take the trash out in a few minutes.  Roy cleans out Buddy's litter box and that job fell to me this week.  Glad Roy reminded me that I needed to take care of that because it would not have crossed my mind. 

Yesterday afternoon I had to keep myself busy and out of the house while Chris was here cleaning.  There were several errands that I crossed of the list and I had hoped I could keep myself occupied long enough to sit through most of the dress rehearsal for Celebration.  I would like to give a little shout out to my favorite store, The Nord.  I missed Sunday night's shopping opportunity.  I went to customer service and told them my story and they let me choose a day for the ten points.  So I chose that day.  They even reminded me I have two triple point days that I can use before Jan 31.  I love the Nord. 

Loved the Duck Dynasty Christmas special last night.  I was howling and laughing so hard.  Also had some fun Facebooking with friends who are new to the program and reading tweets during the commercials.  Glad we remembered to DVR it. 

Well that is the depth of the day.  Got my chores to get done and then I am going to try and finish up the book I am reading. 

1 comment:

FitzandMolly said...

I was thinking about our performance just yesterday, and about how horrified I would have been, had you just stayed in your seat. I would have had to sing that entire song, and be forever doomed with the reputation of being a lover of Merry Christmas Darling. To this day, I still thank you for getting up out of your chair.