Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Working On The Railings, All The Live Long Morning...Into Afternoon

Well, there is good news from the oral surgeon visit yesterday morning. I really liked the Dr and staff. We went over everything and set out a plan of action. This morning the Dr called and said after reviewing x-rays and measurements they took yesterday, he wants to attempt putting in the implants with this grafting procedure. He thinks the bone is strong enough but if it is not, no harm, no foul, we will continue with the standard implant timeline. If successful, it could take six months off the schedule.

I had tentative plans for the rest of the day but a call from our contractor changed that. They would be at the house around lunchtime to install the swing stand in the front yard. Yea buddy! No problem. The process of installing that stand was so interesting. I mean really, what an art form of using a backhoe in tight spaces. The exact level and then setting of the whole thing. Using the bucket to tap the stand into the correct depth. Wow! It was fascinating. I haven't bought the swing yet but I am leaning toward a red one. At first I thought a metal swing but dang, the metal would be too hot some days.

Sunday night was not a good sleep night. Buddy woke me up at 2:30 am. She was so close and intent with a focused stare. Now that tends to make me nervous cause it could be something or it could be nothing.  Turning on the light didn't reveal a thing but Buddy's head tracked something unseen by me. Since this wasn't going to end quickly, I went to The Google to see what it means when a cat does such a thing. Well, the first article stated there were probably ghosts in the house. Uh...no...unless it is the Holy Ghost. The second article stated they could be hearing mice or other vermin in the attic, well that is if their stare is directed toward the ceiling. Thankfully, hers wasn't. Third article said it could be fruit flies...and the fourth said, it is a cat just being a cat. Finally, around 4:00 am she settled down and went to sleep. Thus, I went to sleep but knew I didn't have the privilege to sleep in since I had that early appointment. It was difficult to get up at 7:00 am and stay awake. One thing I have started doing in the morning is, when I first get out of bed, I look to my right and can see out the front window our beautiful view. That motivates and gets me going.

The guys just got here to install the railings for the stone stairs that lead to the....swing. They were thinking it would be this afternoon but so glad they are here early. Everything is primed for paint, so guess we will need to think on these things. I came inside after talking with the guys, told them to help themselves to anything in the garage refrigerator. They were arguing about math when I left them. Think a mentoring moment was happening but I was afraid they would ask me about, as Jethro Bodine taught us that seven gazinta twenty one, just what my math calculations would be. I couldn't help them cause my brain is already gone into, what color should we paint the rails?

To stop another Sunday night happening, Buddy and I spent the late evening into night on the porch. We were both mesmerized by the lightning bugs, obviously for different reasons. Those flying beetles with a light for a butt did not disappoint last night. You could see them across the road in the pasture. It looked like waves of light in our yard, not in a huge scale but a noticeable one. The songs of birds filled the sky with the loveliest of songs. We came in and Buddy headed straight to the bonus room for a nap. Porch sitting wears her out. To keep her company and to awake her every ten minutes, I watched American Pickers with a little Simpsons thrown in on commercials.

Random thought from errand running the other day, if I wore size small, I would never, ever pay full price for any piece of clothing. When there is a sale, that is just about all that is left unless you have a bunch of extra smalls included. Where are all these small people and why aren't they shopping? Us big girls know, if you want it...you better get there the day something is put out cause there are other big girls with the same mindset as you.

Well that above thought got me to thinking so I had to stop and look at a couple of things online. Then the railing was finished. A quick trip to the grocery store and a short little nap and here we are waiting for it to rain. If it doesn't I will need to hook up the hose on the faucet I have never been able to get to. I just heard thunder, so maybe there is still hope for some rain.

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