Thursday, April 12, 2007


I got to thinking today that I have a lot of nic-names. Some I really like and others...not too much.
Becky-she calls me Mom. I work with her and she's kind of adopted us. We never had children so it is nice to hear.
CourtneyS- Mon. Cause that is what comes up on our work caller id. Thus Nancy Mon
Lisa P- she calls me Nancy Marie or Chekinah Marie.
Peggy-she calls me Millie. We have been doing a comedy deal at churches for over 20 years and we are called Mildred and Gertrude. She calls me Millie all the time so that she can remember that she is Gerti.
Dena-sometimes she calls me Vera or Yogi.
Our nieces call me Aunt Foo Foo. That is because when I can't remember someone's name I just call them Foo Foo. The ladies at Inspire address most everything to me as Sally. I even have Anita's book signed, To Sally, thanks for all you have done. "" Hope there really isn't a Sally Mon out there doing great things and she isn't getting her props. Once a lady called at church and asked to talk to tall Mary. The call was for me... The guy at Texas Java called last week and left me a message about Spring Loaded and my voice mail says this is Nancy, but he kept calling me Susan. I was doing sign-ups for our new Spanish Speaking Sunday Bible Study several Sunday nights ago frightened that my high school Spanish would be called upon and was continually called Linda. I've been called Linda a lot in my life, so I must look like one. In one of our Christmas programs I played Santa, so there are several that still call me Santa from time to time. One of my friend's dads called me High Pockets when I was in high school. A college roommate called me Nanner...hate it...or Nan...don't like that at all. I am sure I can think of many more, but I would rather you think of some you might like to share that you have been named or called at some point in your life.


Amanda said...

Nancy, I'm so glad you're blogging! Things are about to get very interesting, aren't they? You and Gerti need to come up to Irving and grace us with your skills.

The name that all my girls at HFBC call me is Moon. Back when I was a summer intern in '00 someone left a voicemail for Amanda Moon and it just stuck. We felt it disguised me a little bit from being BethMoore'sDaughter.

Nancy Mon said...

Hey Amanda, I am hooked on blogging. When Lisa P started blogging I knew I would have to join in. M&G are going to Alabama twice this summer. Who would have thought. Let us know and we would love toc ome up that way. We were supposed to go to a church in Arlington in January, but couldn't do it cause I can only miss so many Sundays being on staff. Hated to use one so early in the year.

FitzandMolly said...

I had no interesting nicknames until I married a guy with the last name of Schisler. I have been called all sorts of things since then. My boss calls me Schis. Then my caller id at church got me the name, "CourtneyS." That's pretty much it. I like to call you Valerie Valet around the holiday season.

Anonymous said...

In elementary school - a few friends called me "KK" (those were my initials). Looking back on it now...sounds kinda "redneck"!

A few people call me "GHR" - which stands for "God Honoring Rebel"! ha! Yes, there is a story behind that one!

Michelle said...

My maiden name is Winn and people used to call me "Weiner", "Winnie" and "Michelwin" as in the tires.
I absolutely hated the first nickname but I inherited it because my aunt was called that in high school.

Tammie Head said...

Nancy! Nancy! Nancy!! How fun to find you blogging!!

LOVED all the names! It's funny, around here we have a whole hand-ful of names that we call each other. Even the dog has at-least 5!

Love to you sister ♥

Anonymous said...

at least your friends didnt call you the KKK in high school beccause your two best friends' names started with K's too, Kelly! my dad calls me karebear, my friends call me kare, and in high school my best friend called me KKIP (kinky karie isa payne)...i've had some interesting nicknames!

Lisa Pierre said...

Well, Daddy called me "Bully" when I was a little girl, the youngest of my mom's 7 kids, but I think that was only because I had stuck the fork in one of my sister's head in one of our fights.
But Kamri and Josef calls me "Mombo" sometimes.
Malcolm and I both have nicknamed each other "Roonie."
My sister Phyllis called me "yellow girl" years ago 'til I told her I didn't like it.
Friends have called me "Lisa Lisa."
I am Lisa P.

Anonymous said...

fmy nickname is now daughter. :) with a name like becky smith you don't really get too many nicknames. plus, i've never beena fan of nicknames... until chris started calling me "sweetie" or "sweetheart." whenever he says that it just warms my heart a bit.

JAK said...

Go Nancy! How about Blog Momma? Maybe not. Anywho, I was called Na-Na growing up, but now it has morphed into Jenea-na. I think from a gender bender character on some comedy show? Actually, there is a drag queen in the Montrose with my name, this was 20 years ago. That could be an interesting blog story. How do I jump on this train? Hook me up J-Nancy! love ya, j