Today when I stopped in at Starbucks I noticed the red cups. November 8, 2007 is the first day of red cups for this Christmas season. This little event brings me great joy.
Also, after talking with Lisa she has encouraged me to describe in better detail the shoes. I will have to wait until I get them in my hands before I am able to do this. They are so much more than the picture shows.
I feel "gyped" since I had a Starbucks peppermint hot chock-y last Thursday and it didn't come in a red cup, it was the same ol' same ol'. It still rocked the casbah though.
We've never sat at S'bucs to drink and just talk and laugh and that needs to happen soon. Pick up the Courtster in the 'Stang and meet me soon. Whad'ya say?
I feel "gyped" since I had a Starbucks peppermint hot chock-y last Thursday and it didn't come in a red cup, it was the same ol' same ol'. It still rocked the casbah though.
We've never sat at S'bucs to drink and just talk and laugh and that needs to happen soon. Pick up the Courtster in the 'Stang and meet me soon. Whad'ya say?
i'll be watching for the appointment again!
Yum for peppermint mocha fraps. Only in Texas can you still drink cold beverages in November and December!
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