Thank you Missy and Becky in your encouragement for me to write a book. I have no clue in the world what I would write about. The blog is really a source of strength and encouragement for me. I can come home so tired, but so energized after writing just a bit. In all the spiritual gift tests, what is your passion tests, what are you good at tests and all the blog quizzes I have taken should make me a certified professional test taker. But one thing all these tests reveal is, if you love and derive strength from something, it is your passion. Uh, I also feel this way about Diet Cokes, but I am not going to make Diet Coke or having the best Diet Coke ever a centerpiece of my life.
I love that some of the young women I work with think I am cool. I love that they come in my office and talk and laugh with me or at me... My point of view is, I am not very cool, but I am fluid (see The Finishing School post) and do not want to be stagnant. You see I think being cool is taking my laptop to Starbucks and writing my deep and profound feelings and thoughts while nursing a latte. I have never done the above. The whole reason we bought me a lap top this year is so that I could go places and write. I sit here at the dining room table and do most of my writing, except for the brief trips to my desk.
I have told you before that when I travel I think I am going to be someone other than the person I am at home. I pack lounging pajamas and the like thinking that as the day transpires into evening on my trip, I will come back to the hotel room, put on lounging pajamas and then proceed to lounge in style. The truth of the matter is, I get back to the room and fall onto the bed and take a nap. My best made plans of lounging thrown out the window. Although most hotel windows do not open.
Well, I better go and look my lines again. I have main thought memorized...oh and I want to watch A Charlie Brown Christmas. One more thing, I got to answer the phone snow on snow today when CourtneyS called. At least I got a first in since she beat me to Merry Christmas Darling this year.
Did you ever go to Eatzi's when it was still open? We still have one in Dallas and if I lived closer, I would play in there all the time. If only just to smell the place. Yum.
Yes, I went to Eatzi's. It was right across the street from Rice, so it was double play time.
Central Market is another play store for me, but CourtneyS does real shopping there.
Another store I have to STOP playing at is Target. It is so easy to get off task and list in that place.
I haven't lived in Houston in a while. I didn't know. Pardon my grief.
I totally forgot what I was going to write a comment about. . . .
I would also like to ENCOURAGE you to write a book....i'll also try to edify you while you are writing it...you are so easy to read...meaning you write the kind of stuff i would read in a hotel room in my lounging pajamas feeling wonderful...your passion for writing is evident and along with your just plain enthusiasm and enjoyment of living you can write about anything you choose!
I love reading your blog! And you make me want to learn how to shop at the play grocery store. And I love reading about our friend Peggy. And you are cool. And I think that you should write a book, an article, etc.
Okay there - I commented!
I've always wanted to be the cool kid w/ the laptop at Starbucks that is writing a novel. I don't have a laptop, but have coveted them. Especially the ones with the glowing apple on the cover.
But sometimes, people with laptops appear distant and unapproachable, and I think all that they are doing is reading msn or something.
and btw, Nancy, everybody, young and old, thinks you're cool.
I shop at CM, too. It's my favorite.
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