I am coming out on the other side of being in the throes of food poisoning. I am so glad it is 24 hours later. Drat that Taco Cabana breakfast taco! I had such big plans yesterday. Roy has been in Calgary this week and his flight got in right around noon. He was actually looking forward to this trip to the cold only to get out of the office for a bit. His work schedule has been relentless in eating up his time. So comes this brilliant idea to pick him up and then take him to Jasper's in the Woodlands for lunch. It was such a beautiful day that walking around the Town Center of the Woodlands would be a bonus. The hitch in these plans? Free breakfast taco around 9:00 am. About 10:30 the waves of nausea began to arrive. That general malaise of sickness overcoming me. I am strong willed, so I fought the feeling, not giving into it. I began praying asking the Lord to take this from me, at least let me get through lunch at Jasper's. God is so very faithful. On my way to pick up Roy and once I saw him I began to feel better. Got a great parking space and we were off to lunch. I knew something was wrong when NOTHING looked good to me on the menu. I opted for a salad and Roy got the special, beef tenderloin lasagna and instead of the salad he opted for their Bourbon creamed corn. The aroma of his lunch was about to do me in. I gulped down the lavender and nectarine ice tea. We walked around a bit after lunch and hit Border's. Roy was upstairs and I was downstairs practically laying out in a chair. I called him and said I needed to go home. On the way home I asked him to continually talk to me, to keep my mind occupied on anything but how I felt. Once or twice he wanted to tell about the wonderful dinners he had in Calgary...Nope, no food talk allowed. We pulled in and Roy ran ahead getting doors unlocked, elevators called and clearing the way for entrance by keeping Buddy occupied. He would be a great body guard. Anyway, I made it in and laid down for a bit when everything hit. This is where I will end this story except that when I finally hit 3 hours without visiting the porcelain throne about 3:00 am, I knew the tide had turned for me. Today has just been about regaining strength in between a lot of naps. I have to give props to Buddy, she has been so good. I think she knew something was wrong with me. She has napped right beside me or at my feet. She only once looked like she was threatening to pounce on my head. We were able to take a few pictures yesterday of all our intended fun.

This is totally where men and women are different. Roy didn't even know I was throwing up because I am really kind of quiet with this. I think most women are. When Roy is sick throwing up, he wants the world to know.
Wednesday night was a really late night at church. I take the minutes for the Committee on Committee. I still giggle when I say that name. Anyway, after all the solemness of praying and picking people for various committees, we began to get silly. Now mind you, I am just there to record, but you know I have to comment from time to time. Mix that with Jason and Emily cracking each other up and Sarah W, the soon to be married Laura and I laughing over in the corner of our table. I would hear Nate E laughing from across the table and he was the first to get many of my remarks. The business of the church is all in good order, but dang, we had some laughs while taking care of business.
I wasn't ready for Esther to end. This has been such an awesome study. The worship has been awesome and the Word has been brought with much power and has gone straight to my heart and life. I was able to get the audio CD's of Psalms of Ascent. I loved that study as well.
Dena called from Newark. She was still on the plane as they taxied into their gate. She sounds good and she said she was on overload in every way. It was a wonderful trip it sounds like. I can't wait till we get some time for her to download what she experienced. I am also going to use her pictures which I know she will label, for me to label my pictures from Israel/Jordan circa 1988.
Roy loved his short time in Calgary. We used to go there every other summer for his work. He needs to return and hopes that some of that time will be in the summer. You know I will be right there at his side (I know you will) on a midnight train to.... oops ADD again. Anyway, the man knows the way to my heart gift wise. He had limited time and since the dollar isn't as strong in Canada right now, he wasn't much in the mood to do any big time shopping. He did good though, he brought me a wonderful retro pen. The box says, life is too short not to have a fun pen. I couldn't agree more. He bought me a journal/notebook in the hotel gift shop and the freebie gift of a Canadian Enterprise calendar was the icing on the cake. Now I'll always know any Canadian holidays if asked.
If any of you have been recovering from the stomach bug or food poisoning, you'll know I need to get this wrapped up so I can take a nap. Roy and I are picking up Dena from the airport tonight, so I need to get some power naps in.
i am so sorry you have been sick. thats no fun!!!
cook anything lately?
Were those the taco cabana tacos left from the men's study? I almost had one of those! I am glad now that I didn't...even if they aren't the ones that got you sick.
Glad you are feeling better!
You've gotta have a little fun during committee meetings, right?!? :-)
Glad you're feeling better!
Sarah W.
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