This is my 250th post. I couldn't think of anything witty or funny. My creative juices need replenishing. 

William F. Buckley died last week or maybe two weeks ago. I would be lying if I told you I knew him for his National Review and for his conservative styling in an era of liberal control and politics. I knew of him as a novelist whose works I read in the 80’s. Previously, I have written of my lack of interest in almost anything political on a state or national scale. It goes back to my insecurities in college over my hair which made me not even take notice of Watergate. Tennis politics had my complete and total attention from 1986 till 2001. And now with Texas being a big player in the Democratic nomination and the course of politics on the verge of change, I have other pressing matters keeping me glued to life and not to the TV. It is amazing that I even recognize his name after telling you my total lack of interest in national news. In today’s Sunday Houston Chronicle, two editorials commemorating his life attracted my attention. The unofficial editorial eulogies or observations of a life well lived were written by an author Jacob Heilbrunn and the other by David Brooks, a columnist for The New York Times. David Brooks actually knew William F. Buckley and given his break into professional life by Mr. Buckley and he became one of his many protégés. David knew him in work as well as in friendship. “David Brooks was called out by the great man to join him and found himself in a world of music, conversation, glamour, and above all, friendship.”
So it wasn’t politics that drew me in, it was friendship. According to David Brooks, William F. Buckley’s greatest talent was friendship. It is thought that William Buckley wrote more personal letters than any other American. “He showered affection on his friends and he had an endless stream of them, old and young.” For someone who I previously tagged boring sounds like he was a lot of fun and found great joy in all he did. Even in work, he insisted on and implemented daily rituals that by all accounts were fun and possibly celebratory. Being a great political mind, his conversations were mostly about literature, history, theology, philosophy and the charms of the peculiar people he had known. Very few if any politicians would be found in his home but in the midst of his friends and companions were literary and social thinkers. Social thinkers in my mind are the fun people who plan parties and events. I think the social thinkers in the Buckley home had a greater scope for the big picture and the greater good.
His second talent, leadership. He led with charisma and merit. He lived a satisfied, extensive and comprehensive way of life. His joy was found in music, conversation, technology and adventure. William F. Buckley sounds like he enjoyed the grandeur of his life and it was a tad overwhelming to be admitted into it. David Brooks considered it an honor.
What a legacy and wonderful testimony of character. His greatest talent friendship, investing in lives through conversation and thought, through fun and ritual and in doing so sent out a great multitude of friends into the world. The mantle of mentor, encourager and replicator passed on to those who would in turn duplicate and imitate this kind of friendship in their own style and manner.
I am a sucker for friendship stories. One of my favorite passages in the Old Testament is the friendship of Jonathan and David. In Sunday Bible Study, new euphemism for Sunday School, we are going through the book of Acts. Our teacher is laying out for us what we see God doing in the church; He is doing individually in our lives. We can see a pattern for living God’s way in the book of Acts. We just finished up Acts 2. I believe that God lays out a pattern for friendship in Jonathan and David. Sometimes we are a “David” in that we are out in front leading. When we find ourselves in the role of David, we need a Jonathan. We need a friend behind the scenes praying, helping and encouraging us. The reverse is true; we need to be a “Jonathan” to our friends. I love that Jonathan taught David how to encourage himself in the Lord, Jonathan tutored David in the kingly ways and he loved David with unconditional God kind of love. In my studies I have come to the conclusion that for that short period of time that Jonathan and David were friends, Jonathan had a lasting impact on the rest of David’s life.
Right now I am thinking of friends from early on in my Christian walk who have made a lasting impression on me. Their legacy and role as mentor changed me dramatically. God brings alongside those we need instruction from and in turn brings us alongside those who need a little help and direction from us. Last week’s TAG, Think About God have been so good each day. I love this one:
Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us daily.
Don't wait for a great opportunity to help someone. Take advantage of all the small opportunities you have today. Each one has the potential to have great results.
Little things, small everyday things, we have opportunities and the potential to have great results in others and in ourselves. Great opportunities can overwhelm and stop us dead in our tracks just by thinking too much about the monumental weight of it.
I love that William F. Buckley loved rituals. Not the lifeless rituals that one thinks of firstly, but fun rituals maybe a bit unpredictable and non-ceremonial. I am thinking of fun rituals that I share with my close friends. We can crack ourselves up over one word. We need to celebrate victory and getting through a day without hitting our head against a wall, or floor in Michelle’s case.
A couple of months ago Roy and I were talking over dinner about friends and friendships. We have certainly known many fine people who make very fine friends. We have been so blessed.
So in this long 250th post I celebrate you all my friends, those who comment, those who just read and never comment, and those who comment anonymously.
So it wasn’t politics that drew me in, it was friendship. According to David Brooks, William F. Buckley’s greatest talent was friendship. It is thought that William Buckley wrote more personal letters than any other American. “He showered affection on his friends and he had an endless stream of them, old and young.” For someone who I previously tagged boring sounds like he was a lot of fun and found great joy in all he did. Even in work, he insisted on and implemented daily rituals that by all accounts were fun and possibly celebratory. Being a great political mind, his conversations were mostly about literature, history, theology, philosophy and the charms of the peculiar people he had known. Very few if any politicians would be found in his home but in the midst of his friends and companions were literary and social thinkers. Social thinkers in my mind are the fun people who plan parties and events. I think the social thinkers in the Buckley home had a greater scope for the big picture and the greater good.
His second talent, leadership. He led with charisma and merit. He lived a satisfied, extensive and comprehensive way of life. His joy was found in music, conversation, technology and adventure. William F. Buckley sounds like he enjoyed the grandeur of his life and it was a tad overwhelming to be admitted into it. David Brooks considered it an honor.
What a legacy and wonderful testimony of character. His greatest talent friendship, investing in lives through conversation and thought, through fun and ritual and in doing so sent out a great multitude of friends into the world. The mantle of mentor, encourager and replicator passed on to those who would in turn duplicate and imitate this kind of friendship in their own style and manner.
I am a sucker for friendship stories. One of my favorite passages in the Old Testament is the friendship of Jonathan and David. In Sunday Bible Study, new euphemism for Sunday School, we are going through the book of Acts. Our teacher is laying out for us what we see God doing in the church; He is doing individually in our lives. We can see a pattern for living God’s way in the book of Acts. We just finished up Acts 2. I believe that God lays out a pattern for friendship in Jonathan and David. Sometimes we are a “David” in that we are out in front leading. When we find ourselves in the role of David, we need a Jonathan. We need a friend behind the scenes praying, helping and encouraging us. The reverse is true; we need to be a “Jonathan” to our friends. I love that Jonathan taught David how to encourage himself in the Lord, Jonathan tutored David in the kingly ways and he loved David with unconditional God kind of love. In my studies I have come to the conclusion that for that short period of time that Jonathan and David were friends, Jonathan had a lasting impact on the rest of David’s life.
Right now I am thinking of friends from early on in my Christian walk who have made a lasting impression on me. Their legacy and role as mentor changed me dramatically. God brings alongside those we need instruction from and in turn brings us alongside those who need a little help and direction from us. Last week’s TAG, Think About God have been so good each day. I love this one:
Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us daily.
Don't wait for a great opportunity to help someone. Take advantage of all the small opportunities you have today. Each one has the potential to have great results.
Little things, small everyday things, we have opportunities and the potential to have great results in others and in ourselves. Great opportunities can overwhelm and stop us dead in our tracks just by thinking too much about the monumental weight of it.
I love that William F. Buckley loved rituals. Not the lifeless rituals that one thinks of firstly, but fun rituals maybe a bit unpredictable and non-ceremonial. I am thinking of fun rituals that I share with my close friends. We can crack ourselves up over one word. We need to celebrate victory and getting through a day without hitting our head against a wall, or floor in Michelle’s case.
A couple of months ago Roy and I were talking over dinner about friends and friendships. We have certainly known many fine people who make very fine friends. We have been so blessed.
So in this long 250th post I celebrate you all my friends, those who comment, those who just read and never comment, and those who comment anonymously.

Have more fun than you expect to have. Live, Love and Laugh.
A friend's a friend forever, so don't get bored with them and a friend won't throw you in a river just to see if you can swim. Oh it's hard to say no to the invite of let's go...oh a lifetime's not to long to live as friends.
Thanks for reading and let us hope it takes me a little longer than a couple of months to reach 300.
That was so interesting. I do like national news, but I despise politics. It just confounds and discourages me. Happy 250th post!
Happy 250th post!!!
And friends share "Smashbox" make up tips, too! LOL
The 250th was worth the wait....your care and work on it shows!!! As Beth Moore would've packaged it up so nicely and tied it with a big red bow! To Life!
p.s. I loved watching William Buckley.....He was so logical and always knew what he believed and why...He could place his positions before another fearlessly (but respectfully) because of the foundation he had....i never saw him argue the personhood of was always the ideas...he could separate the idea from the person i think thats why i was so fascinated watching him! enough enough! enjoy the rest of this sofarsunny day!
And friends are friends. . . and I'm still tired and brainless!
Happy 250th post!
and a friend will not say never...dadgummit! that song's going to be in my head for the next week. i forgot to tell you this morning that i woke up with "dancing queen" by abba (isn't that right?) going through my head. it was bad.
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