Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mystery, Mammories, Memories and Moments

There are mysteries we just don't understand. I am not talking about the mysteries of God and how He works in our lives. I am talking about every day stuff that should be classified as mystical.

Yesterday, I had a couple of errands to run at lunch time. I ran into scary Macy's at Northwest Mall. Bali sale going on, buy two bras get one free. Great deal. I have not used my Macy's card in forever and a day. No balance on it, yet when the clerk ran it through she asked, do you need to make a payment? Uh, no...unless I write a check for zero dollars. She runs it again and says, well, you can't use this card. Pulled out AM EX, problem solved. The only reason I was using the Macy card is, I had only to buy two more undergarments and I get several free. Later, back at work, I begin to worry that someone has stolen my Macy's identity and decide to check on that when I get home. Mystery solved in the mail. That card had been canceled and they upgraded me to the next card level. Come on why can't that info be in the computer?

I am mystified by people when passing by a group always think the conversation is about them. We have several of those around us daily. They all approach this mystery differently, but the end result is fear. I have also noticed these kinds of people need constant affirmation...CONSTANT affirmation. I do not withhold affirmation, because the Bible says if we know to do good and we don't do it, it is sin. I affirm them today as long as it is called today, but they are bottomless pits cause their need of affirmation out does the supply. And we are an affirming group.

This pain medicine is wonderful. The pain in my knee joints is reduced and a neat little side effect is, the whirling of my AHDD brain is minimized. In my focused attention, I went through our half of a storage closet and got a lot cleaned out. I also reorganized two of my file drawers in my credenza. Downside, I don't think I am very funny now. I need to write a script and I am struggling with it. This is usually something I can kick out in minutes. This too is a mystery.

The mystery of music and memory. I bought a Jerusalem cross today and I thought somewhere around here I must have a gold chain. I do not. I went through all my old jewelry boxes to no avail, but I did find a few good memory things. Took some pictures of some tulip rings Roy gave me when we were first married. I am keeping one and giving the other two to my nieces. The oldest gets first choice. Found several James Avery crosses that I received as gifts when I first became a Christian. Found my first good grown up watch given to me, given to me from my grandparents. And they were all stored in a musical jewelry box that Roy gave me our first anniversary. It plays the theme from Romeo and Juliet. No mystery there of why I loved those moments of taking in some good memories.

Just some moments from the past few days.


Dana said...

You know I really have a hard time believing you cannot be funny. I think it's the outside expectations like we discussed. Perhaps you should do two scripts, one to show them what you can do and the other to show them what they want isn't funny....

So, the other day when I went walking by you weren't talking about me? Darn, that was really nice what you had said too... :-)

Amanda said...

Your ADHD may be like Chandler's nubbin.

Michelle said...

it was great seeing you at the wedding..wish we could have talked some more. i think you caught me at a weird moment. my nerves were still going haywire! anyway..you really can not be a lurker anymore on your blog! :)

Lisa Pierre said...

Ask Drew, I love moments. I have mysteries and memories. I thought you were going to tell us about your trip to your annual mammogram on the other 'm.' I'm not taking the time to look up what "mammories" means. Your vocabulary astounds me!