Monday, June 14, 2010

Mysteries Under the Bed

Funny how something that never seems to be on the radar becomes an alert when knowing someone is going to see a rarely viewed area of the home. On my list this past weekend was going in and under our bed, assessing the situation and getting it presentable. You know the new bed is coming sometime this week. Saturday came and went and the evening was becoming night on Sunday, when I asked Roy if he would help me with this chore. Of course when I say help, I really need him to do the majority of the moving and lifting. Oh there was a day that I was our mover and lifter but seldom shaker, but it seems to be getting a day that is farther and farther away. Who knew what lurked underneath the bed! Well, except for Buddy. She retreats under there when she knows she's going to get sprayed with water for misbehavior or is scared. So the dust was horrible. Happy to have a Dyson that is meant just for that very task. I also found three pairs of shoes that I had been looking for during the winter months. There were a couple of books that I was happy to rediscover and a towel that Buddy likes to sleep on. I had wondered where that towel had gone and I think she pulled it under the bed for a more comfortable sleep. I have always heard that Russian Blues are very smart cats. Don't know about smart but she does take after her mother in wanting comfortable creature habits. Eureka! We found the folding table we had been looking for and the forgotten leaf of our kitchen table. We knew there was a double headboard, rails and slats under there, I just don't remember why my parents thought it was so important that we be the storage people of it there in. It wasn't even my headboard from my growing up years. We found lots and lots of Diet Coke caps. Now before you think I drink a Diet Coke and then toss the caps under the bed, Buddy used to love to chase and play with the caps. Believe me when your cat is interested in tearing down window treatments or knocking stuff off the dresser, throwing a Diet Coke cap to get her distracted and chase is a small price to pay, but they were totally forgotten about by me, that is until yesterday. It would have been rather embarrassing for the delivery guys to see that many bottle caps under a bed. While we were taking things apart I decided the bed skirt had to go. Nice thought of ivory lace when purchased. Totally forgotten, I'm a total klutz and I cannot tell you how many times that lace and my toes have connected causing a huge kind of Humpty Dumpty fall... I always wonder if the neighbors below think the building is crashing in around them each time I trip and fall from that dang lace. The feather beds are making an exit as well. Won't need them with the new bed. All this took awhile but was done before bedtime. When I was a little girl and I have written this before, I didn't think there were monsters or snakes under the bed. No, I thought Mary Todd Lincoln was under there. I should have known better because from the pictures I've seen, she was a rather chunky monkey. I don't think she would have fit under the bed. Thus I never let an arm or leg dangle off the bed because of the much feared (wouldn't a therapist love looking into this odd fear) Mary Todd Lincoln. So, I'm very relieved and happy to report, she wasn't anywhere to be found when we were cleaning under the bed. Thus, no real mysteries, well except for how and when Buddy dragged a towel under the bed, were found. Come Temper-pedic come.


Jessica V. said...

Wow! What size bed do you have because it sounds like there was a lot hiding under there?! :)

Jennifer said...

You are going to love your Tempupedic. Ours is like heaven on earth!