Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I Stills Gots the Fog Brain Thing

I still feel a little foggy brained.  Think foggy brain is being prolonged because we haven't had my mother's service yet and grieving (and I'm grieved to have to use that word) has been put on a delayed pause.  So we make the long march to next Friday with an interruption of Thanksgiving.  Don't get me wrong we are full of thankfulness that my mom is in heaven, with her right mind, free and whole but it is the unusual aspect of having to think of what we might do.  Roy and I went to the zoo last Thanksgiving and Roy is hoping upon hope that we will go again this year.  No one is there, of course most everything is closed but he is there to take pictures.  I wrote about it here.  I also have to think about the lunch after my mother's service on Friday.  There is no way I will have the energy to do two meals in a short turn around period.  Today I went and ordered chicken pot pie, salad and several desserts.  Then we will need to fill in with some other side dishes and such.  This is not in my natural or spiritual giftings to have to think about this kind of stuff and then pull it off.  Thankfully, Roy is taking off next week and will be able to help me sort through all the plans and logistics. 

Thank God for my therapist Cheryl.  She is in the life saving business...  I had an appointment with her today.  Christ centered counseling at its best.  Before my appointment I had about 20 minutes, so I decided to stop at Walgreen's and pick up a prescription.  Fog brain here dropped my credit card on the pavement...hello wide window drawer.  I had to get out of the car and believe you me there wasn't much space between the building and Sequisha, bend down, not an easy thing for me with tons of space, pick up the card and get back into the car.  I was praying the whole time because you know I didn't want to get stuck.

Even after moving, the people who sent tons and tons of worthless mailings to my mother in law have caught up with our new address.  We get off several mailings each month by using their postage free envelopes or emailing them and asking that her name be removed.  There are days all the mail is for her.  One thing I have noticed in these mailings, whether it be about money or health, it is all based on fear.  Fear has to be the biggest marketing tool used against senior adults.  I don't consider myself one except for any instance where it is beneficial, discounted meals or close in parking.  Or the marketing is geared toward, everyone else gets __________ and you are being left out.  Send me money and I will tell you in my newsletters how to get everything you have coming to you and more...  it is really, really sad to read all these scare tactic letters and know there are people duped by them every day. 

More fog brained things, I put my cash back in the bag that had bananas when leaving the grocery store.  Thankfully, it was all there and hadn't blown out of the bag.  I've been that lady that aggravates me.  I have been parking Sequisha all over the place...anywhere but between the lines and I have not corrected my parking.  I've just walked away thinking, they'll deal with it.  Yea, big scrape on the side of the door if I don't watch out. 

It is already crowded in the parking garages at The Galleria.  I had to stop and pick up some gifts.  People are crazy in parking garages.  I of course am only crazy in how I park not in how I drive. 

Maybe I should go take a little nap and listen to the sound of the fog horn sounding forth in my brain. 

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