Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Asking Questions

There are so many things I need to be doing this afternoon other than writing on the blog, but there are some days I have to write in order to begin anything else around the house.  Not that what I want to write is so insightful or humorous.  It boils down to the fact, I like to write.  Of course while I am writing I see what I hope to be workmen in our yard.  Looks like they are checking where the new drainage pipes were installed.  Thankfully it is in the afternoon and not in the morning because that is usually when these men suddenly appear.  Morning =me playing like G.I. Joe trying to get back to the bedroom, wearing jammies, and going unnoticed.  I was going to write go commando, that means something entirely different. 

Our schedules returned to normal today.  Roy is back in the office and well, I am left to my own devices.  Today, I met Peggy and several other friends to celebrate a significant birthday for Peggy.  Really all birthdays are significant but this one is a milestone.  We met at Las Alameda's.  Las Alameda's is into you having a dinning experience.  You only go there if you have time because they give you plenty o time before ordering and before getting the check.  On the way home I saw a duck fly across CR Blvd.  Seen them eat and waddle out here but never fly.  I can't believe out here in the land of perceived entitlement, there still is a dead possum to the side of the road, been there for about two weeks and a newly deceased skunk.  HOA clear those two things and then we can count my plants. 

I'm in my predustination mode because Crisella comes tomorrow.  Going through and doing the post Christmas pick up.  Also making sure we got everything on the cleaning product list.  Some are on the naughty list others on the nice list, we are on the buying the correct cleaning products list. 

I'm beginning to realize I don't ask myself enough questions.  No, the better phrasing of that would be I don't ask myself enough of the important questions...you know thought provoking, life changing questions.  A friend was asking me questions from a Start the New Year list she found on the Internet.  Questions like, What's the one thing you could do this year to increase your enjoyment of God?  What book, in addition to the Bible, do you most want to read this year?  What one biblical doctrine do you most want to understand better this year and what will you do about it?   What one thing could you do to improve your prayer life this year?  I jokingly answered the last question about prayer with the response that I would actually really pray this year.  As for the book question, I have so many books I want to read there isn't any way to narrow it down to one book.  As for the biblical doctrine, I have to admit I am pretty lame in the biblical doctrine department.  See my predustination comment in the previous paragraph.  Now for the one thing to increase my enjoyment of God, guess my answer would be to know His Word better so I can hear His voice clearly.  Normally the questions I am asking myself usually have to do with whether I should keep my hair curly and at this length or should I go with a shorter cut.  Another question I'm asking is about all these people who announce they are going off Facebook or Twitter for a weekend or some other short period of time.  Why are they announcing this?  Why can't they be gone for a weekend or several days and let us realize we miss their comments or observations?  Sometimes people make a big deal announcement about FB or Twitter and give all kinds of spiritual reasons for abstaining and I think maybe since they are fasting from social media, they should do like the Bible says about how to go about everyday life when you are fasting...you know don't let others know or going around all hang faced and piously, with shortened breath announcing..."I.m fasting for the Lord."  In no way am I writing about called fasts by groups or churches, I'm talking about the individual giving notice of their sabbatical from social media.  Well, I guess I just answered my own question...of why I don't think about deep questions.  Sometimes I need more time than is alloted to answer or maybe I realize I haven't been thinking on these things or the obvious, I'm thinking about stuff that doesn't matter. 

Maybe I'm not answering tough questions because a lot of my time is taken up in recuperating from someone who drains the life out of me.  I came home to an energy draining phone message.  Now I need to take the time to create a cleverly crafted response that will not put them on the defensive or make them retreat to their first choice of reaction, playing the victim. 

For some reason since we are back to normal schedules Roy thinks that maybe I should have dinner fixed tonight.  Oh dear, maybe I should ask him if I can ease back into that habit that I sometimes practice on a hit or miss basis.  Hmm...maybe I should ask myself some questions about this.


Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

You and I think so much alike....Love every post you write...just need to comment more...Happy New Year

Monkeytreemama said...

Ha ha! Oh how I have missed reading your blog! I was
Pondered on the same thing. I have noticed it is typically the same people that announce it. I wonder if they are looking for a reaction, begging to please not leave. My thought on one particular is, how many times do you need to do this before you get something out of it!

Ali said...

predustination! I love it :-)

FitzandMolly said...

I never ask myself these questions anymore. I can't begin to think about theology when I'm scrubbing poop off the walls in my son's bedroom.

marty h said...

I guess I have been on a fast from dusting and cleaning and reading your blog over the holidays. The truth is that I have just been busy but it does sound so nice and spiritual to call it a fast! Love reading your stuff and just love you, girl!

marty h said...

I guess I have been on a fast from dusting and cleaning and reading your blog over the holidays. The truth is that I have just been busy but it does sound so nice and spiritual to call it a fast! Love reading your stuff and just love you, girl!