It's a rainy morning out here on the prairie. With the overcast skies I am thinking of those days ahead, all three of them, when this kind of overcast sky means it is cold outside. Today, I am grateful for rain. Roy was out the door early to go to Bible study. Next Saturday he is making his pecan pancakes again for the men. I slept till 8:30 and just easing into the day with a cup of Butter Toffee Coffee. I read somewhere that today is National Coffee Day. I'm taking in all the quiet mornings because sometime next week our courtyard is going to be torn up and repaired. The people who did the stamped concrete did it wrong. I had noticed some cracks and the David Weekley warranty guy came and looked at them. We have loved having a Weekley home. They are built well and the customer service is sterling.
We have several projects to check off the list this weekend. One of which is changing out air filters. That is always loads of fun and I am so thankful for Roy who climbs up that tall ladder and changes them out. I merely assist in handing him a new filter and disposing of the old filter.
Last night I skimmed through a book on Roy's Kindle that was free to download this week. Since I have a Nook, he kindly downloaded it Wednesday. I'm glad it was free because I think I would have been slightly disappointed if I had bought it. The book started out well but I think the author had enough material for a blog post only and repeated his same points in varying degrees over and over again, you know just like I used over and over earlier in the sentence. I guess I was disappointed because the subject matter is a favorite interest in Christian life. The book that I am reading on my Nook, Deep and Wide by Andy Stanley has me riveted to the screen. His book is really directed to those who want to plant churches or start a new church campus. It also writes in the direction of being on a church staff. Believe me, I am not any of those things but I love the understanding it gives to those who want to encourage and pray for those whom or who (not too sure on the correct grammar here) the church plant or added locations is a fresh vision and passion. On a completely different reading matter, the Garry Marshall autobiography that I have enjoyed is almost coming to an end. His viewpoint on life, TV and the movies is so different than what we normally hear reported from Hollywood. His love of humor, friends and family is so rich and inspiring.
Roy finally ditched his old, very old, ancient, antique Blackberry and now has a iPhone 5. I get the impression that he is kicking himself for waiting so long. His iPhone came in handy yesterday when he was at the mortgage banker's office and he could actually read his spreadsheets that he had prepared on his phone. I cannot tell y'all HOW MUCH I appreciate Roy's natural bent and gift to handle tedious paperwork and drawn out processes. That kind of stuff totally overwhelms me. We are refinancing our home and getting a great rate, although last year we thought we had scored with our time and economy changes that view. I can see the big picture of how great of savings this is going to be but the immediate picture demands my attention and it gets all over me. Since we went with the mortgage company that originally handled our closing etc last year, it has not been as tedious because they have most of our paperwork and it will save us some in closing costs. My real contribution to this process is, well I guess it is my signature. The only other thing I can think of is, Roy really looks nice whether he goes to the office or to the mortgage banker cause I shop and pick out most of his clothes. I would say outfits, but I don't think men like their attire referred to as outfits.
So while Roy is joining the smart phone generation, I am going retro. The radio I ordered several weeks ago came yesterday. Great sound of today but the look of yesterday. It is small and it has output that can be attached to the speakers of the iPod thingy. Actually, the radio has a great sound without the extra speakers, but you never know when you want to get all jiggy or in my case jiggly with it and play Mandisa and Toby Mac's Good Morning at optimum volume.
We just had a rousing discussion again about big picture verses small picture of this whole home refinancing thing. I am getting tripped up by the small details of today, the math doesn't seem to add up to me. Now that statement has to be taken with a grain of salt because you know, math ain't my thing and of course one of Roy's favorite things is to discuss math with me she said sarcastically. Finally, and I know this to be true and that he is right, it dawned on me; this is a great picture for me to see in my relationship with the Lord. He sees the whole stinkin' thing while I get mired in the flotsam of daily happenings and circumstances. I have to trust the Lord and remind myself of Romans 8:28 that He is working all things together for my good. I have to trust Roy that all this upfront money outflow is really going to turn into major savings over the long haul.
Well, in the big picture if I don't get moving the small picture will be that nothing got done but this blog post.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Last Night I Didn't Get to Sleep At All, No No...
Last night I think I had a total of 2 hours of sleep. As always I came home energized and wired from choir but settled down to watch the season finale of Honey Boo Boo Child. Afterwards a new show Down South Dance came on. The rest of the country must think everyone that lives south of the Mason Dixon line is nuts. It is about competitive clogging. A southern version of river dancing. Who doesn't like a little clogging now and then but when you think about it, reality shows have been based on a lot less.
Maybe I couldn't sleep because I experienced a major disappointment yesterday. I needed to get out and about because the maid came yesterday afternoon. I decided to get some things done as I made my way into Houston. I stopped at Barnes and Noble then headed over to my Dr's office to see if I could do a walk in flu shot. Got in and out in a flash. Next stop Nordstrom. It has been quite some time since I have last visited the store. Imagine to my surprise when I saw the piano gone and replaced by fine jewelry. I asked about that at customer service and the guy told me, they had discontinued the piano playing but had given the piano to a school. Well, who cares? I loved that Nordstrom was different from Macy's and Dillards, different than Saks or Neiman's. There were some troubling days that I would go to Nordstrom to listen to the music that calmed my nerves and brought such a peaceful feeling. Several newspaper articles indicate that shoppers liked piped in music better than the piano. Somehow I doubt that. I had a late lunch at The Nord and the Bistro N was less than crowded and the hostess still wanted to seat me at one of those small tables for 2 right next to another person. She was a little incensed that I asked to be seated at a normal table. I don't really want to eat there at night since they have made it very high end and high priced in the evenings. Since I mainly shop Nord online anymore it has not bothered me too much that the service and style that made Nordstrom, Nordstrom has been somewhat lacking. For sure, I will still shop the Nord but how the mighty have fallen.
Difficulty in sleeping because of the reported shortage of bacon next year??? No, now don't get me wrong I do love me some bacon but not very often at all.
I was kind of afraid I would have the ear worm of Moon River going through my head all night since Andy Williams died. Never was a fan of that song, but no sing song in my brain, so that didn't keep me awake.
So this morning I pulled myself out of bed to get ready for CBS. I had the radio beside the bed on and the song that woke me out of my 20 minute sleep was, Put Jesus First in Your Life sung by Dave Boyer. Wow, I can remember when he came to our church in the 70's to sing. He sounds a lot like Frank Sinatra. Along with the thought of those words I also downed several cups of coffee to wake up. Oh, I didn't mention I had the worst headache that began around 2:30 am. I also drank a couple of Diet Cokes. Much to my surprise I was early to Bible study. Our core group had the best discussion today. Studying First John has really been thought provoking and convicting. Afterwards Peggy and I went to lunch. Then I came home and crashed and took a power nap. I don't think it is going to affect being sleepy tonight.
I am reading Andy Stanley's newest book, Deep and Wide. Even though I'm not on a church staff and I think that who it is geared towards, I am finding it very interesting.
I'm going to go watch the birds. Have a lovely Thursday evening.
Maybe I couldn't sleep because I experienced a major disappointment yesterday. I needed to get out and about because the maid came yesterday afternoon. I decided to get some things done as I made my way into Houston. I stopped at Barnes and Noble then headed over to my Dr's office to see if I could do a walk in flu shot. Got in and out in a flash. Next stop Nordstrom. It has been quite some time since I have last visited the store. Imagine to my surprise when I saw the piano gone and replaced by fine jewelry. I asked about that at customer service and the guy told me, they had discontinued the piano playing but had given the piano to a school. Well, who cares? I loved that Nordstrom was different from Macy's and Dillards, different than Saks or Neiman's. There were some troubling days that I would go to Nordstrom to listen to the music that calmed my nerves and brought such a peaceful feeling. Several newspaper articles indicate that shoppers liked piped in music better than the piano. Somehow I doubt that. I had a late lunch at The Nord and the Bistro N was less than crowded and the hostess still wanted to seat me at one of those small tables for 2 right next to another person. She was a little incensed that I asked to be seated at a normal table. I don't really want to eat there at night since they have made it very high end and high priced in the evenings. Since I mainly shop Nord online anymore it has not bothered me too much that the service and style that made Nordstrom, Nordstrom has been somewhat lacking. For sure, I will still shop the Nord but how the mighty have fallen.
Difficulty in sleeping because of the reported shortage of bacon next year??? No, now don't get me wrong I do love me some bacon but not very often at all.
I was kind of afraid I would have the ear worm of Moon River going through my head all night since Andy Williams died. Never was a fan of that song, but no sing song in my brain, so that didn't keep me awake.
So this morning I pulled myself out of bed to get ready for CBS. I had the radio beside the bed on and the song that woke me out of my 20 minute sleep was, Put Jesus First in Your Life sung by Dave Boyer. Wow, I can remember when he came to our church in the 70's to sing. He sounds a lot like Frank Sinatra. Along with the thought of those words I also downed several cups of coffee to wake up. Oh, I didn't mention I had the worst headache that began around 2:30 am. I also drank a couple of Diet Cokes. Much to my surprise I was early to Bible study. Our core group had the best discussion today. Studying First John has really been thought provoking and convicting. Afterwards Peggy and I went to lunch. Then I came home and crashed and took a power nap. I don't think it is going to affect being sleepy tonight.
I am reading Andy Stanley's newest book, Deep and Wide. Even though I'm not on a church staff and I think that who it is geared towards, I am finding it very interesting.
I'm going to go watch the birds. Have a lovely Thursday evening.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
What Do You Want?
It is an early rising day out here on the prairie. I'm taking in the beautiful sunrise and listening to the happy cat chirping from Buddy while she watches the birds catching an early breakfast of seeds. They'll have to provide their own worm.
***At this point in the morning I realized I should be getting ready for leadership meeting and not blog. So I wrote the rest of this in the afternoon.***
I keep thinking about a conversation I had this weekend with a friend from the reunion. We were still in the childbearing years when we all kind of drifted apart, so she asked about kiddos. She and her husband adopted three siblings and they are teenagers now. Then I asked about another friend to see if she kept up with them and much to my surprise she told me that my friend at the age of 51 had twins. WHAT????? She never wavered in her prayer to have children. Thankfully all the necessary equipment had been removed by the time I was 51, but when I was 46 my Dr asked me if we would like to go through treatment again, since infertility treatments had made leaps and bounds since back in the day. I was shocked he would even ask me that at that ripe old age. Are you kidding? I told him we were too set in our ways to be thinking about raising children. 51! No kidding I just broke out in a cold sweat which is totally different than a hot flash. Now there's a picture being menopausal and having preschool aged children. See, that totally got me off track. Anyway, my friend I was talking to on the phone said she got this word from the Lord. He asked her do you want to be pregnant or do you want to parent? Whoa! That is a deep, thought provoking question. Do I want to sing or do I want to worship? Do I want to say and look good or do I want to get my hands dirty, get to the nitty gritty? Do I want to serve or have a ministry? Do I want to speak or do I want to teach? Do I want to be funny or do I want His joy? As you can tell there are many questions to ask and y'all know me, I sometimes don't ask myself the hard questions but I desire to be able to answer these questions honestly and thoughtfully.
Today was leadership meeting for CBS. We had a great time answering and discussing the homework. I love how a room of women united in purpose can have such deep insight into the scriptures and we all come from different places and seasons in life. Our teaching director led us in a leadership study this morning after we had our prayer time, homework discussion and announcements. She believes in equipping each and every woman in that room to be fully engaged in their calling and to be prepared for the next level of leadership that God gives direction to. I'm not talking about upward movement to a high powered position but she is so encourages to help us see, understand and use the gifts and talents God has given to us and to use those gifts to His glory. Each member of the servant team is prayerful, encouraging and serves with the strength and power of the Lord not from inspiration or insecurity or with an eye open so they can "read the room." It is a privilege to serve under their leadership. After a few years of frustration in not being asked, considered or allowed or to be used to walk in God's calling upon my life, it is wonderful to have a fresh view and vision who God created me to be.
The other day I saw a great picture of joy overflowing. Most birds that visit our yard come for the grub and a few use the bird bath for a drink of water, but the other day I watched a baby mockingbird play in the birdbath. That bird was soaked from jumping and splashing as it went around the birdbath. Playful as it jumped over and over and over again across the bubbling small fountain of water smack dab in the middle. That same bird returned this morning for a light grain breakfast and after it had finished being pushed and pecked at by other birds at the trough it began to slide down the shepherd hook that holds the feeders. At first I thought it was an accident that the little bird slid but that crazy fun loving bird flew right back to the top of the pole and slid down again numerous times. Each time that bird landed on the ground it would fluff it's feathers and flap its wings almost like it was laughing.
Last night I planted the distressed and deeply discounted zinnias that we bought at Lowe's. They perked up quite nicely overnight. I hear Buddy chattering at the birds again, so I better go see if there is anything to see. Lots and lots of bird fights happen, lots of bird pomp and circumstance. Truth be told it should be lots of poop and circumstance.
***At this point in the morning I realized I should be getting ready for leadership meeting and not blog. So I wrote the rest of this in the afternoon.***
I keep thinking about a conversation I had this weekend with a friend from the reunion. We were still in the childbearing years when we all kind of drifted apart, so she asked about kiddos. She and her husband adopted three siblings and they are teenagers now. Then I asked about another friend to see if she kept up with them and much to my surprise she told me that my friend at the age of 51 had twins. WHAT????? She never wavered in her prayer to have children. Thankfully all the necessary equipment had been removed by the time I was 51, but when I was 46 my Dr asked me if we would like to go through treatment again, since infertility treatments had made leaps and bounds since back in the day. I was shocked he would even ask me that at that ripe old age. Are you kidding? I told him we were too set in our ways to be thinking about raising children. 51! No kidding I just broke out in a cold sweat which is totally different than a hot flash. Now there's a picture being menopausal and having preschool aged children. See, that totally got me off track. Anyway, my friend I was talking to on the phone said she got this word from the Lord. He asked her do you want to be pregnant or do you want to parent? Whoa! That is a deep, thought provoking question. Do I want to sing or do I want to worship? Do I want to say and look good or do I want to get my hands dirty, get to the nitty gritty? Do I want to serve or have a ministry? Do I want to speak or do I want to teach? Do I want to be funny or do I want His joy? As you can tell there are many questions to ask and y'all know me, I sometimes don't ask myself the hard questions but I desire to be able to answer these questions honestly and thoughtfully.
Today was leadership meeting for CBS. We had a great time answering and discussing the homework. I love how a room of women united in purpose can have such deep insight into the scriptures and we all come from different places and seasons in life. Our teaching director led us in a leadership study this morning after we had our prayer time, homework discussion and announcements. She believes in equipping each and every woman in that room to be fully engaged in their calling and to be prepared for the next level of leadership that God gives direction to. I'm not talking about upward movement to a high powered position but she is so encourages to help us see, understand and use the gifts and talents God has given to us and to use those gifts to His glory. Each member of the servant team is prayerful, encouraging and serves with the strength and power of the Lord not from inspiration or insecurity or with an eye open so they can "read the room." It is a privilege to serve under their leadership. After a few years of frustration in not being asked, considered or allowed or to be used to walk in God's calling upon my life, it is wonderful to have a fresh view and vision who God created me to be.
The other day I saw a great picture of joy overflowing. Most birds that visit our yard come for the grub and a few use the bird bath for a drink of water, but the other day I watched a baby mockingbird play in the birdbath. That bird was soaked from jumping and splashing as it went around the birdbath. Playful as it jumped over and over and over again across the bubbling small fountain of water smack dab in the middle. That same bird returned this morning for a light grain breakfast and after it had finished being pushed and pecked at by other birds at the trough it began to slide down the shepherd hook that holds the feeders. At first I thought it was an accident that the little bird slid but that crazy fun loving bird flew right back to the top of the pole and slid down again numerous times. Each time that bird landed on the ground it would fluff it's feathers and flap its wings almost like it was laughing.
Last night I planted the distressed and deeply discounted zinnias that we bought at Lowe's. They perked up quite nicely overnight. I hear Buddy chattering at the birds again, so I better go see if there is anything to see. Lots and lots of bird fights happen, lots of bird pomp and circumstance. Truth be told it should be lots of poop and circumstance.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Updates on a Monday Afternoon
This weekend we had planned to take care of several projects. We only really got one accomplished and we got in the ready position for two other projects that we'll take care of this week. The one project was moving the bird bath so it can be seen better from the couch and buying more garden soil to fill in the flower bed.
Saturday morning the phone rang about 9:15. Since I didn't recognize the number I let it go to voice mail. The caller was a friend from long ago. I picked up the phone and we began visiting. We have probably not seen or spoken to each other in over 30 years. She had been looking for us for a while because a group of our friends from back in the day were having a reunion and the reunion just happened to be Saturday afternoon. She had given it one more Google try. It was so much fun talking with Sherry and to tell you the truth I usually have a good memory but there were several things I had completely forgotten. We happily made the trek out toward Pasadena and had a great time with friends from so long ago. We all exchanged emails, FB and cell numbers before we left.
I finished up most of my homework yesterday. Genesis 4: 1-4 was one of the passages we had to look up in reference to I John 3. All these years I have never been able to keep Cain and Abel straight. I couldn't remember who did what. I have now found a way to remember, Abel=acceptance of sacrifice and Cain=crappy sacrifice. I know, but it works for me. It's kind of like how I hardly ever want to quote Job because it may sound good but what if it is coming from Job's friends and that isn't good. I call Roy my walking commentary and he was so helpful in breaking down the happenings between these two brothers. He even made a passing reference to Joseph and his brothers. I don't think I ever realized that Joseph tattled on his brothers and that was the final straw, along with the colorful coat, that caused the brothers to act so intently. It is really a study into what we meditate upon and why we get so angry when a weakness or wrong is exposed just by the life and light of another person. I have mentioned before our loved one who meditates and is a brooder over every wrong, real and imagined. That loved one's life illuminated the the whole concept and reality of unreasonable anger like that experienced by Cain toward his brother. Also the sacrifice Cain made to God was not from the first fruits or the best crop. Roy explained how the first crop brings the most joy of any other crop. Cain did not share that rejoicing, he gave his leftovers. Our loved ones favorite quote when caught in this reality is this statement, "my best isn't good enough." Funny, I cannot remember one time when the loved one really ever gave their best much less good or better. They cloaked themselves with that deception throughout the years. Then Roy used as an example a birthday gift because the people that know and love you the most, know how and what gifts to give. Then you have friends that don't really care what they give because they are really not close to you, sometimes it is an obvious regifting or sometimes the gift isn't anything you really like or use. For years I had a friend and I guess we felt obligated to give one another birthday gifts whose gifts to me felt more like an obligation than a celebratory situation. Thankfully, we stopped giving gifts to each other. She usually gave me earrings with the backs being a fish hook style (don't like them and they won't stay in my ears) or a pair of such cheap earrings ($3.00 price tag left on them) that the cheap metal of the posts makes your ears crust over. Pretty much almost every pair I received throughout the years went into the trash. I kept one pair to always remind me to be a generous giver. Roy said, the difference between the givers and the gifts illustrates the gifts that Cain and Abel made to God. Put all this together and I finally understand the Cain and Abel story.
Roy grilled turkey legs last night. He marinated them for a day and they were so good. We are having leftovers tonight. Yum! We went to church Sunday morning. We had missed two weeks because I had been sick. I went with Roy to his Sunday oops, Life Bible Study class. David is teaching Galatians and the lesson was very good. Roy and I did Collina's afterwards and then headed to Lowe's to pick up dirt and a few flowers...oh and some bird seed. I am feeding every bird in Fort Bend County. Well, at least it seems like it.
Maybe tonight Roy will help me unbox a table I ordered last week. Several times I have almost ordered it but felt it was a little more than I wanted to pay. Last week Grandin Road ran a special sale and the table was included and on top of the sale price an additional 30% off. Love a good deal!
Book reading and maybe a short nap are calling out to me. I am reading Garry Marshall's biography and it is wonderful! Love to see how he has been successful, still married to his original wife, and loved his family while being one of the most creative men in Hollywood and New York.
Saturday morning the phone rang about 9:15. Since I didn't recognize the number I let it go to voice mail. The caller was a friend from long ago. I picked up the phone and we began visiting. We have probably not seen or spoken to each other in over 30 years. She had been looking for us for a while because a group of our friends from back in the day were having a reunion and the reunion just happened to be Saturday afternoon. She had given it one more Google try. It was so much fun talking with Sherry and to tell you the truth I usually have a good memory but there were several things I had completely forgotten. We happily made the trek out toward Pasadena and had a great time with friends from so long ago. We all exchanged emails, FB and cell numbers before we left.
I finished up most of my homework yesterday. Genesis 4: 1-4 was one of the passages we had to look up in reference to I John 3. All these years I have never been able to keep Cain and Abel straight. I couldn't remember who did what. I have now found a way to remember, Abel=acceptance of sacrifice and Cain=crappy sacrifice. I know, but it works for me. It's kind of like how I hardly ever want to quote Job because it may sound good but what if it is coming from Job's friends and that isn't good. I call Roy my walking commentary and he was so helpful in breaking down the happenings between these two brothers. He even made a passing reference to Joseph and his brothers. I don't think I ever realized that Joseph tattled on his brothers and that was the final straw, along with the colorful coat, that caused the brothers to act so intently. It is really a study into what we meditate upon and why we get so angry when a weakness or wrong is exposed just by the life and light of another person. I have mentioned before our loved one who meditates and is a brooder over every wrong, real and imagined. That loved one's life illuminated the the whole concept and reality of unreasonable anger like that experienced by Cain toward his brother. Also the sacrifice Cain made to God was not from the first fruits or the best crop. Roy explained how the first crop brings the most joy of any other crop. Cain did not share that rejoicing, he gave his leftovers. Our loved ones favorite quote when caught in this reality is this statement, "my best isn't good enough." Funny, I cannot remember one time when the loved one really ever gave their best much less good or better. They cloaked themselves with that deception throughout the years. Then Roy used as an example a birthday gift because the people that know and love you the most, know how and what gifts to give. Then you have friends that don't really care what they give because they are really not close to you, sometimes it is an obvious regifting or sometimes the gift isn't anything you really like or use. For years I had a friend and I guess we felt obligated to give one another birthday gifts whose gifts to me felt more like an obligation than a celebratory situation. Thankfully, we stopped giving gifts to each other. She usually gave me earrings with the backs being a fish hook style (don't like them and they won't stay in my ears) or a pair of such cheap earrings ($3.00 price tag left on them) that the cheap metal of the posts makes your ears crust over. Pretty much almost every pair I received throughout the years went into the trash. I kept one pair to always remind me to be a generous giver. Roy said, the difference between the givers and the gifts illustrates the gifts that Cain and Abel made to God. Put all this together and I finally understand the Cain and Abel story.
Roy grilled turkey legs last night. He marinated them for a day and they were so good. We are having leftovers tonight. Yum! We went to church Sunday morning. We had missed two weeks because I had been sick. I went with Roy to his Sunday oops, Life Bible Study class. David is teaching Galatians and the lesson was very good. Roy and I did Collina's afterwards and then headed to Lowe's to pick up dirt and a few flowers...oh and some bird seed. I am feeding every bird in Fort Bend County. Well, at least it seems like it.
Maybe tonight Roy will help me unbox a table I ordered last week. Several times I have almost ordered it but felt it was a little more than I wanted to pay. Last week Grandin Road ran a special sale and the table was included and on top of the sale price an additional 30% off. Love a good deal!
Book reading and maybe a short nap are calling out to me. I am reading Garry Marshall's biography and it is wonderful! Love to see how he has been successful, still married to his original wife, and loved his family while being one of the most creative men in Hollywood and New York.
Friday, September 21, 2012
A Friday in September...Do You Remember?
It has been an especially busy Friday, not so much for me but for Roy. Sometimes I wonder if he thinks that he might have been more rested by going into the office rather than taking care of things around here. He got up early to go work out and returned home to take care of a few things for the office and paperwork for us. Yard guys came and he went out to visit with Abel and get some extra work done on our yard. He took Buddy for her mani/pedi. Then he headed over to the land of sugar to get some paperwork from our stock broker and then a haircut. He then drove into Houston with all our paperwork and instead of cutting through on the Beltway he took 59 to 610 and got in horrendous traffic due to an accident. He dropped off the paperwork, came home, changed into his sandals and headed over to get his pedicure. I got a pedicure this morning, so the family that pedicures together have beautiful feet together...or something like that. Today I had the spa pedicure and it was fabulous! After his pedi he is picking up salads from Fuddruckers. I am hooked on salads this week and the best one has been the Fuddrucker one with Southern fried chicken. Tomorrow the pizza place opens and we'll have another dinner option.
Some books I ordered from Amazon came today. They all look good and I'm trying to decide which one to start. The Garry Marshall book has won out. Buddy has been by my side while I've been reading. She really wants to nap but all the birds are feasting just outside the window. The antics of birds is really quite interesting to watch. I've been witness to some really good bird fights and witness to the persistent spirit. This afternoon it is one dove and a myriad of all kind of smallish type birds. When the dove moves among them, she seems rather clumsy and not well suited to the feeding frenzy around the bird feeders. Yet when a noise rattles and scatters the small feisty birds, the dove remains. She looks downright regal and confident when the den of fluttering wings have escaped to the far trees down by the water feature. Crazy, but I identify with that big bird among the smaller, more agile birds looking clumsy and dumb while in the midst of them, yet in solitude the caricature changes immensely.
Looking forward to a relaxing, no plans kind of weekend. We have a few projects to muddle through and hopefully they'll be completed by Sunday evening.
Some books I ordered from Amazon came today. They all look good and I'm trying to decide which one to start. The Garry Marshall book has won out. Buddy has been by my side while I've been reading. She really wants to nap but all the birds are feasting just outside the window. The antics of birds is really quite interesting to watch. I've been witness to some really good bird fights and witness to the persistent spirit. This afternoon it is one dove and a myriad of all kind of smallish type birds. When the dove moves among them, she seems rather clumsy and not well suited to the feeding frenzy around the bird feeders. Yet when a noise rattles and scatters the small feisty birds, the dove remains. She looks downright regal and confident when the den of fluttering wings have escaped to the far trees down by the water feature. Crazy, but I identify with that big bird among the smaller, more agile birds looking clumsy and dumb while in the midst of them, yet in solitude the caricature changes immensely.
Looking forward to a relaxing, no plans kind of weekend. We have a few projects to muddle through and hopefully they'll be completed by Sunday evening.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Wow, long time no blog. The last time I was able to sit down and write was early Saturday morning. I think I finally came to a turning point Saturday afternoon. A friend said it was like God had to shut down all the systems and reboot you. I think that is a great description of last week. Usually a week like last week is a precursor for my heart to go out of rhythm or have some other kind of issue with my heart. So glad that nothing happened and this has been a good week.
I'm starting to finally feel in the groove when it come to Tuesday and Thursday Bible study. I'm just talking timing not at ease and depending on my own strength. I am learning so much from both leadership meetings and my core group. I love hearing the deep thoughts shared by others. I also love how the servant team leads out in totally dependency on God and doesn't minister out of insecurity. Totally refreshing. I love that the propensity for Sunday School answers diminishes with women from all denominations and stages of life coming together to study the Bible. One of the best things in my walk with the Lord has been Community Bible Study.
Saturday I slept in. I texted Lisa P to let her know there wasn't any way I could get over to the conference at her church after being up for most of the night. Later in the afternoon several friends from choir met up for lunch and then back here to watch Bernie. It was a great afternoon.
On Monday I made a quick trip without even any shopping to the land of sugar. My appointment for a haircut and highlights snuck up on me. Then on Monday evening Dena and I met for dinner and a wonderful night of conversation and catching up. This being done over Mexican food just made it all the much better.
Wednesday was a full day of solitude. I require solitude maybe even more than I like being around lots of people. I've been having a great run of good books here lately. I finished up Dirty Little Secrets. I'm familiar with the story since first reading about it in Texas Monthly, It is the story of the Baylor preacher boy who was finally convicted of killing his wife. What I found particularly interesting is how he manipulated conversation, perceptions and people. Even when he was caught in the lies he continued trying to change the facts to be more desirable to his "plight." In every instance he was always the victim when clearly he had made others his victim. Women weren't very safe around him and his first known incident took place on the Baylor campus and the last incident in Kerrville.
Wednesday evening it was good to be back in choir since I have had to miss the past two weeks.
Today after Bible study several of us went to Lupe Tortilla's for lunch. What fun! I got a really good surprise. There was a text on my phone from my crazy friend Debbie. She was remembering the day 32 years ago. It was her wedding day and I was helping her make sure everything was ready and that she was ready. She was moving to Oklahoma after the honeymoon and it was on the way to the church that we stopped at the bank so that she could close her account. We had several long, reliving the memories texts all afternoon. We both admitted to several outbursts of laughter. Of course I was at home and she is at work. After years of looking for her I finally got the brilliant idea to see if her son was on FB and if he could help me contact her. The rest is history. We aren't the best at keeping up with each other but our infrequent texts and laughter is always welcomed.
Roy is on his way home with dinner. If it's Thursday it must be Chinese take out night. I cannot tell you how much I look forward to the Pepperoni Pizza place opening. Another international option for dinner.
I'm starting to finally feel in the groove when it come to Tuesday and Thursday Bible study. I'm just talking timing not at ease and depending on my own strength. I am learning so much from both leadership meetings and my core group. I love hearing the deep thoughts shared by others. I also love how the servant team leads out in totally dependency on God and doesn't minister out of insecurity. Totally refreshing. I love that the propensity for Sunday School answers diminishes with women from all denominations and stages of life coming together to study the Bible. One of the best things in my walk with the Lord has been Community Bible Study.
Saturday I slept in. I texted Lisa P to let her know there wasn't any way I could get over to the conference at her church after being up for most of the night. Later in the afternoon several friends from choir met up for lunch and then back here to watch Bernie. It was a great afternoon.
On Monday I made a quick trip without even any shopping to the land of sugar. My appointment for a haircut and highlights snuck up on me. Then on Monday evening Dena and I met for dinner and a wonderful night of conversation and catching up. This being done over Mexican food just made it all the much better.
Wednesday was a full day of solitude. I require solitude maybe even more than I like being around lots of people. I've been having a great run of good books here lately. I finished up Dirty Little Secrets. I'm familiar with the story since first reading about it in Texas Monthly, It is the story of the Baylor preacher boy who was finally convicted of killing his wife. What I found particularly interesting is how he manipulated conversation, perceptions and people. Even when he was caught in the lies he continued trying to change the facts to be more desirable to his "plight." In every instance he was always the victim when clearly he had made others his victim. Women weren't very safe around him and his first known incident took place on the Baylor campus and the last incident in Kerrville.
Wednesday evening it was good to be back in choir since I have had to miss the past two weeks.
Today after Bible study several of us went to Lupe Tortilla's for lunch. What fun! I got a really good surprise. There was a text on my phone from my crazy friend Debbie. She was remembering the day 32 years ago. It was her wedding day and I was helping her make sure everything was ready and that she was ready. She was moving to Oklahoma after the honeymoon and it was on the way to the church that we stopped at the bank so that she could close her account. We had several long, reliving the memories texts all afternoon. We both admitted to several outbursts of laughter. Of course I was at home and she is at work. After years of looking for her I finally got the brilliant idea to see if her son was on FB and if he could help me contact her. The rest is history. We aren't the best at keeping up with each other but our infrequent texts and laughter is always welcomed.
Roy is on his way home with dinner. If it's Thursday it must be Chinese take out night. I cannot tell you how much I look forward to the Pepperoni Pizza place opening. Another international option for dinner.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
4:06 AM
I wish I was sleepy. Some of the meds I am on makes me have very restless sleeping patterns. You know the kind of patterns that makes you lie on a cool tile floor and then when the floor is too hard and too much to bear, one can't get up without a little help? I am also waiting on a med to kick in...almost all day. I want it to kick in because Saturday is going to be a fun day.
So, got through the first really official day of CBS on Thursday. Don't think we went off on too many bunny trails and we had lively discussion. I also gave my 9/11 testimony to the large group. God blessed His story. Because whatever I have is lingering, it is taking much more time to get ready. My energy level is low. That is probably due to the fact that I haven't hardly eaten much since last Saturday night. I barely made it to leadership prayer on time. There was a little confusion to where my class had been assigned. It finally had been straightened out when the lady who thought this was her class area told me she had rearranged and prayed over the chairs. That certainly made me happy because, you know the late arrival. I helped her carry some of her stuff to her new location. OK, what she said to me struck me kind of funny..."why didn't I go back to my area and spend some time with the chairs. Uh, cause I have a mic check and really I have been praying for my group all week long. This week's homework was especially thought provoking. When I got home from Bible study, I crashed. In fact on Wednesday when the maid was here I spent the whole time in the casista bedroom. I brought all kinds of stuff to keep me busy but I slept the whole afternoon. Chris told me when she was leaving that she had tried to talk with me three times, but I was sound asleep. Found out from Peggy, we both have Chris come and keep us clean and neat, that there was some concern about Windex. Believe me I would not have been able to help her. The usual conversation about needing cleaning product refill is to leave the empty bottle on the dryer and that way I know to buy more. There wasn't any empty Windex bottle to behold after she left.
It has been several hours since I wrote the above paragraphs and the meds kicked in, not on time, but in the middle of the night. I would rather be asleep. Don't get me wrong, that it might seem like I am not grateful for the relief, it's just that I am wide awake now and won't be later when I need to be. Good thing I know where the insurance papers are, that might lull me into rest.
So, got through the first really official day of CBS on Thursday. Don't think we went off on too many bunny trails and we had lively discussion. I also gave my 9/11 testimony to the large group. God blessed His story. Because whatever I have is lingering, it is taking much more time to get ready. My energy level is low. That is probably due to the fact that I haven't hardly eaten much since last Saturday night. I barely made it to leadership prayer on time. There was a little confusion to where my class had been assigned. It finally had been straightened out when the lady who thought this was her class area told me she had rearranged and prayed over the chairs. That certainly made me happy because, you know the late arrival. I helped her carry some of her stuff to her new location. OK, what she said to me struck me kind of funny..."why didn't I go back to my area and spend some time with the chairs. Uh, cause I have a mic check and really I have been praying for my group all week long. This week's homework was especially thought provoking. When I got home from Bible study, I crashed. In fact on Wednesday when the maid was here I spent the whole time in the casista bedroom. I brought all kinds of stuff to keep me busy but I slept the whole afternoon. Chris told me when she was leaving that she had tried to talk with me three times, but I was sound asleep. Found out from Peggy, we both have Chris come and keep us clean and neat, that there was some concern about Windex. Believe me I would not have been able to help her. The usual conversation about needing cleaning product refill is to leave the empty bottle on the dryer and that way I know to buy more. There wasn't any empty Windex bottle to behold after she left.
It has been several hours since I wrote the above paragraphs and the meds kicked in, not on time, but in the middle of the night. I would rather be asleep. Don't get me wrong, that it might seem like I am not grateful for the relief, it's just that I am wide awake now and won't be later when I need to be. Good thing I know where the insurance papers are, that might lull me into rest.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
There I Was Sleeping on the Bathroom Floor
I would have despaired if I hadn't believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Psalm 27...? I forgot the rest of the address. Besides someone always knowing the correct address of a verse and then kind of brags about it is one of my pet peeves. The Bible says to study to SHOW yourself approved unto God. It's more about showing and living the verse than impressing with vasts amount of Bible address knowledge. I think the above verse might be in I Timothy. I forget. I'm already on a bunny trail and not even into the first paragraph of this post. Because I know everyone is hanging on for dear life to know the outcome of my brush with illness. I thought I would catch you up on that riveting piece of news. I have no clue what got a hold of me. At first I thought it was an allergic reaction to food, then I thought it might be from a change in dosage of medicine, then being true to my upbringing by my mother who tended to be a hypercondriact. I must have West Nile virus or that other thing from taking in the scent of mice feces. Only we don't have mice and hadn't been around places where mice hang around, you know like Disney World. Who knows but whatever this thing is, it has kicked my butt from there and back. On Monday I was kind of feeling a little better but by Monday afternoon I was down for the count. I couldn't get warm and had a fever of 101. The thought of food made me ill. I had eaten some fruit and crackers around lunch time but nothing since then. I didn't leave our bed and slept through all of Pawn Stars and American Pickers. I got up to take my meds and hit the bed again. I didn't even put on jammies, I slept in my clothes. I have written before about my concerns of anything serious happening to me in the middle of the night since Roy is a hard sleeper and last night didn't allay my fears. I got the title of being the first person to throw up in our new home. We went a year and a month and wish the record could have gone on a little longer. I thought that lovely sound even though I am rather quiet about the whole throw up thing would at least get Roy's attention. Ha, I live to laugh! Afterwards, I was burning up hot, so I did the next best thing, I went to the center of our bathroom, laid down on the round rug and put my face and arms out on the cool tile floor. I hadn't laid or lied on the floor for very long and I felt this little nudge from a cold nose. Not Roy, but Buddy. My dear, sweet Buddy was coming along side me in my time of need. I told Buddy, be like Lassie! Go and get some help girl! She merely sniffed my toes and left, not returning to the end of our bed or even trying to wake up Roy, she left the room. I thought about staying there on the floor until Roy woke up to make a trek to the bathroom, but then I remembered how he isn't very awake and could only see him stepping on my head or something. So finally I cried out for Roy because I can get down to the floor, getting up off the floor is another thing. Roy held onto the back of my shirt and kind of pulled me up. I also thought about my "drinking" years. I never had a hangover and so I never had to grab onto the porcelain throne to steady myself or cool off. This was the first time I had ever been laid out on the bathroom floor.
This morning I thought I was going to have to call someone and tell them I won't be at leadership meeting but I trudged on getting ready. I kept singing We are More Than Conquerors to help my mindset. When I felt like I could drive without keeling over, I made my way to our meeting. I was trusting the Lord with my devo for the morning. He showed up real big, thank you Lord! In fact, they have asked me to share on Thursday in our large group meeting before we are dismissed to our core groups.
So, I've been thinking about being married for 35 years to Roy. We didn't have the vows in sickness or in health because the minister doing our ceremony thought we wanted to say our own vows. I have no clue what I said because I was in the state of shock. But there he was, my love, my strong hubs helping me and letting me use his legs and torso as a quasi ladder to get up off the bathroom floor last night. I don't think you can put that kind of stuff in wedding ceremony vows. Really it is hard to even grasp the concept of real life when you first get engaged, then marry and then try to figure out what the heck was I thinking? We all bring our special baggage into a the two shall become one thing. I know this will be hard to believe but we were both a little ragged around the edges when we first began this trip.
I came home this afternoon and crashed. Funny thing, when I woke up the thought of eating didn't make me feel sick. All the sudden Chinese take out sounded pretty good, so I hurriedly emailed Roy that I felt like I could take him up on his kind offer of stopping to pick up dinner.
This morning I thought I was going to have to call someone and tell them I won't be at leadership meeting but I trudged on getting ready. I kept singing We are More Than Conquerors to help my mindset. When I felt like I could drive without keeling over, I made my way to our meeting. I was trusting the Lord with my devo for the morning. He showed up real big, thank you Lord! In fact, they have asked me to share on Thursday in our large group meeting before we are dismissed to our core groups.
So, I've been thinking about being married for 35 years to Roy. We didn't have the vows in sickness or in health because the minister doing our ceremony thought we wanted to say our own vows. I have no clue what I said because I was in the state of shock. But there he was, my love, my strong hubs helping me and letting me use his legs and torso as a quasi ladder to get up off the bathroom floor last night. I don't think you can put that kind of stuff in wedding ceremony vows. Really it is hard to even grasp the concept of real life when you first get engaged, then marry and then try to figure out what the heck was I thinking? We all bring our special baggage into a the two shall become one thing. I know this will be hard to believe but we were both a little ragged around the edges when we first began this trip.
I came home this afternoon and crashed. Funny thing, when I woke up the thought of eating didn't make me feel sick. All the sudden Chinese take out sounded pretty good, so I hurriedly emailed Roy that I felt like I could take him up on his kind offer of stopping to pick up dinner.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Happy 35th Anniversary!

What a beautiful morning in and around the Houston area. It is quite nice out here on the prairie. Buddy and I are enjoying a new view. Roy built a raised garden this weekend outside the windows of our front room. He moved the bird feeders and assembled my birthday bird bath. On Saturday we bought three knockout rose bushes and will decide later what else needs to be planted. It has taken a while but the birds have finally figured out that the feeder has moved three feet.
Yesterday we celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary. Actually, we went out on Saturday to celebrate to one of our very favorite restaurants. We had a great time but it wasn't too soon after we had left the place, I began to feel lightheaded and ill. Because we are mad party people we stopped at Barnes and Noble and did a quick look see and by the time we stopped at Lowe's I was feeling horrible. It wasn't food poisoning but more like I had eaten something I am allergic to. I went to sit in the car while Roy paid for everything and we headed back home. My eyes were really hurting, had a headache, zapped of all really felt more like the flu but I had a rash on my arms and neck which usually signifies allergic reaction. I woke up Sunday morning still feeling bad. So we stayed home from church and I had hoped to feel better to at least go to Christmas choir practice, but I still didn't feel good.
The raised garden was Roy's anniversary gift to me. I love it! I spend a lot of time reading and writing in the room formally known as the dining room but that has been converted to my Nancy Nook. Roy is the best! Not because he gives good gifts but because of his heart and spirit. I am more in love with him today than the day we married.
I've just about finished up my homework. There are a couple of questions I've struggled with, so out comes the ? mark. I will find out the answer tomorrow. I am also giving the devo tomorrow, not because I can't wait to give one, more like September 11 and I never tire of telling our story to glorify God. It fits right in with the theme of this year, giving a cup of cold water in His Name. Only my story uses the term fry up some fish. Same principle, different phrases. After our leadership meeting tomorrow several of us are going to lunch.
Our visit to Barnes and Noble prompted me that several books I have been waiting to be released have been, so I need to download them on my Nook, while sitting in my nook.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Week One, Done!
Week one of Bible study, done. Wow, it was an exciting morning with all the expectation of the new and the anxiety of all that needed to be done. I arrived just a little early, found my room and said some more prayers. At 9:00 we had leadership prayer and then out to the foyer to meet and greet. It was so fun catching up with friends from past groups and then to officially meet my core group for this year. Already it seems like we have a fun group and not a shy group. I love that the ages of these women span the gambit. In fact one of the younger ones told Peggy she had been her PE teacher. We will officially begin our study of I John. I turned down a lunch invite because I needed to go to the grocery store and then I wanted to come home and crash. I successfully did both of those things. Homework is still in the car but I will get that later. Peggy left after core group to go to Ft Worth. I called her to thank her for being herself and helping the group bond and laugh. She gave me a home run status for today. PTL! I needed to hear that and believe me we are good enough friends that she could tell me the whole time was simply horiblious.
I needed yesterday to be a down day. Probably most people do not know this but I require a lot of alone time without all kinds of appointments or places to be. The only thing that I needed to do yesterday was to mail our tax form. Bonus, since I was in Fulshear, I headed over to Brookwood by the way of The Retreat. I am practicing when the time comes to add The Retreat to The Loop, Downtown, At the Lake, In the City, On the Farm...wherever we add locations. Hey, I am hip to the study of Acts... :) Almost stopped at the location now known as Hunt Retreat to take a couple of pictures of the progress they are making. Looks like it is going to be a great place to retreat to. Brookwood was fabulous as usual because the timing of Halloween, Fall and Christmas decorations all being on display. I stuck to the fall genre and found a lot of cute things. I bought some glass acorns and pine cones and they needed ribbon or something to hang them on my little "for all seasons" metal tree. On the way home I stopped in at Hobby Lobby and debated on what kind of ribbon or yarn or string or whatever to hang these things with. A wonderful employee and quite knowledgeable in the art of display helped me find what I needed. Believe me I would have never found this on my own. The ubiquitous 40% off fall items signs were everywhere so I picked up a few more autumnal decorations. Who care if some of them fit more into a Thanksgiving theme. I want to get the most bang for my buck until it is time to haul out the holly. Got home and stayed on or near the couch for the rest of the day. Worked some on homework and caught up on some reading. I played hookie from choir because I could not even fathom having to stop and get ready to go. The sound of football was our background noise and a few times I did have to check on Honey Boo Boo Child much to the vocal disgust of Roy. Hey, they were doing a marathon last night.
Our bird feeder has gotten very popular again now that I am serving seed that the birds like. Feeding goes in shifts. The doves, who should stay near by because it is dove season, have the early morning feeding time. Then smaller birds come around lunch time. Now little blackbirds are feeding and soon it will be time for the doves to return for their early evening time. This all keeps Buddy delighted and ever vigilant. The Vet was a little concerned that she has lost 3 ounces but I told Roy she isn't eating as much or crying for treats because she is busy watching the tweets.
On Sunday Roy and I will celebrate our 35th anniversary. Wow, where has the time gone? Also, we have never had an argument..... AHHHHH! What was that? A stray lighting strike close by here in the Rancho de Five. Oh, yea, ok, so maybe we have had a few arguments in our time.
Well, I need to put up the rest of the groceries. Oh and maybe take a little power nap. I need my strength, because I think we are going out to dinner tonight. Which by the way I just read what's coming in the new development off I-10. We do not need any more dentists, nail salons, storage places, Mexican restaurants or cleaners. More restaurants would really, really be nice. Not another McDonald's please.
I needed yesterday to be a down day. Probably most people do not know this but I require a lot of alone time without all kinds of appointments or places to be. The only thing that I needed to do yesterday was to mail our tax form. Bonus, since I was in Fulshear, I headed over to Brookwood by the way of The Retreat. I am practicing when the time comes to add The Retreat to The Loop, Downtown, At the Lake, In the City, On the Farm...wherever we add locations. Hey, I am hip to the study of Acts... :) Almost stopped at the location now known as Hunt Retreat to take a couple of pictures of the progress they are making. Looks like it is going to be a great place to retreat to. Brookwood was fabulous as usual because the timing of Halloween, Fall and Christmas decorations all being on display. I stuck to the fall genre and found a lot of cute things. I bought some glass acorns and pine cones and they needed ribbon or something to hang them on my little "for all seasons" metal tree. On the way home I stopped in at Hobby Lobby and debated on what kind of ribbon or yarn or string or whatever to hang these things with. A wonderful employee and quite knowledgeable in the art of display helped me find what I needed. Believe me I would have never found this on my own. The ubiquitous 40% off fall items signs were everywhere so I picked up a few more autumnal decorations. Who care if some of them fit more into a Thanksgiving theme. I want to get the most bang for my buck until it is time to haul out the holly. Got home and stayed on or near the couch for the rest of the day. Worked some on homework and caught up on some reading. I played hookie from choir because I could not even fathom having to stop and get ready to go. The sound of football was our background noise and a few times I did have to check on Honey Boo Boo Child much to the vocal disgust of Roy. Hey, they were doing a marathon last night.
Our bird feeder has gotten very popular again now that I am serving seed that the birds like. Feeding goes in shifts. The doves, who should stay near by because it is dove season, have the early morning feeding time. Then smaller birds come around lunch time. Now little blackbirds are feeding and soon it will be time for the doves to return for their early evening time. This all keeps Buddy delighted and ever vigilant. The Vet was a little concerned that she has lost 3 ounces but I told Roy she isn't eating as much or crying for treats because she is busy watching the tweets.
On Sunday Roy and I will celebrate our 35th anniversary. Wow, where has the time gone? Also, we have never had an argument..... AHHHHH! What was that? A stray lighting strike close by here in the Rancho de Five. Oh, yea, ok, so maybe we have had a few arguments in our time.
Well, I need to put up the rest of the groceries. Oh and maybe take a little power nap. I need my strength, because I think we are going out to dinner tonight. Which by the way I just read what's coming in the new development off I-10. We do not need any more dentists, nail salons, storage places, Mexican restaurants or cleaners. More restaurants would really, really be nice. Not another McDonald's please.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Monday Holidays Throw Me Off
Monday holidays throw me off. I have been thinking all day that if I can just be patient for tomorrow because on the 4th several books I want to read are being released. It didn't even register until just about an hour ago when I looked at my phone that today is the 4th.
We had very nice Labor Day weekend. We had just enough "planned" times and had an equal amount of down time which was welcomed. We knocked off a couple of projects on the to do list. Roy's turn to cook breakfast for his Bible study group went without a hitch and was well received.
This morning we had Community Bible Study leadership meeting. I am feeling overwhelmed by so much info that is up to me to pass onto my core group. Thank goodness I am not a perfectionist or I would be going bonkers. Last Thursday when we were in training so many talked about the spiritual warfare that they were experiencing. I was kind of worried because I had not sensed any attack. Now, when I was praying about being a leader, yes I felt the warfare, so I thought well, I'm done. Hahaha....Thursday evening the phone rang and we don't usually answer unless we know who is calling, but thinking it could be someone from Bible study, I answered the phone. It was a member from my father's posse, the group of people he has surrounded himself with. He wanted to give me some info on my father's situation and I believe he thought the outcome of the conversation would produce results he anticipated but I think the whole conversation became awkward to him. Hey I haven't spent thousands of dollars on therapy not to practice what I have learned. My father is still deceived. While some have asked me if I think it is dementia talking, I really don't think it is. He is able to still manipulate and control his circumstances and it sounds like he is doing a bang up job. My father has added a few new accusations to the mix and truthfully I think some of his posse are beginning to question the validity of his statements concerning us and there are others that are still drinking his Kool Aid. This weekend I read something in The Oprah Magazine (don't judge) that got my attention because fretting and worrying about every move or hurtful action doesn't help anything. This month the topic is on transformation and even Oprah touches on transformation by renewing our minds but I digress. In the magazine is a snippet from a book by Rev. Ed Bacon. Let it go...holding a grudge won't make a person change their behavior-we don't have that much power over someone else. To move on, repeat this mantra, His/Her actions take up too much real estate in my brain. If I move them out, I can live freely." Well, we live freely because of Christ but I have noticed some real estate opening up in the old brain the past few months.
It may feel like really, really hot summer still but the inside of our home looks like fall. Oh come oh come autumnal bliss. I didn't have my French pot rack last fall so I need to find a few fallish type goodies to display. I went to K T Antiques today because last year I found some really neat fallish type items but I guess I am rushing fall when Halloween hasn't even taken place. I did find another Monarch tea tin.
That's it for now. I need to go order my ebooks.
We had very nice Labor Day weekend. We had just enough "planned" times and had an equal amount of down time which was welcomed. We knocked off a couple of projects on the to do list. Roy's turn to cook breakfast for his Bible study group went without a hitch and was well received.
This morning we had Community Bible Study leadership meeting. I am feeling overwhelmed by so much info that is up to me to pass onto my core group. Thank goodness I am not a perfectionist or I would be going bonkers. Last Thursday when we were in training so many talked about the spiritual warfare that they were experiencing. I was kind of worried because I had not sensed any attack. Now, when I was praying about being a leader, yes I felt the warfare, so I thought well, I'm done. Hahaha....Thursday evening the phone rang and we don't usually answer unless we know who is calling, but thinking it could be someone from Bible study, I answered the phone. It was a member from my father's posse, the group of people he has surrounded himself with. He wanted to give me some info on my father's situation and I believe he thought the outcome of the conversation would produce results he anticipated but I think the whole conversation became awkward to him. Hey I haven't spent thousands of dollars on therapy not to practice what I have learned. My father is still deceived. While some have asked me if I think it is dementia talking, I really don't think it is. He is able to still manipulate and control his circumstances and it sounds like he is doing a bang up job. My father has added a few new accusations to the mix and truthfully I think some of his posse are beginning to question the validity of his statements concerning us and there are others that are still drinking his Kool Aid. This weekend I read something in The Oprah Magazine (don't judge) that got my attention because fretting and worrying about every move or hurtful action doesn't help anything. This month the topic is on transformation and even Oprah touches on transformation by renewing our minds but I digress. In the magazine is a snippet from a book by Rev. Ed Bacon. Let it go...holding a grudge won't make a person change their behavior-we don't have that much power over someone else. To move on, repeat this mantra, His/Her actions take up too much real estate in my brain. If I move them out, I can live freely." Well, we live freely because of Christ but I have noticed some real estate opening up in the old brain the past few months.
It may feel like really, really hot summer still but the inside of our home looks like fall. Oh come oh come autumnal bliss. I didn't have my French pot rack last fall so I need to find a few fallish type goodies to display. I went to K T Antiques today because last year I found some really neat fallish type items but I guess I am rushing fall when Halloween hasn't even taken place. I did find another Monarch tea tin.
That's it for now. I need to go order my ebooks.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Earlier Than I Planned
It is an early morning out here on the prairie. The early birds aren't even out getting worms and they haven't gathered at the bird feeder yet. Buddy patiently waits for their return. Bird watching must have worn her out yesterday because she was asleep earlier than usual and she pretty much slept through the night.
Today is Roy's turn to cook for the men's Bible study he attends. He is making caramel pecan pancakes accompanied by fruit salad and sausage. He was up and moving early this morning and when he was packed up and heading out the door, I got up and helped distract Buddy from being so interested in the front door.
Roy took yesterday off. I met him at Black Walnut for breakfast. Then he ran some errands and got his hair cut. We also had the media guy come by and do something with some outside wires that were unprotected. I spent most of the day calling my core group, reading and resting. The past week has been particularly hard on my stamina and immune system.
There is extra joy in our household because it is finally college football season. Roy flipped in between games while making his pancake batter. The LSU yard sign that Roy ordered arrived yesterday and we put it out in the yard last night. I expect to hear from the HOA. They must be falling down on the job. We haven't heard from them in a while and numerous yards now have solar garden lights. The garden lights add a lot to the front yard but according to the by laws, they are illegal to have displayed.
Just saw an early bird do a fly by our feeder. The sun is coming up and soon the feeder will be the happening place. I will finish my coffee now and watch the sunrise. Soon the rays of light will flood the study and make it almost impossible to see. It is a favorite moment of the day.
Today is Roy's turn to cook for the men's Bible study he attends. He is making caramel pecan pancakes accompanied by fruit salad and sausage. He was up and moving early this morning and when he was packed up and heading out the door, I got up and helped distract Buddy from being so interested in the front door.
Roy took yesterday off. I met him at Black Walnut for breakfast. Then he ran some errands and got his hair cut. We also had the media guy come by and do something with some outside wires that were unprotected. I spent most of the day calling my core group, reading and resting. The past week has been particularly hard on my stamina and immune system.
There is extra joy in our household because it is finally college football season. Roy flipped in between games while making his pancake batter. The LSU yard sign that Roy ordered arrived yesterday and we put it out in the yard last night. I expect to hear from the HOA. They must be falling down on the job. We haven't heard from them in a while and numerous yards now have solar garden lights. The garden lights add a lot to the front yard but according to the by laws, they are illegal to have displayed.
Just saw an early bird do a fly by our feeder. The sun is coming up and soon the feeder will be the happening place. I will finish my coffee now and watch the sunrise. Soon the rays of light will flood the study and make it almost impossible to see. It is a favorite moment of the day.
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