Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Tuesday Morning, Not The Store...The Actual Day

This is a total ease into the day kind of morning. Yesterday was busy and so much fun and I think I am a little overdrawn on my energy supply but it will get replenished. I would have been more overdrawn if it wasn't for fabulous friends who jump in to help, without me even asking. Vivian and Brenda to the rescue in so many ways and I am so thankful for them, not because they rescue me but the love and kindness that dwells deeply within their spirit and cannot help but overflow into other's lives. Just how God designed us to be.

Sunday afternoon Brenda came over to help me with cookies for Mildred and Gertrude. The tried and true way that Peggy and I have made them over the years has been using Pillsbury refrigerated sugar cookie dough. Guess Pillsbury has changed up the recipe a bit because tried and true did not work. All the cookies looked alike, a blob of various sizes. Oh my...Brenda went back to her home and brought the ingredients and recipe to make the cookies, because you know I didn't have half the stuff that was needed. We made the Nativity cookies out of her delicious Christmas cookie recipe.

Vivian knows that baking and cooking are not my best things and how overwhelmed I can feel with it all. She asked if she could make the salad for me and then offered to make the guacamole too. That kind gesture freed me up to finish up last minute cleaning details and to concentrate solely on the main dish...which turned out well, although my chili gravy was another story. Think I am giving up on it.

Sunday evening after Brenda left I sat here and cried, not sad tears but joyful tears. I am so thankful for being a recipient of such wonderful friends. I cried those same tears last night after everyone left. There were ten of us last night working on the cookies and we had a blast! Laughing and having fun. It reminded me of the time the BRD's helped us decorate cookies at one of our dinners that included a fried chicken cook off. I mean really, what a great combination.

Now things around here are quiet, but it won't be for long, the Bains and Bryants will be here at the end of the week. Thankfully, I have just a few little things to take care of for their visit...well, a grocery store trip which isn't a little thing but it will be easy. The temps are fallish and I will be heading out the door to enjoy some autumn scenes and temps. The leaves are very late this year in changing color but it is still so beautiful. Yesterday, I read Psalm 16 and it was just the right Psalm at the right time. "The land you have given me is a pleasant land. What a wonderful inheritance! I will bless the LORD who guides me; even at night my heart instructs me. I know the LORD is always with me. I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me."

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