Thursday, August 7, 2008

Blogging/Venting=Just Plain Old Complaining in a Teckie Way

I tried to blog last night and the mouse wouldn't work correctly. It was probably good that I could not write. To be honest, I was in the worst mood last night. A really bad mood and to me the catharsis would be to vent. VENT loud! Of course I can see that God had a hand in the mouse and other parts of our computer not working correctly. I hate to admit it though, I was getting in a worse mood over the whole situation. Well it was God or the Norton update we did on Tuesday which always messes things up for a few days.About the time I had given up writing anything, Roy came home after a long day at the office. He sat down and said, tell me all about it. He didn't know the build up of frustrations, the miserable hole I feel in the core of my being and minor hurts and issues that felt like such a slight. He got to hear it all, the stuff I am tired of, the weariness in not growing weary in doing good, the lack of encouragement I feel, the dying of a dream and here is the clincher...this will just show you how petty I have been feeling....Are you ready? Will you still like me after I admit this? Gosh, I hope so. This has been the most chocolate birthday ever and I don't really care for chocolate that much. I will be bringing chocolate to the office and giving it away in the coming days. See, I told you I had sunk pretty far into the whole self pity kind of thing.I am glad that I didn't blog all that was on my mind last night. I will be honest even more so, I didn't wake up in all that great of mood. But God...He is faithful and He spoke to me this morning as I began half heartidly with my quiet time. I began to pour out my heart to Him, all the hurts, the issues, and the feeling of exile. I agree with Him, He is in control, He knows the plans, He knows my heart, and He knows what I need. Buddy and I seem to have a lot in common these days, she sits at the front door and cries...she wants hallway adventure until a noise or a person scares her and she runs into the comfort of home. I too am sitting at the door of life, crying for "hallway adventure" and just like Buddy, the first noise or strange person that comes my way, is going to make me run into the safety and comfort of home. God knows and God cares. He knows the timing and what is best. He knows my talents and gifts He has given me and He knows how they are used. *He has encouragment coming but I hope He doesn't give me chocolate.Today was Brand Camp for the staff at church. We saw the new logo and got freebies. Love getting a goodie bag. The rest of the day is thought provoking. Thanks for listening, thanks for reading.* By saying this I am in no way looking for people to comment with encouragment etc...God knows the source of my despair and the encouragment I need.


Ali said...

Nancy, I'm right with you :-)

There's nothing, nothing, NOTHING like a good blogging session to vent frustration!!

Anonymous said...

hi! i wish Roy knew my husband...they could talk computers and mine would probably suggest to roy that getting rid of norton might be the best thing ever.....i don't know a thing about this stuff but i have listened to him enough times with others....both norton and mccaffee are usually replaced!!!

jené said...

I give to you my heartfelt silence.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, my friend! I sure do miss seeing you. I would love to give you an encouraging smile and you and praying for you!

FitzandMolly said...

did you say, "the dying of a dream??" i think i might have a poem that speaks to this. the first line reads, "Have you ever..."


Anonymous said...

I'll tell you in person what I was going to comment!



Anonymous said...

Seems like some days are more reflective than others. You know where your strength comes. I have been Buddy too, waiting at the doorway, wanting what is on the other side yet when that door opens, I am too scared to go through. I need some quiet time on this. I want to call you next week about a little field trip! Love, Annette

Lauren said...

I just want to say that I understand.

And in the midst of all this, a Nancyism comes through:
"He has encouragment coming but I hope He doesn't give me chocolate."

That should go on a calendar or something.

Dana said...

You know, we had so many problems with Norton...we've since gone to McAfee and haven't had those little issues....

The other thing is...WHAT??? You don't care for chocolate???? Oh, gosh. All I believed about you has just been dashed on the rocks and shattered in to a million...okay, truly it's not my favorite either. BUT, the "Pound of Chocolate a Day From Countries All Over the World for One Year" gift I got you is sooooo going back.

Profbaugh said...

Well, Nancy. We'd make a perfect pair. I could take all the chocolate you don't want (tee hee). Oh my. Does that sound selfish or what. Sorry, I'm a bit hungry right at the moment and chocolate sounds pretty good. By the way remind me to tell you the chocolate story about my daughter some time. It's worth a laugh or two.

Sending you some warm wishes and counting the days until we meet face-to-face in SA.

Lots of love,

Sheri Greer said...

I hear ya! I am so with you on chocolate! I am the same way! One year the office celebrated my birthday and it was full of chocolate! Yuck! I didn't say a thing. Just wondered who told them my favorite was chocolate. They did not know me very well.
No worries we all have those kind of days!