Friday, July 3, 2009

Darn That Cat

I think I have caught on, finally, to some of Buddy's tricks of the trade. Mornings are harder to manage because Buddy thinks everyone, including Roy whom she hardly ever gives the time of day, should stop whatever they are doing and rub her. She falls in front of your feet, she runs ahead and falls down for you to stop and rubs around your legs until you stop and give her a little bit of loving. Now that I'm not working, it is easier to begrudge her requests. At some point Buddy goes from this loving cat to a vicious attack cat. For awhile I thought, oh how cute, she puts her back paws on my feet to get them warm. But she is strategically positioning herself to latch onto my leg and then use her front paws and mouth to attack. Now that I am wise to this trick I move my feet around constantly when she makes the attempt. She's been getting bored with the whole thing and meanders off for her early morning nap. How can something so cute have this mean, vicious side to them?

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