This has been such an absolutely incredible week. Nothing extraordinary happened other than enjoying the ordinary of everyday life. The pictures of Peggy and Jaime are from about a month ago, but I am behind in updating pictures etc... so I included them in this particular post. This has been a very social week for me, probably the most social since I retired in January. Of course being very. very sanguine, this isn't any surprise to anyone who knows me, but I noticed I could get in routines and go a whole week without any type of substantial conversation or interaction. I came to the decision I needed to have lunch at least once a week with a friend.
Monday evening was Bunko and Amanda was the hostess for this month. We had a blast! We had a great dinner, fun, lots of laughs, and oh yea, we played Bunko. The trip to and from Amanda's was enjoyable because of Kay.
Tuesday is the one day I actually went to the gym and did a full workout. Sadly, I have only walked a couple of the other days. Wednesday, Melinda Scurlock and I went to lunch at the Nord. It was her first time eating in the Bistro. We had the most wonderful time catching up with each other and she gifted me with a beautiful plant that I will promptly kill unintentionally. The plant was for volunteering in Vacation Bible School. I don't think I did enough to be plant worthy. Melinda loved the Nord and our waiter Jimmy made sure her first experience was memorable. Being the unthoughtful friend, I did not take pictures of this "first" for Melinda.
Wednesday night is choir. Fun on a multitude of levels. Get to see friends. Peggy, Marcia, and I sat together and had fun in between songs. Peggy and I were disappointed that Dana D didn't pick us. She sang some high soprano part solo and John asked her to pick two people to sing along with her. Of course our hands went up from the back row of the alto section. The only High C that Peggy and I will ever hit is the back in the day drink which would be like today's Capri Sun only High C came in can form. If you had High C in your lunch, you were sooooo cool. Afterwards a bunch of us sat around and visited. John was given an award by the orchestra for asking for more trumpet in a song. Guess that is a rarity in the orchestra world.
Thursday, I met CourtneyS for a quick lunch at the Nord. She is about to have a baby and getting to have lunch with her will be a long time coming. We asked Peggy to join us, but she had a dentist appointment. If she got out in time she was going to come but she texted that she had been numbed up so much for the crown, it would be wasting money to try and eat anything and taste nothing. Lunch went really well, well until we paid the bill. One of the pens had exploded and CourtneyS was the one who picked it up and got it all over her hands. We could not stop laughing. We finally got Jimmy's attention, yep he was the waiter second day in a row, and they brought CourtneyS these tiny, tiny, little, itty bitty wipes. They would be paper towels in Barbie's Dream House. So CourtneyS began the laborious clean up with about 15 of these little wipes.
Thursday afternoon a friend emailed me to see if I could go eat dinner. The only caveat, we needed to go someplace different than our run of the mill choices and she said be creative. So I got on the Internet and began looking at different choices and sent back an email relating what I had found. Silly me creative really meant she was in the mood for seafood. I would love to tell you about our dinner, how good it was, how much fun we had and the conversation sterling. I would love to share how she picked me up on her way home from work and we stopped by her place for her to change into jeans and I got to see her new yellow patio chairs she bought several weeks ago and how good they look on her balcony. It would be so fun to tell you that we first perused Willie G's and by the parking lot full of cars, we deduced it would be a noisy and crowded place. In the parking lot we saw a young woman leaving and she had a sash draped over her shoulder. We didn't want to gawk and try to read the sash, so we decided she was Miss Crawdad and her next big pageant dream is to be Miss Lobster. Paying her dues and working her way up the crustacean scale. She was escorted by another young woman and a young man who in gentlemanly fashion opened the door on his over sized Dooley truck for her majesty. It would be so much fun to tell you we decided upon Joyce's Seafood. How I long to tell you we were not disappointed in our choice of entree, that the key lime pie was fabulous and the decaf fresh. Everyone could be helped if I was able to tell about another safety moment we had on the drive back to my home and that we laughed till neither one of us had any eye make up left. I would love to tell you about this but my friend is shy and doesn't like the spotlight of my 5 faithful readers upon her.
Today I went to the land of Sugar to get my haircut. Got a Diet Coke run in at Target before the appointment and a quick trip through Whole Foods afterwards. Even had a chance to hit the Sugarland Academy to see if they had any cute work out capris. They did. I began the trip back into the big city, mindful of the safety lessons I have learned in the past few weeks. Mindful, I didn't practice them...anyway I was in a hurry to get home because Roy was actually leaving the office at 12:30. He helped me bring in the cargo and then helped take out the sacks of clothes for Goodwill. We dropped off the clothes and headed to Lupe's. We had the beef fajitas and they are slap ya mamma good. We went to the Academy next to Lupes and we both found shoes and some on sale t shirts. Roy has been on an Icee kick of late, so we ran by Target and I sat in the car while he ran in to get us two. Cherry Berry Lemonade Icee, it was so refreshing and good. We are hanging out with Buddy tonight and staying in to stay cool. He is going to make a Half Price Book run in the morning. We'll see how much we get for this third round of book recycling.
The following are pictures I took of Peggy and me on our play day last month. Jaime brought us lunch and they both set up blogs with my forgetful help. Peggy showed me how to make picture books from vacation prints. We had a blast. Now comes her busy season of Bain Bed and Breakfast and Beach. Our next opportunity is probably in the fall. I think I am going to go to Bible study with her on Thursday mornings in the Katy area.
Well, this post has gone on too long but I needed to share how much fun I've had and getting to spend time with friends named and un-named. It has also been a good week because there were no Daddy Drama visits to the ER or other "attention getting" antics. Good week cause there wasn't one day I had to be up at the break of dawn and could ease into the day. I got to eat dinner at favorite places and new places. Happy that Rebbecca Wells new book has been released and I had an extra 15% off coupon to use on it. So grateful for God's love, for His peace and joy. So thankful He watches over us and is so faithful when we're not.
I love your posts.....and your fun weeks..
Did you know that there is a Lupes going in at Echo Lane and I-10, in the Kroger parking lot? It is where On the Border was. I thought of you when I saw the sign!
Oh, and tell Roy that most Valero Gas Stations have Icees in case he has a desire for one and Target is not nearby!
Courtney just looks so dang skinny to be that pregnant.
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