Monday, February 1, 2010

Weekend Plus Monday Recap

The weekend was filled with celebrations. On Saturday we went to Richard and Sandy Bell's 50 year wedding anniversary celebration. It was wonderful! It was so much fun to celebrate with them and hundreds of their closest friends. I so wanted a piece of the cake but I was good. Roy said it was delicious. After celebrating there and catching up with friends in attendance, Roy and I went out to dinner. I am celebrating that I only ate 7 chips when I am allowed 10 when eating Mexican food.

After church and Sunday School Roy and I had lunch with a friend. OK, we had lunch with Dena at the Nord. It was delicious as usual. We had a really fun time. I also took back a blouse, too big and since Roy was with me and he quenches my spirit at times in the Nord, I got out of there with money back in the bank. Usually it goes back in and comes right back out because I have found something else wonderful.

I wish blogger had an " add to dictionary" choice in the spell check.

On Sunday afternoon it was so much fun to celebrate Heather Sproule. She is getting married in March. There was so much love and fun in that room. We would watch Heather unwrap gifts, then get caught up with seeing friends we hadn't seen in a while. Even though most of us still go to First Baptist, you can get on a time track and never see old friends who are on a different time track than you. I loved that afternoon shower full of friends and sweet goodies that yes, I resisted. Praise the Lord!

I have 6 more pounds to lose and I will have lost a 100 pounds. Think there will be a give a way on the old Monablog to celebrate. If only I can lose 6 pounds and have it coincide with the opening of Nord Rack on February 25. Guess you can see what I am thinking of giving away. Oh, actually I could give away gift cards from Old Navy, Barnes and Noble, Grand Lux and Nordstrom. You would never have to leave the shopping center. Any thoughts on this?

Today I went to the opthamalogist and had a very thoroughly extensive eye exam. No retina damage and my eyes look good. Just dealing with inflammation and that is causing my constantly changing vision. Should be settling soon. In fact I don't feel like it has gotten any worse since the end of last week. In 2011 I may have eye surgery so I won't have to wear glasses and won't have to deal with the shifting shadows of vision. Can't think of the name of that surgery right now but lots of people my age do it. All the eye drops were fun this morning. First eye, drops got in fine. Second eye, there was a whole lot of blinking going on which meant multiple attempts to get those drops in. There was yellow dye running down my cheeks. They gave me a tissue to blot it off but I seriously was thinking of leaving that dye on my face. Then when I saw Roy tell him I am jaundiced and can't cook. Oh yea, I don't cook anyway...maybe I should have said I could not perform my wifely duties. That only means I can't vacuum. Since my hysterectomy in 2005 I have been hanging onto the no vacuuming excuse. He isn't buying into that either.

That's about it on the weekend plus Monday recap.


Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

So proud of you losing the weight. I so need to lose 25...and need to get motivated...

FitzandMolly said...

yea, 100!!