Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Today Could Be the Best Day of Your Life

I read the above title in an email this morning. No, it wasn't from a devotional nor was it encouragement by a friend. It is from a guy who wants to sell me stickers and scrapbook supplies. Odd source on so many levels but there is much to ponder in that sentence. He was interviewing a woman for an article and she shared how that sentence is the first thing she remembers as she is waking up. He decided he wanted to make that sentence a part of his life and now I'm making it a part of mine.

Every day can be the best day, you just to have ears to hear and eyes that see the hand of Almighty God in the details of everyday, mundane errand running existence. I came across this interesting verse yesterday;
"Because of God's tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us (or visit us),
to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and guide us to the path of peace." Luke 1:79

The path of peace. Peace, is hard fought for and not easily acquired. We cannot generate peace on our own. We have to trust the One who is the Prince of Peace and realize peace is a fruit of the Spirit, so peace, true, real peace, comes only from God. He is the guide for our path of peace.

This morning I had a Doctor appointment with my GP. Got a flu shot and a tetanus shot. Had some blood drawn and had my heart listened to. She was so good to help me understand what to expect from my procedure in the morning. She mentioned that I shouldn't put my hope into this procedure and that by having it done might not will turn my life around, because it might not be the panacea that it's all cracked up to be. I told her, hey it is part of my journey and my hope is in God because He is the only reason I am here today. She just kind of looked at me, so I added, it's been a good journey. She offered her thoughts that this has been a great journey with great results for me. Yep, how great is our God. Don't sing with me because I'm not singing this I am writing this. Although when I hear that song on the radio I hear, How gray is our guy... I've written about this before but it always cracks me up.

So instead of stopping in at Buffalo Grille after the appointment, I headed straight to the Half Yearly Sale. I just got some hair product and make up...and some socks. Oh, and there was a black faux leather jacket that seemed to have my name on it...but that's all! OK, some workout clothes on sale, but I left, came straight home for lunch. Today could be the best day of my life and it's been a good day and I thank God for it, but not the best. I'm holding out the prayer that tomorrow could be the best day of my life.*

*Of course I know the day I accepted Jesus as my Savior and the day I married Roy were two of the best days of my life, but I love what Cecilla Talley once told us in Sunday School...we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into on both those days. I know what I'm getting into at the Half Yearly Sale...double points!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praying for you. I just read your post from yesterday (Wed). Thanks for sharing your journey with us in such an open, honest and humorous way.