Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wuest Fest...It's Greek to Me

I'm just sitting here reading Wuest's Word Studies, emphasis on Philippians and the expanded translation from the Greek for the book of Acts. You just thought I eat out and shop at The Nord all the time. There is a bit of a scholar in me. There would be more of one but I always have to spell check scholar and for that matter rhythm and restaurant. You'll notice when I am in a hurry I use synonyms for the above words, excluding scholar because that's a word I don't use very regularly on the blog. Once again I digress.

I had a very fun morning meeting Lisa P at Buffalo Grille for breakfast. We closed down the breakfast crowd and almost sat there for the early lunch crowd. What fun catching up on all the happenings.

March Buchanan's new book...Spiritual Rhythms...there's that word again, is so good. I've had a difficult time putting it down. His book The Rest of God is one of my most marked and underlined books that I possess and his new book is of that caliber.

Roy should be home in a little bit from working out. Then I will have to vacate the office so he can "work" on the computer. I really don't have anything insightful to share or anything that's funny, but couldn't let the opportunity pass by without reporting in on the books I am studying out of.

Happy Tuesday evening everyone!

1 comment:

Becky Kiser said...

Nancy, I just love you.

And I always have to spell check restaurant too. Not sure if it's spelled right there-- why can't the comment box have spell check?