It has been a productive morning. Had the early morning Dr appointment and as soon as it was finished I headed over to Le Peep for a short stack. I'm a day late celebrating Shrive ( I think that's what it is called). Oh well. Anyway, it is not the business hub bub of Buffalo Grille yet the men who eat at such places and discuss their business do not use their inside or prayer request volume voice. I heard all about hedge funds and capital funds and also how to run a side business in that general genre. These men discussed Merrill Lynch adnasium and actually talked about some people I know from good old tennis days. These men realized that this is a young man's business and they were trying to make as much as they can now before they hit the old age of 40. I really didn't want to sit there and overhear all their talk, because I was trying to read a book, make my to do list and send some emails. I was taking my time because Tanglewood Gifts doesn't open until 9:30 and I had a package to mail to my cousin in Atlanta. Once I finished eating and mailing it was off to The Nord. Had some blouses to return and I wanted to check out things since next week is triple points. Yesterday I decided to keep my china because I have so much storage in the new kitchen. I bought some china storage deals and returned today to buy stemware and another cup storage container. Then I made a quick trip to Whole Earth and found a few things on sale, then I finally returned home before 11:30. Not bad for a morning's work.
Yesterday, before packing up the china I took a couple pictures of it. This is Norataki, Savannah. Notice the little pink, blue and green flowers. As a 22 year old I just KNEW this china would stand the test of time. If my memory serves me correctly and I do believe it does, this pattern was discontinued a few months after our wedding. Now here is the puzzling thing, 8 plates, salad plates and dessert plates. Although I have 9 coffee cups and only 7 saucers. I do not remember anything ever getting broken. So the extra cup is going to go to Erin D since she requested if I had any to give she would love to have a Nancy Mon mishap. Think I have several other cups and saucers that I have collected, and since I don't collect cups and saucers, I don't know why I have these to donate to her cause.
We registered for crystal but I only received one goblet. I kept it so I would remember what I picked out. I think it was castle garden or something like that. It was a popular and a main stay back in the 70's and into the 80's. The china has probably been used twice in 33 years. Thus the remodeling of the dining room in our new home is being made into a sitting room. I have sat more than twice in the past 33 years. Once we move and get settled in I'll probably pick something new and fun from Pottery Barn or Crate and Barrel. Heck, I should throw myself a shower because I need new stuff and in all these years since we never had children or grandchildren, I need payback from all the showers I have attended. Just kidding but I do believe we should give each other replacement showers every 10 years of marriage cause trends have come, towels are worn out, harvest gold crock pots are considered vintage and the like. Goodwill has actually received about 3 wedding presents that we never used and still in the original boxes. It is a good thing we picked out everything with a casual lifestyle in mind. Never have been into all the formal junk.
Sunday we had our second appointment and the David Weekly Design Center and we finished up. Just have a few things that needs to be priced out. We chose slate for the courtyard and we are going to extend the backyard patio. I probably should have thought about adding an ice machine that makes Sonic type ice to the kitchen but I didn't think about it and I have also heard ice machines are in the need of constant repair.
Last night Roy and I tackled one of the bookcases that has become the receptacle of all things we don't know what to do with. I came across one of the earliest Mildred and Gertrude scripts we ever did. It was fun skimming through it and I kept it. Sermon notes from the years, thrown away in a heartbeat. Worship Guides and bulletins, trashed. Such is the fate of a graphic artist's work.
Yay! Thank you!!! :)
I completely agree with needing showers every 10 years or so. You could throw yourself a house warming party and maybe people would bring you some really nice gifts!
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