Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter-Service, Lunch, Fun and Eventually a Nap

The song, "Was it a Morning Like This?" brings a little chuckle to me every year around this time.  For the most part Easter mornings are chaotic, full of surprise, and even maybe just a little unexpected thrown into the morning routine.  In this addled brain I have always re-written the words to that song so it includes hair not cooperating, planned Easter outfits a little haywire and of course running behind on schedule thus making an Easter landing into church sometimes as a little eventful.

This year Easter morning came early for us.  No, we didn't have any Easter egg hunters with us.  We were up early because Roy prays for the services before church and he needed to be there at 6:30 am and the choir was singing in all four services and we needed to be robed and in the loft by 7:00 am.  It has been quite sometime since I have seen 5:00 am wide awake.  It wasn't really that bad, but maybe it was due to the excitement that the day held.  Believe me, I do not want to make a regular habit of 5:00 am wake up and get up. 

It was a joy celebrating Resurrection Sunday.  God's presence was certainly there in the worship services.  The music, the worship and the message brought such wonder, hope, assurance and peace.  In between the 8:00 and 9:30 services, the choir and orchestra came back to the Rehearsal Hall for breakfast snacks.  I believe we could have fed almost everyone in attendance with the delicious food that people brought. 

We went to the Bains for Easter lunch and fun with the fam.  Roy and I usually bring several cartons of confetti eggs.  What a mess but what fun!  In fact I was still combing out confetti from my hair this morning.  After lunch the kids iced and decorated the bunny cake.  Lots of concentration, instruction and steady hands went into the resulting delicious and artful delight. 

 Above is the end result of hard work.
 The master chefs and chief decorators with end product
 I sat at the kiddie table waiting to have some bunny ear for dessert
 So fun even after all the eggs were destroyed
A few minor touch ups from the adults before the decorating began.

We left right before everyone headed out to the lake to work off any extra calories that might have been consumed during the day.  A nap was calling my name and I had every intention of making it back to church for the 5:30 service but my body dictated a whole 'nother message to me that staying home and not pushing it would be the better decision.  Regretfully, I finally agreed.  Even today, it has been one of those ease into the day kind of feelings. 

Easter, celebrating that the tomb is empty.  The lyrics of the song that opened our service says, "Jesus has overcome and the grave is overwhelmed...The victory is won...He is risen from the dead!  Hallelujah!  What a Savior!

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