Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How Many Camisoles Will It Take?

Apparently I believe that one cannot have too many camisoles in their possession.  Interesting facts to learn about one's self while going through clothing that has been stuffed or neatly folded in drawers.  At some time I must have believed like I had eroorently believed that the brand of extra fine point pens that I love was being discontinued.  Found out later that was an untruth, so surely someone must have led me to believe that camisoles were on the short side of the supply chain.  Upon further inspection there were various sizes in the mix, so the larger sizes went the way of the Goodwill donation bag.  Guess this is what happens when the short term memory in clothes buying is on the blink.  Success today in getting three drawers cleaned out in the chest of drawers so that Roy can begin going through his stuff and make the same life changing clothes decisions that have become a part of the routine in the past month or so.  Our victory shout, we don't want to move it!  That helps make a lot of the decisions.  Like this white long sleeve hoodie kind of shirt that I think I have worn once but in the past just knew I would be wearing it with more frequency than previous seasons.  Ha, I always find it at the end of winter and wonder why the heck didn't it make it into the long sleeve shirt rotation.  Because it is stuffed in a drawer whose contents mainly are white t-shirts and the camisoles that I cornered the market on last summer.  Roy says only women's clothing requires one to purchase a camisole to be able to wear the blouses that are on the market now. 

In the closet shelves that I had mistakenly thought I had gone through last year, I found more papers to be shredded and a box of memories beginning in kindergarten and going through the early married years.  The only time I made an A in math, first grade.  My second highest math grade or rather it was called arithmetic back then, a B in the second grade.  Oh it was C, D and F's for me from third grade and beyond and only with the exception of 7th grade summer school where I actually understood the process and could show my work neatly, the grades otherwise were simply horrible.  I remember writing so small and smudging up my homework and math tests thinking that the teacher might give me the benefit of the doubt if it wasn't legible.  It only worked once but that is all I needed to think it just might work again.  When in elementary school one half of the report card was grades and the other side reported on character, neatness and the ability to understand abstract concepts.  My dad's favorite thing to quote to us while we were growing up was, does not use time and materials wisely.  There was the constant chant of this sad fact in our character whether it had to do with school, cleaning up our rooms, or shutting a drawer.  " Does not use time and materials wisely...tsk tsk Nancy."  Upon reviewing my elementary report cards I got checks and pluses in that and the correct reading is uses time and materials effectively.  Man, I so wish I had picked up on that detail when younger.  On second thought maybe it was a good thing my wise cracking, cynical retort never came to light for me to speak it out defiantly.  It seems the minus' came in does neat and orderly work.  Please reference the above subject matter math and know I tried to incorporate this tactic in all school work. Now this is hard to believe but I only had bad conduct grades in the first grade.  I got caught speaking to my neighbor all the time and spent a great deal of classroom time standing in the corner. When my mother found this out at a parent/teacher conference it just about broke her heart.  I figured how to talk and not get caught in the second grade and that served me well into high school and beyond. 

The box had a lot of my GA, Girl's Auxiliary, stuff in it.  Pictures of the GA Coronation.  (Paulette you must have been a princess that year and I was a Lady in Waiting)  Found the GA guide book and sing a long songs from GA camp.  Arise shine for Thy Light has come.  There were some programs from several years of GA Banquets.  I have written before I didn't go any higher than princess because Queen required one to keep a notebook and since I didn't do neat and orderly work, having to keep up some notebook didn't appeal to me.  That is when I begged my mom to let me drop out.  Think that was about the same time I begged to drop out of junior choir too.  Got to love my mom, she was never a joiner or desired to belong to any organization where meetings were involved, so she had my back on these decisions.  My dad wasn't all that happy about me quitting but I think mainly he enjoyed having my brother and me out of the house. 

The rest of my Camp Fire Girls junk was in the box too.  Loose beads that I had earned but never had sown onto my vest.  Again, the doesn't do neat and orderly work enters here too.  WoHeLo!  Work, Health, Love.  Other sundry items, completion of several years of Vacation Bible School, certificates from my Grandma Brownlow's church that I had attended Sunday School.  I don't ever remember wanting to be perfect in attendance for Sunday School.  My red Bible is that box.  It is all worn and tattered.  Not from a lot of use.  One of my favorite tactics to make some point whether it be in Sunday School or at home was to throw my Bible thus showing my disgust for all things religious and I thought that would hurt everyone and God.  I only hurt myself in retrospect.  Also in the box were several Sunday School give a ways, including a  glow in the dark cross, guess it was to make you feel safe in the middle of the night and not scare you that something was glowing in the dark and this said by the girl who thought Mary Todd Lincoln was the monster under her bed.   

If you have made it to this paragraph, I commend you.  This post originally was going to be about the book Plan B.  I finished reading it this morning and I think I am going to go back and re-read it.  Awesome book!  I was going to write about what Pete Wilson says in the book about getting stalled in the process of life.  This post right here is evidence that I got stalled today and will look to writing on this subject matter in the near future.  I will say this, after reading this book I wonder if what I consider in my life to be Plan B might have been God's plan A for me all along.  Maybe some things had to happen to get my attention so that I'd be more sensitive to the direction and journey God leads me on.  Don't know but I am happy after typing all this out that it has been done so in a neat and orderly way. 


Jennifer said...

I hate that we have to buy camisoles just to look decent in our clothing. I don't want anyone seeing what I don't have!

AyDubb said...

I had to chuckle at that smudging of work story. My own students do that, forgetting my warning...uhh motto: "If I can't read it, I can't and won't grade it." Amazing what tricks they have up their sleeves!