Thursday, April 7, 2011

Little Lot on the Prairie

Suddenly I'm inspired to become Nancy Laura Ingalls Wilder Monarch and write a series of stories about our little lot on the prairie. The Katy Prairie to be exact. Peggy and I went out there after Bible study and a delicious lunch at Las Alamedas at La Centerra. Wow, the salsa is unbelievably good! But that's another story for another day. We made a stop at the new model home village to find our sales consultant to give him the revised contract, with new address and we get to do that whole thing over again tomorrow because while lawyer Roy was going through the contract, he found an error in DW's favor but to get the ball rolling or maybe rather the cement pouring, our sales guy needed something to give his boss today so that the process will begin again. Best guess-ta-ment on starting the house, two weeks. Good things come to those who wait...I know it's not in the Bible, but this is and I'm reminded that Isaiah 40 says, those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. And that is just part of the verses that the Lord gave me for this year. Wait...I'm not a good waiter but that's where living life in the power of the Holy Spirit begins. I think it is funny that I have been reading the book, Plan B by Pete Wilson. When I began the book it was merely to help a friend through a rather difficult season in life, because Plan B days seemed like they are far behind me. Ha, love God's sense of humor. The decision to move to Katy and this lot would both be categorized as Plan B. Want to know how funny God can be? I took that book and my Nook for my Dr Appointments and breakfast at Le Peep. Both of my Dr's are really good about running on time. Except for yesterday. At the cardiologist I waited 2 hours before I was even escorted back to one of the exam rooms. The chapter I was reading yesterday in Plan surprise, it was on waiting. Here is a great quote from the book, "Waiting has never been a popular pastime and our culture makes it worse. We live in the day of fast this and instant that, and having to wait is a big frustration. We've started to believe fast is always better. We've become seduced by such words as instant and easy. We've become quick a holics-dependent on getting what we want when we want it. Why do we hate waiting so much? There are many reasons, but I think one of the biggest is that waiting makes us feel powerless... In fact, this waiting may be the most important something you can and need to do." He also quotes Sue Monk Kidd (The Secret Life of Bees), "Waiting is the in-between time. It calls us to be in this moment, this season, without leaning so far into the future that we tear our roots from the present. When we learn to wait, we experience where we are as what is truly substantial and precious in life."

I'm embarrassed to even tell you that I went old school old person after person after person went back behind the sacred dividing door of the waiting room and the inner circle where everything happens. I did it... I went up to the front desk to ask if I really had an appointment yesterday and if so how much longer would the wait be? I was told by the nurse and the receptionist I was next, yet after that conversation, three people went back before me. Finally, they called my name. Oh I have totally digressed. Guess this post could be named Little Diversion at the Condo. Anyway, the area where our home will eventually, God willing, be built is a hub bub of activity. The section right behind our new lot is being cleared and soon the ground will be built up to the level that our lot is. Lots of home sites popping up in the area. While Peggy and I were there a man drove into the cul de sac and began taking pictures. So I asked him if he was with the developer, because I would love an opportunity to talk with them, anyway, he saw our street and the green space and he was taking pictures to show his wife. Peggy and I talked with him for a bit and I made sure he KNEW that our lot was off the market. He was really nice, his kids go to Faith West. I didn't even take pictures today but I might do so tomorrow. Just didn't have it in me although I have a real sense of peace in my spirit.

While at the cardiologist yesterday I got some great news followed by some shocking news. I am going off Coumadin and onto the new med that everyone is talking about Paradaxa. Yea! He cut me back on the other medicine I don't like taking, to every other day. So, I'm thinking, great! I'm good to go but he added this and I would have never believed I would hear this yesterday. I will probably have heart surgery before the end of the year. My heart beat is still too slow and there are several places in my left and right ventricle that needs repairing. He is amazed that I don't faint a lot but really I try not to put myself in situations where that might happen if I pushed it. Like to error on this side of caution. Anyway, that is a wait away and truthfully, that is a wait I am oh so happy to participate in.

Next time on Little Lot on the Prairie, .

The Monarchs want to move to the banks of green space, in Cinco Ranch Texas sometime this summer ok I'm an opptismist, this year. To acquire the deed to his farm, Oh yea house, Charles, I mean Roy, takes several jobs. Eventually, the multiple duties and stress become too much, and an exhausted Roy becomes injured during a picnic with the Bains , breaking his ribs after falling out of a tree from which he was trying to get a kite. When a home sales consultant takes advantage of him to take his oxen, he and his young wife (ahem) and cat, Nancy and Buddy, try to meet the deadline. This sends several of Walnut Grove's, I mean Cinco Ranch businessmen into action to help their new friend. In the end, Buddy reminisces about her father claiming to reap a harvest he did not expect, hence the title of this episode.

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