Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Reading, Nesting, Cookies and Furniture

As far back as I can remember, I have always loved to read.  I don't know if my love of reading came to me naturally or if it is due to my mother's love of quiet.  No matter, every summer there was a constant;, trips to the swimming pool daily to tire us out and trips to the library weekly, with checked out books keeping us occupied quietly in the afternoons. I think my brother and I were nonstop, full of activity and most days would find us having a fight or two or twenty.   My mom told me that as a toddler I would climb out of my crib and get every book I owned.  I would then put all the books into the crib and then climb back in either reading or just sitting there happy to be surrounded by my books.  When Roy and I traveled doing joint venture auditing, what I missed most while on the road were my books.  I couldn't wait to get home and see my books.  In this season of life I'm having to cull through our books and only keep those that are memorable, those that I re-read and those that are valuable.  Oh and I am keeping most of the books I haven't read yet.  What has me thinking so much about reading and books?  I am reading Pat Conroy's book, My Reading Life.  It is interesting the influences that frame us to be readers or non readers.  His mother's early influence of reading became a fully supported love by the time he reached high school and met an English teacher that changed his life.  That English course navigated and determined the direction life would take for Pat, writing.  So this book has gotten me to reflect and ponder my own reading life and that is why I'm wondering if I always loved reading or if reading helped my mother experience her favored atmosphere of quiet.  Who knows, but no matter the source of this love, I'm so glad to be a book loving reader. 

I know pregnant women start nesting, but does a move to a new location mimic the nesting instinct?  Instead of throwing out the Williams Sonoma catalog as per usual, I actually looked through it yesterday and commented to Roy on several cooking pieces that I felt needed to be added to our home.  What???   I even looked through the Sur La Table catalog...  It's not that I don't know how to cook, I just haven't enjoyed it.  Maybe you do feel differently when someplace is fresh and new.  And a lot more spacious too.  When our real estate agent showed us this condo, she commented that the kitchen was so small.  I promptly showed her all I would need to be doing in that kitchen by going to the refrigerator, opening the door and pretending to pull out a Diet Coke. 

This morning I went to Memorial Bakery to pick up cookies for Bible study tomorrow.  First I checked their new location, but they weren't there.  So over to Kingsride I went.  After picking up cookies I went to the Heights to look at Chic Warehouse and this Mexican artist/iron work/antique store.  Doing a little scouting work verifying that the stores were still in business before taking Dani over that way sometime soon.  Saw a few things that looked mighty interesting to me. 

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