Monday, June 2, 2014

Psalm 49:4-Musically Unraveling The Mysteries

This past week the birds, especially the mockingbirds, have been singing early in the mornings and at dusk.  I love hearing them and it is a wonderful melodious tune to awaken with the morning songs.  Sometimes even the cooing of the doves adds a nice percussion beat to the whole experience.  I think these songs are fitting with what I have been meditating upon and learning from.  

We know to be anxious for nothing but sometimes that doesn't translate into actions.  I'd like to think that my thoughts on some timing issues are just that...timing but hiding under the mask of timing, if I am honest, there is an anxiousness about it all.  Roy and I are just at the beginning of this, just talking about timing and I am trying very hard to stay in the present and not keep picturing down the road.  I know there are three places in transition, beginning, middle and end. The past few years I have learned the hard way to stay present in a moment.  Fanny Crosby said, "Live in the moment and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering."  Still I can't help sometimes but to think what if or how will this look.    In lawyer talk I guess we are doing our due diligence presently on questions, research and the big picture.  It is all kind of fun and scary at the same time.  But new to my way of looking at things and ponderings, I have found two novel ways of helping me sort through.  Music and journaling.  Yes, I know there is nothing new under the sun and I have kept a journal since the fourth grade but the new comes in the "how" of using these tools of music and writing.   And these new tools based on God's Word because I think if it isn't based on God's Word, you could get some pretty crazy ideas.  

Psalm 49: 4

I will submit and consent to a parable or proverb; to the music of a lyre I will unfold my riddle (my problem).

4 I will incline my ear to a proverb;
    I will solve my riddle to the music of the lyre.

4 I set plainspoken wisdom before you,
    my heart-seasoned understandings of life.
   I fine-tuned my ear to the sayings of the wise,
    I solve life’s riddle with the help of a harp.

4 I listen carefully to many proverbs
    and solve riddles with inspiration from a harp.

I will tell in song accompanied by harps the answer to one of life’s most        perplexing problems:

I have used music to motivate me to exercise, do housework or get myself out of a bad mood, but I have not used music to help me solve the riddles or perplexing problems of life.  So, after seeing this verse several weeks ago I began doing some research into the how and experimenting with all different kinds of music, beneficial music to the soul.  To accompany the music, I used the journaling methods in the book Journaling by Adam L. Feldman that are so wise and helpful.  At first I didn't know what I was to do or what this looked like, but I jumped in enthusiastically wanting to see how God could take these two everyday, common things and turn the music and words into viable solutions and steps in an unfamiliar timing and process.  What I have discovered is sometimes the mystery is revealed in the actual practice but many times because I have given time and prayer to the process, the answers come at the most unique times.   Answers is not a good word, more like direction or understanding...yep, that's what I am looking for.  It's kind of like some of my most creative ideas come when I am brushing my teeth.  

Not being trained in anything musical except for the appreciation of it I can't help but think how much more would be gleaned from this practice if I had any type of musical knowledge but maybe the sincere wonder of it all is better than training in my case.  Short attention span....  Interesting how the rest of the Psalm plays out because the answer to his question in verse 5 is answered as the rest of the Psalm reveals one of life's difficult questions, why do the wicked prosper?  Or why is someone else picked over me when it clearly comes down to personalities.  The whole why, why, why, why....  If Psalm 49 was written by me my questions would be where and when and why, but not the a,e,i,o,u and sometimes, not that kind of y...just the why.  

I haven't properly put this into perspective here on the ol' Monablog, but I encourage you to get the book and use music, beneficial music, that speaks to your spirit and heart and see where this road of thought might take you.  Highway to Hell might not be the appropriate choice.  See how God opens up your mysteries.  He is much better at solving and helping us solve than Nancy Drew.  

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