Monday, August 29, 2016

On The Day Before and First Day of School

The necklace I have on today makes the same tinkling sound as the bell on Buddy's collar. So every time I move about, I think Buddy is nearby when in actuality, she is upstairs sound asleep.

School begins tomorrow around here. It seems much later than in recent years. This also would be the day I need to find a couple of things while not school related would be found in the stores that carry school supplies. So I decided after church to make the search at Walgreens and if need be CVS. I kind of found what I was looking for at CVS. While out and about the thought came to mind to pick up something for lunch but decided to just go on home and eat lunch there because it would be just that quicker for a nap. And a nap I did take.

We finished up our quarterly this morning with a quick look at the Psalms. One Sunday for the book of Psalms but it was such a good lesson on praising God and worship. It felt which I usually use that term for food only but friends began sharing different things in class that came straight out of the Psalms...things happening in life. We ended our time together reading out loud the three Psalms we looked at, 1, 100 and 110. We had a nearly full class and our Margie was back, wearing a sling on her fractured arm that looked more like an accessory than a medical help or device. I am treasuring and savoring these times together because I will be away for three to four months from them.

Which I remembered something yesterday about being motivated. I used to workout a whole lot when I played sports, because there was a motive to be and then stay on the team or at the top of my game. Then when I got so ill in 2008 and lost all my functional fitness I was motivated to regain as much functionality as possible. Since then I should be motivated to workout but meh with the exception of PT after hip surgery. Now to be ready and be in the best possible shape both physically and mentally, I have motivation these months ahead of knee replacements. So, I need to take a picture of my Sunday School class and have it before me when I am in the throes of hard work, pain and challenges because these kind friends will motivate me a whole bunch to get back. And maybe I will miss all the snow and cold weather. We have been having quite a few foggy mornings. Although if you are near water you have more fog so I don't know if it is across the board on the snowfall kind of thing.

This weekend as I have been reading Chase the Lion it has reminded me that people who are on staff at big and mega churches should go do work at a smaller church for several weeks just to be reminded how most people involved in church ministry do work. Lot less casting vision and a lot more hands on, hands on the plow type work. Then I think staff from smaller churches should spend a couple of weeks at big and mega churches to see how things are done on a large scale and bring that knowledge home and use it accordingly in ministry. We saw a video done by the North Carolina Baptist Association this morning. A Chinese man started ministering to people who work in Asian restaurants. They meet on Saturday or Sunday night after the people get off work. So they are meeting at 11:00 pm. He has started nine Bible studies like this. Wow! Such a creative way to share the Gospel.

Monday, Monday...yes, it's a new day. Last night during and after choir several of us in Sunday School together marveled at how God's presence was so powerful yesterday. We knew His presence in class and it overflowed into the service. The music, the prayers and the sermon unfolding what happens when we worship. In our lesson yesterday we talked about Psalm 1. Most of the time I have heard it taught not to walk, sit or stand with those who can add to your walking away from the path of the Lord but yesterday we talked and discussed that the Psalm is really about delighting ourselves in the Word and meditating on it.

I took the opportunity to sleep in a bit this morning and then read during a leisurely breakfast. Now it is on to other things requiring my attention.

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