Friday, September 14, 2007

I've Been Tagged

The Rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog

Michelle tagged me and although I have left comments on other's blogs with facts and habits about myself, I will now do this officially on my blog.

  1. My right hand has to touch the outside of a plane when I am boarding. I have no clue why this started, but I do it each time.
  2. I always wear blue panties when Peggy and I do Mildred and Gertrude.
  3. I never let my arms or legs hang off the bed. This stems from an early childhood experience. We were at the Lincoln Museum in Springfield, Illinois and I saw a big picture of Mary Todd Lincoln. I told my mom that Mary Todd was ugly and my mom responded it wasn't nice to speak ill of the dead. From that statement I concluded that there weren't monsters under my bed, but Mary Todd Lincoln. I know she is not there now because she was a large woman and there isn't any room under our bed, yet I still don't hang my arms and legs off the bed. Now it is due to the fact that Buddy, our cat, will attack them.
  4. I have to be in the car and have the seat belt fastened before the fasten seat belt light starts flashing and dinging.
  5. I was an oil and gas auditor for an independent consulting service.
  6. I have taken MANY gourmet cooking courses and know how to make gourmet dishes and know all the proper presentation of said dishes. Of course I now tell Roy I suffered domestic amnesia sometime in 1989. I have never recovered. The kitchen is where the most accidents happen in the home. I stay out of it for my own safety and for those of my loved ones.
  7. In the early 80's I taught aerobics at The Shape Shoppe in SW Houston.
  8. The number 8 is my all time favorite number.

So I am tagging Jessica, Sharon, Dana, Pamela, and Lisa P


Profbaugh said...

Loved reading these eight things about you!!

Thanks for your prayers, my Siesta!!


Sassy Shae said...

I've been tagged! WOO HOO!

Lisa Pierre said...

Remember when you tagged me a year ago? Well, I've done did it on my Lisa P. blogspot. Did I do it right?