Thursday, April 30, 2009

Honey, I Want To Have Children

I was especially anxious for Roy to get home tonight. Of course I wanted to talk through the day's events and happenings, oh yes that even includes boring work stories from him. More than hearing about each other's day, which mine was particularly good, I wanted to talk to him about having children. Please move hand to jaw and shut it if you are in shock. Many may want to remind me I no longer have the equipment and we are well past the age of childbearing.

I've been reading Melissa's posts on the LPM Blog. Her words and descriptions of the extreme poverty in India have been heart rending, thought provoking, and convicting. Melissa's writing style is not the type that compels "emotional" tears. It is heart felt and factual moving many of us to tears because of the truth revealed. Crying over the sadness, over the great need, unthinkable poverty and the joy of children's lives being changed by the love of Jesus and $32.00 American dollars a month. I've thought in reading her posts and other Compassion Bloggers, loaves and fishes multiplied by our Savior. Roy and I already support another worth while and full on ministry in India, Charasia. Ralph Borde and his team have an excellent ministry to orphans, Bible school for those called to ministry and church planting. Roy's and my new decision to have some children will not lessen nor negate our support for Charasia.

So, we talked about making room in our lives to support some children in India. We are now praying about how many kiddos to support. Roy's Catholic background and my early young life's desire to have lots of kids will play a huge part in our decision. We are going to do this the old fashioned way, one at a time, but maybe multiples are in the future for us since we've dealt with infertility issues all our married lives.

I am not going to compute for you how many lattes or movies or dinners this would be and how little $32 is out of a budget. I am not going to write some emotion at the moment plea. Those are the kind of examples that cause us to make emotional, "everybody is doing this" decisions. Being in church just about all my life, I know I've made a bunch of stupid decisions based on the emotion of the moment and didn't finish out with joy and thanksgiving. If we aren't serious about the commitment, it is taking the Lord's Name in vain. Now many of you may think that last statement is kind of strong, but if you've read Monablog for very long, you know I think that praying out loud to get people's attention for them to quiet down, is taking the Lord's Name in vain. So this is how my train of thought goes with that.

This is not an emotion of the moment for us. We are finally at the age where we think we might just be responsible enough to have children. Hope they have Roy's brain and my athletic ability. :)

Oh, about my fun day, I had lunch with Erin Hollister today at The Nord. Her first time to the Bistro, so it is my joy to introduce her to a place I love. I also got to introduce her to Amanda and we both were introduced to Miss Annabeth as we ran into them at The Nord. Annabeth is beautiful in pictures, but those pale in comparison to in person. She is a beautiful baby. I was able to get a workout in and joy, joy, joy, I went to two bookstores today complete with gift cards to use. Use I did and even purchased some state maps to North Carolina and Tennessee. We are getting so excited about our trip. Well, I am more excited than Roy right now. He is trying to get things wrapped up at the office, but this time next week, he'll be getting into full vacation mode.


Laurie M said...

We might be looking to add a 'daughter' to our family as well. The Lord knew I'd need SOME kind of pink in my house. And my boys are too young to be bringing home girlfriends. Oh help me!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

I just added a little boy to our family and I am so excited...

Amanda said...

it was fun to see you at the nord. it lifted my spirits before i had to try on bathing suits and realized what kind of lifting i really needed.