Thursday, April 1, 2010

Letting Go

Roy will be home in just a little bit and thus his three day weekend will begin. It sounds like most of his "off" time will be spent doing our taxes, his last client from his CPA practice taxes and his mother's estate taxes. See what happens when you are so darn smart! You get to do math while your lovely wife reads or yet again cleans out the closet of clothes she can no longer wear.

It is difficult letting go of some of my favorite outfits, but it is heartening to know that someone else may love them just as much as I have. I wandered around Macy's on Tuesday trying to figure out where everything is and there were several tops and jackets deeply discounted on sale that had my name on them. Now I need to find something to wear to a funeral. No longer do I have my stand by funeral dress, it is too big. Besides, it has been my funeral dress for the past 10 plus years and when you only see people every once in awhile and it seems to be at funerals, it would be nice to vary up the outfits. Now there are those who will say, no one remembers what you had on. So true, maybe...but I'd feel better attending a funeral where I have to be Mrs. Monarch not just Nancy in something other than a dress that can now be used as a FEMA tent for a family of six. Fortunately, I don't have to worry about a new Easter frock. Three services in a choir robe. I could come in my jammies if I arrived early enough and stayed late enough. Not to fear. I'll be suitably dressed for Sunday.

We discussed and studied the books Obadiah and Nahum in Bible study today. I felt certain I had done much more of the homework than what my workbook actually revealed. During my "study" time at home, several crisis' came up one of which was helping Roy download pictures onto the computer. I got so caught up with that, thus memory failed an hour or so later that just a few of the many questions had been answered. Imagine my surprise when I opened up the workbook this morning in discussion time and just a few questions had been answered. OK, I answered the easy ones where the answer is God and the other easy one is about sin and you can't go wrong with the answer, pride. Pride seems to cover a multitude of sin answers for homework. All the hard ones that required a lot more scripture look up and deeply thought out answers were left blank. Peggy said, you were kind of quiet in discussion time. I showed her my workbook and that seemed to answer her question. Afterwards, Peggy and I went out to lunch. We are so ADD we cover a lot of subjects in little time. Now how well we cover them is up for debate. Her life is a whirlwind of activities and in the midst of birthday parties, Easter and just regular everyday life, she is trying to get packed for Israel.

The Biltmore Inn is probably tired of me and might just be preparing for our visit with the stamp of "high maintenance" on our paperwork. Anyway, it seems everything has now been updated correctly. I am only a detailed person when it is actually something I am interested in.

This week the pollen finally got to me. It has been a battle but think a corner has been turned in the fight. The hinges of Mustang Sally's doors are covered in yellow...hinges that aren't always exposed to the elements. All of our lungs are probably a lovely shade of springy yellow. How wonderful, just in time for Easter.


Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Always love your posts and so proud of you....After a hard week, spending a relaxing hour of blog hopping.

So glad I stopped by your blog. Happy Easter

Marty H said...

Roy can be smart and do math but you can cheer many hearts with your wit and writing humor!