Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Not so Usual Afternoon

The later part of our afternoon didn't quite end the way we had planned.  We went to church this morning and afterwards had lunch with David and Emily.  After Roy and I got home, I took a nap and Roy ran some errands.  There are always some kind of "chores" to be done but before we tried to check a few off our list, Roy was going to take a walk around the lake.  Much to my surprise he came in after only being gone fifteen or so minutes and he did not look happy.  He stopped and talked with our neighbor across the street who was madly working in his garage.  The neighbor told him that due to all the land clearing on Greenbusch, rats are migrating looking for new places to make their homes and some of those Bedouin rats had scouted out his garage but a lot of them had taken up residence in a garage down the street.  This garage was filled, almost hoarder like, but it was toys and Christmas decorations and stuff they didn't know what to do with.  We thought these people were moving because we saw a U-Haul in front of their house.  This news prompted Roy to action, he began going through the garage, putting out rat poison, throwing away anything that might be of interest to unwanted boarders.  We are breaking HOA rules and have already placed our trash out in front of our house.  We are willing to be written up. He doesn't think we have had any visitors because he hasn't seen any evidence.  He pulled out all the dead flowers and some alive ones out of a large raised garden in the corner of the backyard.  Think we will have the preventative service from the bug people.  There goes my iPad.  Tonight I have been playing with Buddy keeping her hunting skills up to snuff.  Roy took a couple of things to storage and when he got home I greeted him with the news that two outlets in the kitchen were not working.  He looked at the breaker box and didn't see anything wrong but he wanted to flip this one breaker thinking it would help.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  I cannot tell you how freaked out I would be if we were plunged into darkness with the fact there are gypsy rats out there looking to freeload in garages or attics or gardens!  Ugh!  I'd rather move the toaster and get the whole thing figured out later. 

It is about time for Downton Abbey so I will not be able to cover the Wonderstruck challenge, so I will have to catch up tomorrow.

When things like the above happen, I am always wont to quit or move or give up.  Roy is so assuring that all this comes along with home ownership and this all goes along with living off a green space and a water feature. 


FitzandMolly said...

*shudder* rats are ewweee.

Never Enough Food said...

I am officially grossed out by the rat possibility in your life. Just a warning - my cousin had rat poison very well hidden from their dog but he still found it and died in a not so nice way. So yeah, be careful.