Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Wonderstruck Challenge

The Lawn of the Month man left me an interesting note on Friday.  No, we didn't blow away the HOA with our beautiful yard and landscaping complete with the required number of plants, shrubs and trees thus winning some kind of yard recognition.  We found LOTM on Angie's list.  He keeps the grass green and is in battle with weeds and the like in our yard.  He had done the applications and left the bill and the note.  If we wanted to defeat the nut grass in our yard, we were to turn off our sprinkler system for a month and let the yard be dry here in the semi winter season in Rancho de Five.  We have turned off our sprinkler system in the hopes of defeating nut grass.  Lord knows I have enough nut grass in my life.  If you are looking for someone to fertilize and de-weed your yard, Lawn of the Month is great.  He mainly works in the Cypress area but comes over to Katy once a week.  When he first started working on our yard he told us this would be a 9 month to a year process for getting rid of the weeds.  There were no quick fixes IF you wanted a healthy yard.  He left a few other directions about our yard that appealed to me not only for hints of a beautiful yard but because there are so many spiritual applications in what he wrote, but this will have to suffice for today.

I am doing the 21 Days of Wonder challenge.  You can find more about it here, http://margaretfeinberg.com/  Today's challenge is Beauty, to see the beauty of God.  We were to take a picture or post about what we see.  This morning was leadership meeting in CBS and it was also brunch day.  I love looking at the 35 or more women who work and serve together.  Our discussions are lively and our prayers earnest.  We always say or end an email with Love you dearly, from the heart.  We are all different ages, different denominations and different personalities yet the unity and love of Christ is evident.  So I saw beauty today just like in

Psalm 133

A song for pilgrims ascending to Jerusalem. A psalm of David.

1 How wonderful and pleasant it is
when brothers (and sisters, sisters added by me) live together in harmony!
2 For harmony is as precious as the anointing oil
that was poured over Aaron’s head,
that ran down his beard
and onto the border of his robe.
3 Harmony is as refreshing as the dew from Mount Hermon
that falls on the mountains of Zion.
And there the Lord has pronounced his blessing,
even life everlasting.
There is also beauty in a cold January overcast day.  Makes sitting by the fireplace cozy, it makes my lap more inviting for Buddy (cat) and it makes my cup of tea even more delightful.  I'm not having high tea, more like medium tea.  I would write low tea but with all the commercials for Low T, that thought takes it in a whole nother direction. 

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