Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Faith, Irony and Wonderstruck Reflection

On our return home from Israel we came through customs at JFK.  I think all international flights from all over the world land at 5:30 in the morning there because the customs line was long...l.o.n.g!  Long line but we seemed to make some progress.  One of the guys on our trip came over to get us, telling us to leave the line and go to the Quick Connect line for those of us making quick connections to our destinations.  Dena and I kind of stared at him like deer in headlights.  I don't know about Dena, but I was processing this info and almost too afraid to leave our place in line in case this was all a horrible, horrible mistake.  Because the line had doubled behind us and I feared having to start all over again.  I don't know if we left the line in faith or due to the fact that David is urging us to come on.  Of course going to the Quick Connect line was the right decision because an announcement was made to the long line we just left that it was shift change and their line would not be moving for thirty minutes.  Our group was processed and free to go to baggage claim and a very thoughtful gesture by those who were waiting on us, they pulled our luggage so we were able to pick it up and deposit it with the nearby Delta Airline desk.  A side note, so many in line were questioned for several minutes as they processed through with the custom agent.  I was directed to a line where the agent looked like my long lost sister.  She looked at me and asked, "Did you have a nice trip?"  Then she stamped my passport and I was on my way.  I never was so happy to have frizzy, way out of control hair, glasses and extra pounds around the waist, she had compassion on me. 

As we were going through our homework yesterday in leadership meeting, we were having lively, interesting discussion.  The commentary on our lesson gave us historical facts of the duties of the High Priest and the tradition and ritual being observed, animal sacrifice for sins, that had been given by God, was over 1500 years old.  Of course it was difficult for these Jewish Christians to leave that behind and walk into the fulfillment of the law, Jesus.  Some of those believers wanted to go back to what they had known before Christ because it was comfortable and because radical change is difficult sometimes.  We in this post modern age can sometimes be so hard on those early believers.  Sometimes we think, well if it had been me and I had seen the resurrected Christ, I would walk in total obedience but human nature tells us differently.  My goodness if I couldn't leave the long line because it was comfortable and the Quick Connect line was unknown, I might have been one of those in the early church that said, well, let's believe and practice both just in case.  Yea, walking by faith not sight, that has always been so easy for me, Nancy said NEVER!

An ironic circumstance happened Monday.  I was on the way to Target and nearing one of the lakes or water features on Rancho de Five Blvd.  A group of ducks, a group of ducks is called a badelynge, bunch, brace, flock, paddling, raft or team. Also, one might call it a dover of ducks.  If it's a group of ducklings (i.e., they've recently hatched and are being looked after by their mother), it is called a brood,( thank you  Anyway a badelynge of ducks congregated near the side of the street.  One duck flew to the median and I immediately slowed down fearing another duck would leave the comfort of the flock and go with the rebellious, I'm going over to the median duck.  Sure enough a duck took flight toward the median but it didn't clear the truck ahead of me to the left.  The duck hit the truck and was thrown high in the air like it was doing cartwheels.  It landed on the street and since there was a car next to me, I had to pass over the duck.  I am so glad I drive a SUV because I cleared the duck as I drove.  Both the truck driver and I put on our brakes...cause I'm thinking does one stop to help a wounded, but in all probability a dead duck, a duck out of water?  CAn CPR be done on a duck?   I burst into tears, crying for that duck and for the ducks left behind to mourn the loss of such a beautiful and fine quacker.  By the time I got to Target, I had composed myself and as I saw my reflection in the glass of the doors, the irony hit me.  I was wearing my Duck Dynasty t-shirt that I got for Christmas.  On the way home I didn't see the duck...I am sure it was picked up and made someone a fine duck dinner.

Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus came yesterday.  This is going to be one of those books that I will deliberately read slowly.  It is not a long book by any means and I made myself put it down last night or I would have read the whole thing.  Two great books to read in a row, Walking and Wonderstruck. 

Day two of the Wonderstruck challenge is reflection.  This is from Margaret Feinberg's website, the link is in yesterdays post. 

The wonders of God surround you. Prayerfully spend some time reflecting on those things that prevent you from awakening to the wonders of God. Write them down, and then ask God to remove those obstacles that prevent you from experiencing him more. Ask God to make you supernaturally aware of the Spirit’s presence and leading over the upcoming weeks.
Wonder Challenge: What are the challenges preventing you from experiencing God’s wonder? Turn those challenges into a short prayer. And, if you feel comfortable, share it with others who can pray alongside you. If you include #LIVEWONDERSTRUCK in your Facebook post, Pinterest pin, Tweet, or Instagram post, we can help encourage you in prayer.
What’s your prayer? Example: God, help me remove busyness from my life. I want to #LIVEWONDERSTRUCK
Tomorrow: TIME
And, if you haven’t ordered your copy of Wonderstruck yet, it’s not too late! Here’s the link:
Join us during the 21 Days of Wonder Challenge and awaken to the wonders of God all around. Learn more, here.
Receive notifications for the 21 Days of Wonder in your inbox each day. Click here to sign up and receive a bonus eBook: Wonderstruck by Jesus Christ.

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