Ah, Sunday afternoon after a good little nap. No choir tonight so we will be hanging around here this evening. We went to Sunday School but didn't stay for church. With limited time to get some things done we took advantage of getting to La Cantina in Biltmore Village before the crowds. La Cantina is the closest thing to Texas style Mexican food in the area. Their queso is so good. Then we went to Target and Home Goods. Roy found a new carry on piece of luggage for apple season. On the way home we stopped at Sonic for happy hour drinks, Diet Cherry Limeade Powerade. That drink kept me happy while Roy ran into Walmart for his ice cream and some angel food cake for our strawberries.
Thursday night after we got home from our very fun day, we stopped at Lowe's to pick up the swing...hopefully assembled. We got a little nervous when it took so long waiting and then they told us they couldn't find it. Alas, finally found we took the swing home and we got it down to the stand and got the rest of the chains attached and hung the swing. The ground level makes this swing a swing for tall people but we have some booster stairs to help those short in stature.
Yesterday we got a little later of a start than planned but we did finish the stair railings on the stone steps and Roy got the trim painted around the front storm door. We did a little weeding and some planting. By the time we wrapped all that up it was too hot to be outside doing manual labor. We planned to get some more outside things done in the evening when it turned cooler but we got some rain showers that provided about an inch and a half of rain. Our azaleas said thank you as well as the roses that were planted. Roy made his delicious tacos for supper and then I spent the rest of the evening playing around on our new laptop. Roy transferred my iTunes onto the laptop but it won't let me download a lot of music to my iPhone because it can't find the original encryption or something like that. Dang! Looks like I have to buy Al Green songs again for my phone.
I have become the squirrel chaser of Buncombe County. Two of them run away but one hangs around even if I come out of the back door with my trusty cane in hand. Now it was fun chasing that squirrel out of the bird feeder with the vacuum cleaner running. Roy says I have too much time on my hands. No, I am easily entertained.
Brenda stopped by on Friday afternoon with this great dessert. It is like banana pudding but also has pineapple in it. Very good! Roy and I left for church to help cook and serve the VBS Family Fun Night at the church's picnic shelter on the top of the hill. One of the most beautiful views around. Roy helped cook 750 hot dogs. I was a bun opener and sometimes helped get the hot dogs in the buns for easier distribution. It was a very fun evening with friends. Lots and lots of kids (and some brave adults) went down the slippery slide down the hill onto the softball field. We left tired and carry about the fragrance of smoke.
This morning we had KHCB on Alexia and I heard one of my favorite songs from the way back. It is from the musical Natural High, a 1971 folk musical for youth. It is the first one I ever participated in. I leave you with these words as we need to tackle a few more projects in our little world.
My Little World

Oh God of the stars, the sun and the moon
Oh God of the wind and the sea
Though You’re everywhere
How amazing it is
That You can be here with me
The uncharted craters of planets beyond
You know like the palm of your hand
And yet You’re concerned
With my little world
Oh, help me to understand
I know that miracles happen to people like me
The moment we dare to believe
For we are the objects of God’s mighty love
Far greater than our little minds can conceive
The stars could collide
The sun could grow dim
The whole universe pass away
Still nothing can change the promise He made
And Christ in my heart will stay.
(repeat chorus)
Yes, Christ in my heart will stay.
Written by Ralph Carmichael. © Bud John Songs, Inc.
All rights reserved.
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