Sunday, July 13, 2008

Not Even in a Pew

While our church's Worship Center is under renovation we are meeting in the CLC, Fellowship Center, and Chapel. I went to the 9:10 service this morning and sat near the front. Traditionally, this service has more of the older crowd but that is changing each and every week. What happened this morning would happen more often in 9:10 but never in my wildest imagination did I think it would happen in the CLC.

Unlike the past few weeks, I got to church early enough to sit up front. I moved up a couple of rows more than normal because I don't like sitting in front of this group that talks throughout most of the service until Gregg begins to speak and sometimes even then they continue to talk. So I am sitting there, enjoying the music when three older ones come up to me and say, "Excuse me, you are sitting on OUR row." On the inside of me I was perplexed at what I had just heard. In our Worship Center, I had heard stories of people claiming seats by virtue of them being willed to them from Deacons of long ago, but in the gym? So, I just moved to the side to let them in and said, "Welcome to your row." They looked as perplexed as I felt. The gentleman says to me, we know this is our row because of where the tape is. (the temporary mat that goes over the gym floor) I just said something like, it is always good to know where you are going. They moved onto and farther down the row. I could feel the look of disapproval directed my way during the first part of the service. At some point, they moved back toward me leaving one seat in between us. I looked over in that direction once and only one of the three brought a Bible. For a moment I felt really smug, like...if you were at all spiritual like me you would have a Bible and a notebook. Of course that was sinking to a level and if you read my previous post, I did not have a t-shirt on to constrain me, though something better, the love of God.

After the service I said to the three, "you have a very good row here. I enjoyed my time sitting on your row, but don't worry, I won't tell any of my friends about this row. Thank you for letting me sit here today." Their stone like faces melted into a smile.


annette said...

Isn't that the strangest thing, people get so set in their ways, it is hard to change. You were nice, and actually that was what Pastor Gregg announced today how there would be changes in that service. Hopefully, the doors will open wider and God's love will overflow our new worship center! I can't wait. I feel like a fish out of water right now. (And I know it's my fault.) Love, Annette

Anonymous said...

That's funny! Reminds me of The Simpson's episode where they are running late for church...and when they get there - someone is sitting in "their pew". They go to meet with the pastor after the service and discover that the pastor will not stand behind them in their quest to have "their own pew". So, they go search for another's a really funny episode!

Miss seeing you.....

brenda said...

I was just thinking this morning that I should leave you a comment to tell you how much I have enjoyed seeing you in the Assembly this summer. Maybe you were in this service before, but we were so far back in our choir loft that I never saw you. I wish I had noticed who was down the row from you!
We would love to have you back in choir, but I am guessing you don't because the standing would be hard on your knees. Love you.

Laurie M said...

Mercy, we all have that 'spirit of entitlement' over something...I guess the positive is that you weren't a visitor? Way to fight the power of the Frozen Chosen!

Lauren said...

My gosh. Isn't that crazy?

Jennifer said...

As Laura said, thank God you weren't a visitor! That happened to me way back when we did the combined services. The 3 people went as far as moving my stuff to a different row while I took my young children to the bathroom. That was one that I had to explain to my children in a loving way, while I was angry. Bless you for handling it in a great way.

Dana said...

See, now that is why I sit in the back! NO ONE fights over them seats...

You handled it well my friend, far better than I would have!

Anonymous said...


FitzandMolly said...

wow. you're a better person than me!

Sheri Greer said...

You are hilarious! You are so quick on your feet! I don't know that I would have responded so well. I would have brewed the whole service and not even listened to what was said that morning. Good for you being so clever and quick. Love the entry!

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious! Oh, I can't wait to get to heaven and see the surprise on some of their faces.

Remember the pact! Just shoot me. . .