This morning I made the trek out to Sugarland to get my haircut. Afterwards, I went across the street to the Super Target clutching a ten percent off of everything card in my hand. Well, actually it was in my wallet, but you get the picture I am after. I stocked up on all kinds of stuff. Even bought a flat brush since that is what Veronica uses on my hair. Surely it is not her talent but the brush that gets my hair to do what she wants it to do. My hair knows when a professional is not messing with it at home cause it doesn't do one thing that is so easily done in the salon. It's gotta to be the brush!
Rae gave me two children's camp t-shirts yesterday. I wore last years today. It says "Need Directions?" On the back it says be Word Wise and a couple of snappy sayings along with verses to go with it. If the love of Christ constrains me, a Christian t-shirt does it even more. When the lady in the mafia Chrysler cut me off on Highway 6 and 59 and then cut in front of me to get on the freeway, I remembered, drat... Christian t-shirt. Not that she could see it from her car, but you know my imagination took us off to the shoulder of the road where we get out of our cars and yell at each other...there I am in the constraining t-shirt. Not that I have ever pulled onto the shoulder of the road and confronted anyone. Then I was in the Lafayette building parking lot trying to mail a letter. That parking lot was full and the cars they were a circling, looking for a spot. When I backed up to make the turn to leave after putting my mail in the mailbox, I didn't quite make the turn, so I needed to back up again. Impatient woman behind me thinks I have seen a spot and she cuts me off to score the delusional space. Ticked me off, then I laughed and wanted to follow her around and continue to laugh...except I have on a t-shirt... I asked forgiveness from the Lord and exited onto Post Oak Road and went home before I could get into any more trouble. Although I officially did not get in trouble except with my conscience and with Jesus cause you know He looks at the heart.
The only thing I can blame this on is the news that our Bunko group begins August 4. That is Buddy's and my birthday, but I don't think either one of us is taking the other one out to celebrate that night. On Wednesday night Roy and I went to dinner at Buffalo Grille. In the course of conversation I mention Bunko and that I am not a sub, so I will probably be hosting one month in our home. That made me think of the den/closet. And instead of rejoicing in the joy of Bunko and getting to be with fun friends, I began talking about my dislike of Roy's den/closet and how it seems to be getting worse as time goes by. So by the time we get home, I am in the mood to make an attempt at conquering the mess. We went through one shelf of stuff and I convinced Roy to let the magazines go, cause he is never going to read them. We threw out a bunch of stuff and now have several boxes of books to go to the Mission Training Center. I found out from Scotty they have a library there and are always looking for Christian books to fill it. We are taking baby steps in whipping this room into shape. The den and our guest bedroom are the most under utilized rooms in our home and I want to change that. We are contemplating a day bed in that room and taking out the queen bed. Thank you Ultram ER 200 for making me so focused on the pressing need of under utilization of space.
Buddy is going through a kitten stage or something. When she was a kitten, she would sit on my leg at breakfast or when I was on the computer. She is too big to do that, but the past few days she is making that attempt. Just now she jumped and hoped to grab onto the sleeve of my Christian t-shirt to swing herself onto my lap. Mission failed. I picked her up and put her on my leg. She stay a long time. At night she has been trying to sleep under my chin and around my neck like she did when she was little. The end result, literally, is her hind end right at my nose. That isn't working.
Roy just called. He is stopping on his way home to get a hair cut. Then tomorrow he is going to Bible study, drop the books off at the MTC, walk in the CLC and then come home to work some more on the den/closet. Working in the den/closet wasn't even prompted by anything I said. He also knows I am going out to dinner tomorrow night and while I'm out I am sure he wants to look through things a little more carefully instead of watching them hit the trash can as we bulldoze our way through the den.
Let me confess, I hate unloading the dishwasher and putting everything up. Sometimes Roy and I have "let's see who gives in first" contests of unloading. Today, I actually unloaded and put everything up but I left the dirty glasses in the sink. He'll say something about me being allergic to unloading the dishwasher and then when he opens it...SURPRISE!!!! Come on, ya gots to keep the mystery in marriage. We are quickly heading toward year 31. Which is longer than some of you have been alive... See whale pictures, I am officially an old person cause I have made the cruise to Alaska. And would go again in a heartbeat!
Have a wonderful weekend!
I've collected the best Christian T-shirts I found in here:
Personally, I would prefer those apologetics figures such as Dinoglyfs documented by teh ancient man few thousands years ago. Unfortunately, they are not sold anywhere...
Or do you happen to know a site for "apolo-wear"?
A recent book "Understanding Intelligent Design" by William Dembski and Sean McDowell, son of Josh McDowell is now available.
The book is geared at Christian young people (junior high and high schoolers) as well as for Church groups (e.g., Sunday Schools) to help get out the word about ID, Intelligent Design. A MOST REVEALING INSIGHT FROM ITS FIRST CHAPTER:
"A few years back, skeptic Michael Shermer wrote a book called
How We Believe. For it he commissioned a poll of thousands of
people. He asked participants why other people believe in God. The
most popular answers focused on religious benefits: God comforts
us, provides the basis for living a moral life, gives purpose to our
lives, and is the source of meaningful religious experiences.
Then Shermer asked participants why they personally believe
in God. The number one answer changed drastically. The most
common response was the design and complexity of the world.
Our natural tendency, it would seem, is to believe the world was
evolutionary critic
Biochemist, drop-out so called
(MSci-Master of Sciing)
Helsinki, Finland
I must be getting old, because I want to take a cruise through Alaska. Those pictures are amazing! You are so funny!
Angie xoxo
Those pictures are so amazing!
You are old like Mia is old...NOT!
You are very young at heart...
I remember getting into an argument with the salesman at Best Buy about our computer problem. I walked out and was still very angry and looked down at my keys in my hand and saw I had a Christian t-shirt on. OH man the conviction fell on me like the humidity....
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