Wednesday, September 10, 2014

It's Official!

Because Roy and I are so cool, we ate dinner at Luby's last night...and it just happened to be on our anniversary.  Our 37th anniversary and I believe cafeteria food is what you give for that anniversary.  Actually, we celebrated while we were in NC and ate at a really nice restaurant.  With everything going on with the house, we kind of knew we would be occupied this week getting everything lined up paperwork wise.  Sure enough, we or rather should I say Roy has been extremely focused on this, while I have been consulting magazines for ideas.  Hey, we both are doing what we do best.  You do not want me reading a contract!

This morning, we are officially under contract with the closing slated for October 15th.  We are planning on going up that way around Thanksgiving, to talk to some flooring, painting, plumbing and whatever else guys.  We want to get on the schedule so that when the really cold weather is over, they can hit the ground running or painting or plumbing....  Hopefully one of the first things will be having the front porch screened in.

Tomorrow we start CBS.  They have separated Peggy and me.  Sniff, so sad.  Looks like they have separated several friends who like to do Bible study together...  Not being a facilitator this year, I can be rebellious.  :)    I am looking forward to studying the book of Luke.

Things are getting back to normal.  It was nice coming home with almost all clean clothes.  I have gone through the mail and have a stack of magazines to read.  Now that I am thinking of how we want to do our home, I am more interested in home magazines.  I think we are going to keep the farmhouse feel like the owner has done.  No HOA!  One thing we will do is have some swings built for the yard.  Unless we walk to the top of the hill where our street ends, we really won't be privy to sunset watching but I hear the view for the sunrises are fantastic.  This may make me a morning person after all.    I'm trying to get everything put away so it is easier for Chris to clean tomorrow.   I think our guest room may become a staging area for our move.  I found some silverware and a few other kitchen items on clearance at Home Goods.

Well, enough blogging for one day.  Got to move on and finish up strong....or look at another magazine.

1 comment:

Etta said...

Belated happy anniversary - September must be the month! Me parents mark their 56th and I think that might be the gift of a tube of arthritis rub. 😉