Saturday, September 27, 2014

On My Mind

Having a lazy Saturday is always welcomed.  Roy went to Bible study this morning and then ran to the grocery store for a few things.  Meanwhile at home I was doing laundry and going through drawers gathering clothes to take to KCM.  As the summer season ends, those clothes that I didn't wear or give a thought to go out the door.  There is a little more incentive this season because of the whole NC home thing.  As we decide what furniture will be moved up there and as we consider where it will be used, that helps the motivation to sort and send.  Seems to be on my mind a lot...what will be moved.

As dear readers of Monablog know, I am not a craft type person.  I do my artful journalling thing but I don't consider it a craft and besides I'm not good at it anyway.  So I picked up a magazine on my trip that has a craft thing that seems simple enough, simple enough even for this all thumbs person.  We were heading over to Hobby Lobby to have a couple of prints framed, so we picked up a new glue gun and a hole punch while we were there.  Then we made a trip over to Katy Hardware to get the other supplies.  I loved that Roy took the magazine in with us and read each item to the man that was helping us.  The man helping was an older gentleman and he was curious what I needed welding rods for, so we showed him the magazine.   As we finished picking up the last few items Roy read the last item on the list.  He asked, where do you keep your twill ribbon.  Both were a little puzzled thinking ah is that in plumbing or what?  I told them, I will find that at a fabric store or Hobby Lobby.  It must have been a slow afternoon there because the staff wanted to see and hear about everything.  Roy and I went to Junk Street Market and KT Antiques while we were that close by.

The birds seem rather pleased to have the person home that keeps the feeder filled.  We even have a blue jay hanging out with the doves and mockingbirds.  Yep, another bully at the feeder.  Some of these doves have been a little aggressive.  The mockingbirds were putting on an aerial show this morning which was quite enjoyable to watch while drinking coffee.

Roy is slowly but surely going through all the paperwork that has been requested.  We just have a couple of more things to send in on Monday.  We have our insurance squared away now after having to change to State Farm.  We couldn't find any Farmer's Insurance agents in the area.   The seller and I have had some lovely email conversations this week.  She is generously leaving us some of her things and she has also given us an opportunity to purchase several of her things.  We have discovered our mutual taste in artists from the area.   She also told me about the bison and camel farm on Ridgeview Road.  The view from that road is spectacular....and we have been too busy looking at the mountains to notice the 15 camels and 230 bison.   She also told me about a donkey farm in the area.  Lots and lots to take pictures of.

After lunch yesterday we headed over to Lowe's to pick up some paint cards.  We want to have the bonus room painted a soft gray and we also wanted to compare yellows for the other rooms in case we need to do more than just touch up.  Roy and I say we have North Carolina on the mind when we make a mistake or forget something.  

After the Thursday box debacle and beating myself up over taking the sentimental bait, I am doing much better.  I did the whole Biblical thing like David did and I encouraged myself in The Lord.  Again it wasn't anger at my father but anger at me for being blindsided.  So thankful that God is a loving Heavenly Father.   I have a feeling that some of those boxes had never been unpacked after my parents moved back from Georgetown.  The boxes were so old and many had been used by us when we moved into the condo in 1993.

Tonight I can't help but have the goodness and kindness of God on my mind.  

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