Friday, May 27, 2016

Friday That Feels Like A Saturday

What a lovely Friday here in the mountains, in a valley on a hill. We had a nice rain shower and the sun has broken through once again. Roy is cutting up strawberries and watching The A Team. Our day began early with a termite inspection that ended up costing us nothing. Seems like termites here are not what we are used to in the Houston area. They mainly treat the ground here and if we wait till the winter to do this preventitive measure, it will not cost as much if they did it right now. Mike the Mower Man stopped by to talk about the railings for the stone stairs and we discovered he does do the work like we need done on the slope near the road that has weeds, trees and whatever else growing again. Roy was estatic not to have to weed eat today. Thus, freeing him up to cut strawberries or something. We moved the swing stand to the back deck, finished up tearing cardboard to recycle and then headed out for errands. We stopped for lunch in the midst of errand running. On our way home we decided to stop at this little ice cream shop that looks like the 1950's on the outside. I got a cone and Roy a milkshake. Very nice reward for a day's work.

I keep thinking of the hundreds of reasons why we love this area. This week I have had delightful conversations with complete strangers. On Wednesday, Vivian and I went to Valle Crucis and the surrounding area. We stopped for lunch at The Italian Restaurant in Newland. Oh my, delicios food and we encountered an older couple with a special needs adult child. We chatted away like old friends. Earlier in the week while choosing a cantelope, a lady who was doing the same thing handed me a cantelope and told me it was a good one. I insisted she keep it for purchase but she had retired from the grocery business and owning produce stands, she knew her fruit. I always smell them but she showed me a few other tricks of the trade when it comes to cantelope purchasing.

Roy and I had a quick lunch at The Moose Cafe yesterday. Always a good thing to stop for some veggies for me and a burger for him. We stopped at the peach orchard on our way and got some of the first South Carolina peaches of the season. Roy has already had some but I think they need another day to soften up. We stopped by to see our friends Inez and Cumin and made a peach delivery. We brought peaches to Bill and Vivian when we went to their house for dinner last night. I do believe produce stand season has begun.

We have made our plans for tomorrow and they are feeling fun. Oh yes, and getting all our chores done. Roy cleaned the water filter for the well today so just a few more have to dos like changing the batteries in smoke alarms and changing out the air filters.

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