Saturday, December 30, 2017

But Tonight I Rest

In the words of Ray's Weather we are beginning a week of memorable cold waves that this area hasn't experienced in quite some time. Well, there you go. The year I decide to stay for winter...although for the most part I like cold temps. Single digit, not too much. Driving home this evening the sun setting behind the mountains painting the clouds with a pinkish hue also had fog and mist rolling off the northern range of mountains that met me on the river road. Happy to be in the house, nice and warm with a computer and a cat on my lap.

Yesterday, was quite the jam packed day, even some adventure. Roy had rearranged and then cleared out the garage on Thursday. We gathered all that along with some gatherings of my own from inside the house to make a jaunt down to the dump. We were extra careful with the bags because we were using the rental car. Mission accomplished. We knew SequishShawn would be ready between 2:00-4:00, so we gassed up the car, stopped at a Veterinary office to see about getting Buddy's records transferred and setting up steroid shots for her. Since we were so close to the new Twisted Laurel location, we ate lunch there. It was delicious.  We returned home and moved a bit of furniture. Nothing too dramatic but sitting near a window sometimes can be downright chilly. So for the rest of these cooler months we have taken care of that and it doesn't look too bad but it is not a keeper of an arrangement. We stopped pretty much in mid moving because we needed to go over to the body shop and get the truck. There were a lot of merits to driving a smaller car but no one would ever be able to  sit in the backseat with us in the front. Easier to park that's for sure but we missed SequishShawn. He looked great especially after the wash, so then it was over to Enterprise to return the car. Since Roy doesn't do much driving up here I was a little nervous even with GPS he might not find his way and he has heard me mention many times how narrow the roads can be. He got to experience all of that first hand yesterday. After we were in the truck we decided to drive up to Johnson City to go to the Kroger right off the freeway. Now I have mentioned that Roy can get turned around now and then, well he was in charge of the GPS cause once you are rolling you cannot program a new address in the Toyota. He got us all turned around and we went through the campus of East TN State and found ourselves at the busy Kroger that we have gone to before. I wasn't too happy with this turn of event. I was kind of cranky by last night. We decided to go to the other Kroger but first a stop at Barnes and Nobles, since we were that close. It was a good stop cause we had coupons. If I ever miss driving in city traffic, the Tri-Cities area is the place to make that happen. There is about 600,000 people in the area. Lots of traffic and every restaurant parking lot filled to capacity.  Since you never know until you go, the other Kroger was a bit sketchy. I probably won't return there. So, we got home close to 9:00 pm. Maybe even out past curfew....

Tonight, I arrived home after dark and didn't see the Feral Fam, so I figured I didn't have to fix them dinner tonight. I was wrong because they were sitting down in the backyard looking into the window at me. So I hustled up some grub for them, got them fed and gave them a few treats, came in the house, fixed my supper, gave Buddy some treats and now even though I have lots to do to get ready for Doug and Megan's visit, I'm done. I'll have to work extra hard tomorrow but tonight I rest.

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