Thursday, December 28, 2017

Things Like Phone Calls and Cat Watching

What a fun and full day of nothing out of the ordinary. The last of the Christmas decorations awaited their destination to the garage and the outside lights on the front porch awaited their packing and destination until next year in the garage. The new storage bins we got yesterday are just what we needed and all those good intentions of cleaning out other storage boxes of Christmas stuff were just that, good intentions. So maybe next year. We bought new wreaths this year and are stymied by their storage container. Yes, we know there are wreath carriers and storage but we are hoping to find something else that will work.

We did get out this afternoon to run an errand and have some Mexican food for lunch. We got some queso to go only for comparison sake of some we bought last week at another restaurant in another location in the chain. Really! How can you trust an establishment that calls queso cheese dip? The portions too tiny for what they are charging. that as it may, the queso is good, I mean bueno....I mean the cheese dip is good.

I had a wonderful surprise phone call this morning. My long time, good friend, Marty called to catch up and visit. We have known each other since the 7th grade in Mr. Crittenden's history class. We became friends in high school. We have laughed at lot through the years and we have commiserated only briefly. We both hope we have helped each other in our walks with the Lord.  So, she was finishing up on the treadmill when she called. We are hopeful for a visit out here soon either with Beth or with her sister Vicki or just Marty... Roy says with different friends throughout the years he senses that these friends and I have our own set of language and I believe he is correct. The sentences flow fast and the volume increases, words grow shorter and succinct. Marty has listened a lot through the years on subjects that had been way over talked and over processed...but she encouraged the good path and walk when I wanted to throw in the towel and walk away. Uh, I'm talking math here. She and Beth helped and prayed me through a passing grade in basic algebra my junior year. Math and I do not have a good relationship and I am thrilled that Roy has a wonderful relationship with all things math and math related.

Happy to have a new printer and even happier to have the styrofoam that came with the box. We put it to good use today, the styrofoam, that is. We took more blankets and styrofoam up to the tent of meeting for the Feral Fam. MJ and Camo made a quick zip out of the tent before we got there. Roy put in the new insulation and added the blankets and towels. It looked like they have been using the tent to keep warm but I don't think they use it at night to sleep. I remembered two small rugs that were going to Salvation Army, got those out and placed one in front and one to the side of the tent. Roy is calling the tent the Tent on Catmore Estate. We brought out more food and they came on down to the backyard to eat. Last night I believe I saw their father, the orange cat, cleaning out one of the food dishes. It just so happens I had read an article on the chromosomes for cat colors and most orange cats are male and most calicoes are female. I also hope he wasn't here for a conjugal visit. No hanky panky please under the boardwalk, I mean deck or in the tent. Roy is enjoying the display the kittens put on as they play. This evening as I did my turn down service...I mean left some cat treats on the steps, Cali let me get kind of close and MJ finds me a bit interesting. Mama Cat makes a move and they obey. I hadn't seen Camo all day but she, orange and black so must be a female since male cats cannot carry both those colors in their chromosomes, was at the food dish after dark finishing up the leftovers.

Well, there are things to do and books to read. I could go watch some football with Roy...but other than the LSU game and the top four, not too interested this year. That could change in a few days as we greet 2018.

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