Two days into a long holiday weekend and there have been ups and downs, highs and lows. I took a vacation day on Thursday and the timing was perfect. Wednesday had been one LONG day. My original plans were to run errands on Thursday morning and then go out to Peggy's retirement reception at her school. Upon awakening I realized the morning would be better spent just hanging out around home and taking it easy. Only managed to get to the grocery store, but it was enough.
My phone was on vibrate and missed three calls Thursday morning, two of which I was happy to go to voicemail. Why these loved ones insist on putting me in the middle is beyond me. The past few years I have voiced my opposition to this "vaulted" position and yet there is an insistence from both parties. So on my way out to Mustang, I spent the majority of time on the phone with one of the loved ones. Basically it gets down to this, they want me to do relays of messagesback and forth to the other loved one and it is not my job. It wouldn't do one bit of good. The low, the continuation of these phone calls. The up, I stayed calm. Never upset just tired from keeping the conversation forward leaning. I arrived at Mustang early and used that time in the lobby to read and regain peace of mind. Good timing to have that little respite and Dena and I hit the road to celebrate Peggy.

The theme of the party for the 5 who are retiring was "Oh the Places You'll Go" and the books were there to sign for each retiree.

This is Miss P and Peggy. They have taught and coached together for a long time. In fact Miss P could have retired last year, but she waited for them to be able to retire together. Debbie is Peggy's partner in crime at school and in Katy. When I walked in Peggy yells out, this is Nancy, she is my partner in crime!!! Then when Dena came in Peggy yells out, this is my Sunday School teacher.

After the reception Peggy, Bill and Jaime took us on a tour of the school and Peggy's wonderful office off the dressing room. Nothing like the smell of sweat, tennis shoes and damp towels to bring back a lot of good memories of playing volleyball in high school.
Then we all ate at Hasta la Pasta and Bill, yes Bill, regaled us with some really funny stories. He was on a roll. Bill and Peggy headed home and Dena and I headed to the Katy Mills Mall. I had a coupon for Polo and Roy has been asking me to buy him some new dress slacks. Only found one pair but I found some Ralph Lauren sheets deeply discounted and difficult to pass up.
I will have to post later on other happenings from the weekend, but wanted to share Peggy's great happiness and joy to be retiring from work, but continue living a fun and full life. I am so happy to share my friend with you tonight.
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