Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday Randomness

The past few days have been cool ones here in Houston. They are not to be long because warmer temps are coming in right behind these last cool temperatures. Saturday afternoon I walked around the neighborhood and I was accompanied by brisk breezes which were much more bearable on the sunny side of the street rather than when walking in shade. We have a loose screen we must get fixed. The wind from Ike loosened it and now when the wind blows it sounds as a northerner is coming in aiming right at our bedroom.

My mom got to go home on Saturday. The Dr she could not get in to see during the week came and did a procedure Friday night in her room. Now to get through this week. My dad has an appointment with a new cardiologist on Thursday. We are praying that meds will take care of his problem because he seems a little too anxious for surgery.

Roy got to go to two games at the College Classic at Minute Maid Park. On Saturday he had to go into the office and be there by 8:00 because of the rodeo parade. His office is on the fourth floor and faces Louisiana Street. So he was up close and personal to see the parade.

I skimmed through Velvet Elvis again on Saturday. That is a good book and I had forgotten that.

After church Roy and I went to Lupe's to celebrate his birthday. It must have been the cold weather but Lupe's was already near capacity when we arrived. On most Sundays we've been there it has never been quite this crowded. We were in one of those small rooms with only 3 tables in it and the largest table was occupied by some computer geeks who did not have inside voices. It has difficult to have any conversation and it seemed our conversation sometimes was directed by the computer guys. If they talked about flying, we talked about that. When they talked about projects, we talked about Roy's projects. I was happy to see them leave because they lingered after their lunch. But, we left right after them and went on an exciting adventure to Lowe's. One half of Roy's closet, the rod fell and we needed to replace it. We went to get an eight dollar rod and came out of their with $90.00 worth of stuff. That's what happens when we go to Lowe's. None of it was wasteful spending. And because of this very thing I can almost predict we will not have a hurricane this year. I am preparing a hurricane readiness box. Have we ever done this, no. So far in our box is two battery operated fans, tons of D batteries, 2 lanterns and a bunch of smaller LCD lights. Oh and I almost forgot the all important duct tape.

I am looking forward to working out this morning. Bunko is tonight and that is always a blast.


Jennifer said...

I am not a baker either; I was really hoping the yeast would be in the baking aisle. You can do it!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you and Roy got to spend some time together during busy and stressing times...great weather for neighborhood walks, ballgames and Loew's! Thanks for the book i need to go to amazon and look for reviews!!! I'm imaginning (sp?)you having great fun at Bunko tonight now that a few burdens are lighter~

jené said...

Nancy, have you forgotten you have your own personal closet designer at your service? As an added incentive elfa is on sale.

Lauren said...

That is so funny: if we have a hurricane kit, there will be no hurricane. I am siding with you on this one.

Anonymous said...

hoping you are okay and wondering if you have read Macrina Wiederkehr?