Monday, May 4, 2009

Any Daniels Out There Who Want to Interpret My Dream?

Last night I finished reading an article in a New Yorker magazine about two women who left a comfortable life on the East coast and went to Colorado for a year to teach school in a mountain community. The article written by the great granddaughter of one of the women, who also is an editor at the New Yorker, wrote how that one year in the early 1900's affected the women and the community where they taught. Actually, teaching school was secondary and just a early 20th century eharmony. A town lawyer thought this would be a great way to get single women to come out so far in the West to meet all the eligible ranchers and cowboys looking for a wife. After finishing the article I thumbed through the rest of the magazine and actually started reading about alligators and snakes in Florida, and the problem they present. I didn't get too far in the article when it occurred to me, if I read about snakes right before bed, I am going to dream about them. So I put that magazine down and picked up my Bible. I wisely stayed away from Adam and Eve and the snake story in Exodus.

The combination of reading about snakes, studying end time prophecy in Sunday School, and eating a small bowl of popcorn before bed all played a part in the story I am about to tell.

Here's the dream. Roy and I were watching a documentary at my parent's home, not where they live now, but where we lived while growing up. The documentary was about this huge snake that ate a baby bear cub and the mother bear tearing through the snake to rescue her baby. By the way in the dream, this bear was owned by Madonna. Yea...I know... Anyway, after watching the documentary I went to the back part of the house where my little girl bedroom was and I came upon one of those big snakes. I am scared and trying to get rid of the snake. So I call out Roy's name and he comes. He picks up the snake in a way where it can't bite him and tells me this is the only safe way to carry a snake. He takes it to the backyard to kill it. Of course I am relieved only to notice there is another smaller snake and it is almost dead. I try to pick it up how Roy showed me and I accidentally touch the bottom fang of the snake. I throw it down and break its jaw, but it is still moving toward me. I am madly calling out Roy's name and he answers back after each panicked call for help, "just a minute." I can see him looking through his brief case. In the dream I begin to shut the bedroom door so that the half dead snake can't bite me. It is at this critical point in the dream where in real life Buddy who is sleeping on my arm just happens to move one of her back paws and the tip of her nail goes into my arm. In the dream the snake bites me at the critical point of Buddy's nail touching my arm. The end result is my blood curdling scream that wakes me up, scares Buddy half to death and she races off the bed, and Roy wakes up. In a math formula it would look like

Dream + Buddy's nails+scream-Roy's casual attitude toward the scream =all of us wide awake at 5:00am.

Roy casually gets out of bed, stretches and says, oh good I wanted to get up at 5:00 am, thanks for waking me up. He heads to the bathroom. As he walks away I said to him, you know I had a bad dream and my scream is what woke you up. He replies, "I thanked you for waking me up."

When he returns, Buddy is at the end of the bed frightened and won't even come near me. I tell Roy my dream and then I started laughing. Just think, if Roy had wanted to sleep another 10 minutes, he might have reached over and hit my head like a snooze alarm. It took awhile for me to go back to sleep and yes, I slept with the light on. I didn't think there were snakes in the room, but I was concerned that if Buddy got over her fear of me and my scream, what if she touched me again in my sleep? The result wouldn't be good for either one of us.

Now I ain't no Nebuchadnezzar but are there any Daniels out there?


Unknown said...

hahahaha. this post made me laugh out loud!

Anonymous said...

I'm no Daniel, but maybe a Pearl will do.
You have been concerned about the children you've been reading about in Melissa's blog. Maybe the baby bear is the children, the Momma bear represents the people who are trying to rescue them, the snake represents the evil that is trying to destroy them. You want to help Momma bear by getting rid of the evil snake and you have your hero, Roy get rid of the snake...but then there's the snake's baby and you realize your helplessness to rid the evil by yourself when you try to get rid of the baby snake. more snake stories and popcorn before bed.

Erin said...

I have no idea, but I can relate to the feeling of waking up in a bit of a panic and wondering, what in the world made my brain come up with that? I got very excited when I saw your comment on my blog... Troy and I would love doing dinner with y'all!!