Thursday, May 21, 2009

Oh I Don't Know, it Depends

I'm getting the timing of Walgreen's prescription counter down. Normally, I just go through the drive through but I thought there might be a discrepancy on one of my prescriptions, so I went inside. I tried this yesterday but the line was so long and each person seemed to have issues with prescriptions that wasn't going to be solvable in a short amount of time. I left and thought another time might just be the thing. It seems that the older set descend on the Walgreen's right after what they might perceive as the lunch rush. So between 1:30-2:30 go to Walgreen's and then go to dinner and be back home by 5:00. You see I am picking up the patterns they weave so well.

Today, I am coming home from my massage and feeling all nice and relaxed. What better time to hit the Walgreen's. I noted I was earlier than my previous attempt. Only one person in front of me and she couldn't decide if she was going to take all the prescriptions they had for her. When it was my turn at the counter, I happened to glance back and the line had increased in a matter of minutes so it was a long line behind me of yes, you guessed it, old people. Old people with no patience and loud voices. Fortunately, I didn't have any issues with my prescriptions after all and it was a clean, timely transaction.

Why am I writing this because in the week of interesting and different people encounters, I had another sighting of a bad clothes decision. I have written before of so many odd and inappropriate outfits that some of the older set seem to wear. Today an older couple were dividing up duties at the Walgreen's. The lady had the man stand in line for prescriptions, while she gathered up some other things so they could check out together. When she turned to go down the aisle, I saw the bad decision. She had on a knit pair of workout shorts, cut very short, so there was a whole lot of leg showing, bad legs showing. But, that didn't really get my attention, it was this; under those short, tight knit workout shorts she had on a big ole pair of Depends! Not only was there a whole lot of bunching up going on, there was a whole lot of swishing noise going on as she walked. It had to be pretty loud because I had the hard of hearing behind me yelling conversations at one another. Yep, cross it off the list of bad clothing decisions to remember as I age, no white pants, no tight knit shorts when wearing Depends.


FitzandMolly said...

This is absolutely awful. Just awful.

We had an elderly gentleman who would jog the track in the CLC for many years. He walked much faster than he jogged, and I have to give him props for working out so faithfully - he was in great health for his age. The problem was that he would wear short shorts and then he was finally asked to wear spandex under the shorts. Even so, it was still yucky.

LynnAnn said...

haha! That story made me laugh right out loud! I bet that was quite a sight!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

I needed a good laugh...Thanks

MartyH said...

Oh my! I am sure that was not a pretty sight or sound! Only you, Nancy. You have the most interesting encounters in life.