Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December 1 - Bring on the Holiday Peppermint Deluge

Wow, how can it be December 1? Tasted my first and it won't be my last M&M Mint Chocolate. They are so good! Yesterday, I had my first creme brullee latte, won't be my last. Even now I am thinking of making a trip to the SB drive through to get another non fat creme brullee latte with whip. You make the concessions somewhere and non fat is mine. We were gifted with some peppermint bark. Oh yea, we loves the peppermint at our home. It's that time of year when peppermint becomes the candy, food, and drink of choice. Oh, I cannot forget the peppermint chocolate chip shake at Chicky. Peppermint is in the food pyramid and in all four food groups.

Bought the book Blind Side because we liked the movie so much. So far, the book is good. Interesting in how movies take a different glance at things. Anyway, should be finished reading it by the end of the week.

With my head cleared out from a medically induced fog, I have realized how anti social I have been in the past few years. Oh, still out and about, but this week it is becoming all too obvious for me. Also been a lot quieter, some will be missing me on Ultram, others may welcome the old me back with welcome arms. Roy is mixed on the subject. It takes me much longer to go to sleep now and my mind is going 90 to nothing. I woke him up about five minutes after going to bed, thinking he was still awake, with about ten questions. He wasn't thrilled. He thinks if I watch TV instead of reading that causes my mind to rev up. Nope...nothing controlling it now medicinally. It's a wild fun ride, well it is for me.

Ordered some more stuff from the Vermont Country Store. Those Yankees really like canned food. They have canned ground beef just in case you might run out...in a can. I really wanted to order some to try it out, but the picture didn't move me. Now I did order stuffed tomatoes and some bacon...in a can. Will see what all this Yankee canned food stuff is all about. Got Roy some mince meat pies for Christmas. It seems to me that is just a perfectly good waste of crust. Also ordered some vanilla Moon Pies and more pumpkin seeds. Those seeds are so good and a tad bit addictive.

How's Christmas shopping coming along for everyone? Have a few gifts knocked out but still have some to go. Think Roy is going to check on a new TV for the living room for our Christmas. He is taking off next week, so I need to give him some projects. One is getting our 80's white couch, a stripped chair and ottoman and a queen size mattresses and bed frame moved out. Hopefully, we can get Salvation Army to come by and pick those up. We are making a lot of headway in our getting rid of clutter project. Also as we contemplate whether we are going to move or not, if we do move, less to move. If we don't...clutter free zone.

If you are looking for something to read after the holidays to give you a bit of a boost, I cannot recommend Stand Against the Wind by Erwin McManus, enough. It is a gift sized book and the selections are taken from his book Uprising, a Revolution of the Soul. It is one of those books where you can take in just about one sentence at a time. I pulled out the book to add one of my favorite quotes to my Facebook status for Thanksgiving. The opportunity to look through the book again was such a total refreshing. So, the New Year begins with taking this book apart and studying the scripture it teaches from for me.

Well, hot tea is calling my name. I always think I will sit by the window in Roy's big comfy chair with a book and some hot tea. I always forget the hot tea and then it's January and summer is just a few days away. Hot tea doesn't interest me then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

as a "bona fides" yankee i must glumly say i've never heard of canned meat...but do they sell quahogs?????? they make a mean pie which you might think is another wastes of pie crust.... thanks for the laugh...have fun shopping and simplifying!!p.s. i'll bet i'm just "too young" to have heard of the canned meat!!! ha! don't i wish!