Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Morning of Cardiologist, Target and La Fiesta

All in all I think my appointment went pretty good this morning. The reason mall parking lots aren't crowded...they are all at Memorial City Hospital Professional Building Parking Garages. There were quite a few Santa helpers directing traffic up to the top floor. Good, that is where I park anyways. No offense to those of you who own Crown Victoria's, Grand Marquis and let's not forget mini vans; I don't want to wait or fight or have parking lot rage with any of these slow pokes in these particular kinds of cars. Makes it very simple top of the garage and Dr on the top floor of the building. My good looking periodontist has moved into the building. I discovered that when I went for lab work. I was very, VERY tempted to see if he is still soooo good looking.

My good news from my appointment, I have lost 6 more pounds. Surprised me because I announced to the nurse before stepping on the scale, I have gained weight. So a total of 76 pounds in a year and a half. Need to lose more, but I'm not complaining over that number. I don't have any bad news, just iffy news. My anxiety attacks, nagging fatigue and the problems I have been having at night might indicate, along with the Dr hearing this with his stethoscope, there may be some fluid building up in my lungs. It could be caused by something being wrong in my heart. So, I went to a lab and gave them a bunch of blood. The little storage tubes had green tops. So with my red blood it was very festive! The Dr said, somethings are going on inside of you that you may not know about. Then I told him that last week Stacey did reflexology and she mentioned some congestion or fluid in my lungs. I'm so glad she did that because this did not catch me by surprise. I will know more when they get the reports back. I am praying that it is nothing and that there is nothing wrong with my heart. Hope you will join with me in praying and believing for that very same report.

Keeping with the instructions of keeping stress levels low, I went across the street to Target. Actually it looked worse than what it was. I dreaded check out but that was the simplest part. Getting a cart was the adventure. Then loading the car was adventure land in the cold. Roy still has a Christmas gift for me in the trunk, so I had to load everything into the backseat. Had to make a deposit at the bank and then picked up Roy for lunch. We went to La Fiesta and really liked it. La Fiesta is going on our dining list of regular stops. And here is an awesome thing about the La, there is hand made jewelry at the check out counter. It is downright beautiful. I called Dena and said, I have found us another place to eat and there is shopping at the end of a delicious dinner. How totally cool is that? We came home and now Roy is off to Moeller's, Comcast and some place else, I don't remember. He joined BSF last night and is really excited by the homework. We are so opposite!

Our furniture for Salvation Army didn't get moved today. Now they are coming Saturday. That kind of put a change in our plans for other things we need to get done. Oh well...I take it that we needed to keep all this week a bit more simple than we had planned. Guess I will take it that I need to nap this afternoon. I will after I send an email to Sister Judiann. I'm going to ask her if I can put her picture on my blog. Happy Napping!


Amanda said...

Praying for your heart!

FitzandMolly said...

praying for you. singing "merry christmas darling" in my head. heaven help me, i don't know why.

Marty H said...

praying for you too, Ms Nancy!

the p's said...

nancy! you're just as funny as ever. I pray that the report comes back well. :)

love, jaclyn

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!