Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Eve Day 2009 - a Holiday Tip Included

Roy just got in from shopping. It is his tradition to shop for my gifts the morning of Christmas Eve Day. He told me one of them is going to knock my socks off. He never says stuff like that. Anyway, he also did the grocery shopping at Kroger's this morning and has gone out to the car for the second load. It seemed that we didn't need all that much since we are picking up food from Black Eye Pea this afternoon and taking it over to my parents to celebrate Christ's birth. But Roy must be planning his brunch extravaganza for tomorrow. He is cooking and preparing Christmas brunch for us. I'm kind of excited to see all he has planned. We are reversing the order of how we usually celebrate Christmas. Parents today and us tomorrow.

I included this picture of Mildred and Gertrude preparing our famous Spam Turkey. I hope you can see how beautiful it is. Just mix up some Spam like you would meatloaf. Then shape the Spam into a turkey shape. Stick an apple and celery in. Also add the chicken legs with the little white leg topper thing and you have a delicious and very presentation oriented dish. OK, it's not delicious but if you don't want to have Christmas next year at your house or better yet just be asked to bring the paper goods or bread for Christmas lunch, just make this ONE time. Look at all the free time you'll have right before the holidays!

I will probably be back on here before Christmas is over but just in case I'm not:



Grami's girls said...

Merry Christmas!

Ali said...

Your spam turkey does look good, and tempted as I was, the supermarkets here just didn't sell enough spam for me to create a bird the size I needed to feed the family, so I had to go with a real bird. Pity.