Saturday, November 2, 2013

Autumnal Awe

What a beautiful day!  I keep trying to find reasons to be outside and I'm getting really near to weed the back flowerbed again.  Only, I know better than to do that kind of stuff when Roy is not around.  But the bird feeder is clean again and the bird bath could use a once over.  It shouldn't be angry birds, it should be messy birds.  Roy has taken Buddy to the vet for her annual check up and her monthly mani/pedi.  She is not a happy camper but she should be happy that she is not being left to be a camper.  This year when we go out of town we have a house/Buddy sitter.  Buddy won't have so much PTSD when we and she come home from our respective trips. 

I was so productive yesterday.  I got a lot done that I have been procrastinating on doing.  Dena and I had planned a day of shopping yesterday but electrical work and microwave adjustment drew the day out, so we didn't hit the road until 6:30.  We did the first most important thing, eat dinner.  We drove over to Tony's to fuel up for shopping.  There was only time to go to World Market and Whole Foods afterwards, but it was fun.  The World Market in Houston was just plain old weird, but the one out here is stocked full of interesting items from all around the world sans the strange customers.  When I went there on Tuesday, one of the sales clerks kind of creeped me out.  She just seemed to be everywhere I went in the store and had a comment for everything I was looking at.  I was waiting for her to ask me, "Are you my mother?"  She was just trying to be helpful but it was a bit over the top.  She wasn't there last night, phew...!  Then Dena and I went to Whole Foods so she could get some gingerbread scones to take to Baytown for her mother.  I also introduced her to peeled oranges.  Before going into Whole Foods we walked into a rain shower that showed up unexpectedly and didn't stick around.  It still is a wonder to see rain on a continuous basis. 

Going to go support local shops this morning.  Lots going on and one of the best parts of fall; falling back is tonight.  This is the beginning of the best time of year with evening arriving earlier and the temps arriving a bit cooler.  This is the short span of the year I don't mind cooking because I am a fan of fall foods.  The sunrises and the sunsets are spectacular in color.  We have one tree on the green space whose leafs are actually turning into fall colors.  It's exciting!   Most of the Halloween decorations have been put away in our neighborhood.  Now is the time to focus on Thanksgiving, not just the holiday but the very act and joy of being thankful.  Thankfulness cures a lot of what ails us. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad I clicked over to read this post, Nancy! I would have completely forgotten to get my extra hour of sleep :)

Enjoy this fall(ish) day! My favorite part is that the red cups are back at Starbucks. Yum!