Thursday, December 12, 2013

Faith and Humor...Makes Life Good!

The day began at 5:30 am.  Now, I know for some of you that is sleeping in but for this retired gal, it can be considered the middle of the night.  Peggy and I had a Mildred and Gertrude thing across town and we weren't quite sure how long it would take us to get there, we wanted to err on the side of caution.  We did arrive early but we ran through script lines sitting in the parking lot.  It has been a little over a year since we've done one of these.  We've had invitations but the timing didn't fit with our schedules.  We were asked to do one other one during the holidays, but I told the person asking us that there would be someone in attendance that didn't like Mildred and Gertrude and because this person had some say in the program, they should run it by them.  I pretty much put that one out of my mind because there were red flags all over the place and just as I anticipated, the person was not pleased about including us in the program.  I think this was the first time that this had ever happened in our twenty five years plus of doing M&G.  There are times when I regret accepting an invitation but usually once we get on the stage, my regrets are few.  I remember years ago doing something for a senior adult church group.  A gentleman came up to me afterwards and said, see these tears?  I responded yes...  He then began to tell me that he had recently become a widower and he almost didn't come because his wife loved these get togethers.  He thought it might be too much for him but he came.  He pointed to those tears and said, these tears are the first tears of joy I have cried in several months.  He was so appreciative of our humor and giving him some reprieve from the months of grieving his wife's passing.  Today an older woman came up to me and said she had seen us one time before at a retreat and we had been the best thing about the whole retreat.  Truthfully, I don't like costumes and I get bored sometimes with M&G, but it is these moments that energize my spirit.  It is more about encouraging someone and not being the funniest person in the room or stealing the thunder of someone who wants to be the funniest person in the room.  I truly realize that humor is a gift from the Lord and He uses us however He might be inclined to.  Today was a blast and so much fun.  It was a smaller group and it is so fun to be able to interact with the audience.  Now after my delicious lunch of pimento cheese, I feel a nap coming on. 

Recently I have been a little more consistent in feeding the birds.  The doves hang out by the feeder and my guard mockingbirds still visit as well, but there have been a few different species of birds coming over for the good stuff.  There is a little, tiny bird out there now and it hasn't given up since several of the doves keep trying to chase him off.  The little bird quit trying to eat at the feeder but discovered all the seed that drops to the ground while birds pick and chose the type of seed they want to eat.  That little fella was one happy bird.  He ate and danced around, hopping with wild abandon as falling seed hit him.  I am too entertained with these birds. 

We re-upped on our two nuns we have adopted.  We got the kindest note from them the other day.  It is on my bucket list to meet our adopted sisters one day face to face.  We "met" our nuns by attending Late Night Catechism in Chicago.  Their order Sisters of the Living Word were the recipients of the  money collected for their ministry after the show.  Love Late Night and love our nuns. 

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